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数据分析与知识发现  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (2/3): 93-104
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1南通大学医学院 南通 226001
2南京大学信息管理学院 南京 210023
Research on User Roles Based on OHCs-UP in Public Health Emergencies
Qian Danmin1,2(),Zeng Tingting1,Chang Shiyi1
1Medicine School, Nantong University, Nantong 226001, China
2School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
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【目的】 探索突发公共卫生事件下在线健康社区发展态势,构建基于TOPSIS熵权法帖子热度评价模型,并运用用户画像定义用户角色。【方法】 对丁香园论坛中疫情相关的帖子进行爬取,获得4 972条有效数据,运用TOPSIS熵权法对帖子热度进行排序,然后采用因子分析法降维,最后基于K-means聚类构建用户画像。【结果】 在疫情期间,丁香园用户发帖集中于考研、新闻热点、心情驿站、预防医学4大版块;利用用户画像将用户分为高影响力用户、专业型用户、长期用户、高产量用户、高潜力用户、机构类用户、强互动型用户等7大类。【局限】 由于丁香园网站只显示爬取的最新的14页网页数据,导致构建的数据集规模较小,且尚未进行不同在线健康社区的横向比较。【结论】 精准的用户定位有助于了解用户群体间的差异、准确把握突发公共卫生事件下用户的具体需求,从而为社区在类似事件下开展工作提供更多依据和建议。

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关键词 突发公共卫生事件在线健康社区用户画像TOPSIS熵权法K-means聚类分析因子分析    

[Objective] To explore the development trend of online health communities under public health emergencies, the paper constructs a post popularity evaluation model based on Topsis approach, and uses user portraits to define user roles. [Methods] Crawling the posts related to the epidemic situation in Dingxiangyuan, obtaining 4,972 pieces of valid data, using the Topsis entropy method to rank the popularity of the posts, then using factor analysis to reduce the dimensionality, and finally constructing user portraits based on K-means clustering. [Results] During the epidemic, Dingxiangyuan users posted posts in four major sections: postgraduate entrance examination, news hotspot, mood station, and preventive medicine. We used user portraits to divide users into 7 categories, such as high-influence users, professional users, long-term users, high-volume users, high-potential users, institutional users, and strong interactive users. [Limitations] Because the selected website only allows crawling of the first 14 pages of data, the data set constructed is small, and the horizontal comparison of different OHCs has not been performed. [Conclusions] The research shows that accurate user positioning helps to understand the differences between user groups and accurately grasp user needs during public health emergencies, so as to provide more evidence and suggestions for the community to carry out work under similar incidents.

Key wordsPublic Health Emergencies    OHCs-UP    TOPSIS    K-means    Factor Analysis
收稿日期: 2021-08-31      出版日期: 2022-04-14
ZTFLH:  G350  
通讯作者: 钱旦敏,ORCID:0000-0002-9686-289X     E-mail:
钱旦敏, 曾婷婷, 常侍艺. 突发公共卫生事件下基于在线健康社区用户画像的用户角色研究*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2022, 6(2/3): 93-104.
Qian Danmin, Zeng Tingting, Chang Shiyi. Research on User Roles Based on OHCs-UP in Public Health Emergencies. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(2/3): 93-104.
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Fig.1  用户群体画像标签体系
Fig.2  丁香园用户兴趣研究流程
自然属性 指标含义 赋值
身份等级 空值 0
普通站友 1
丁香园准中级站友、骨干站友 2
丁香园中级站友 3
丁香园助理版主 4
丁香园版主、丁香园荣誉版主 5
丁香园荣誉超版、丁香园管理员 6
认证信息 空值 0
认证机构号、官方账号 2
论坛信息 空值 0
某科认证学生 1
版主助理、骨干站友 3
达人、版主 4
荣誉版主 5
Table 1  用户身份信息赋值
文章标题 得分 版块
丁香园上线疫情地图,帮你实时了解新型肺炎最新进展! 0.016 新闻热点
2020调剂指南(院校调剂缺额见1353楼,中国医名额已出) 0.008 考研
最新!武汉同济、武汉协和同时发布新型冠状病毒肺炎快速诊疗指南! 0.005 新闻热点
武汉两名医生被新型肺炎患者家属打伤,防护服被撕扯致重度职业暴露 0.004 新闻热点
初试擦线,复试逆袭上岸,分享一下经验 0.003 考研
某医院公示抗疫一线补助,掀起轩然大波院领导大大超过一线医护 0.003 新闻热点
离正月初十还有一天,这场战争胜负过了正月就能揭晓了 0.003 预防医学
抗新冠日记(一个住院医师的每日随写) 0.003 心情驿站
晒通知书,找校友!你收到研究生录取通知书了吗? 0.003 考研
抗“疫”日记—我与“疫情”最近的一次 0.003 心情驿站
Table 2  帖子热度榜前10结果
成分 初始特征值 提取平方和载入 旋转平方和载入
合计 方差百分比 累积% 合计 方差百分比 累积% 合计 方差百分比 累积%
1 4.336 33.351 33.351 4.336 33.351 33.351 2.099 16.147 16.147
2 1.954 15.029 48.379 1.954 15.029 48.379 1.949 14.996 31.143
3 1.390 10.692 59.071 1.390 10.692 59.071 1.917 14.749 45.892
4 1.018 7.835 66.906 1.018 7.835 66.906 1.322 10.168 56.060
5 .883 6.793 73.699 .883 6.793 73.699 1.279 9.835 65.894
6 .825 6.345 80.044 .825 6.345 80.044 1.153 8.870 74.764
7 .702 5.399 85.443 .702 5.399 85.443 1.006 7.737 82.501
8 .613 4.713 90.155 .613 4.713 90.155 .995 7.654 90.155
Table 3  方差累积贡献率>90%的成分提取表
成分 因子
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
身份等级 .233 .130 .095 -.041 -.055 .881 .156 -.094
认证信息 .145 .154 -.006 .507 .130 -.521 -.005 -.507
论坛信息 .261 .157 .114 .242 .073 -.110 .180 .789
角色信息 .134 .075 .122 .028 .031 .143 .950 .135
发帖量 .051 .919 .111 -.048 -.087 -.008 .079 .003
回帖量 .245 .303 .850 .010 -.098 .106 .147 .034
专栏/专题 .021 .079 .068 .910 .117 -.052 .030 .163
关注 .953 .076 .177 .040 .067 .104 .079 .101
关注数 .953 .079 .191 .033 .067 .103 .089 .091
粉丝数 .086 .071 .053 .104 .931 -.093 .031 .008
获赞数 .121 .768 .290 .228 .308 .130 .027 .105
被浏览数 .173 .132 .928 .081 .207 .016 .039 .080
被收藏数 .079 .559 .355 .317 .455 .102 -.019 .159
Table 4  旋转因子载荷矩阵
指标 成分
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
x1 .009 -.023 -.081 .237 .008 .890 -.021 -.244
x2 .162 .081 -.027 .331 -.068 -.387 .174 -.618
x3 .047 .024 -.081 .060 -.083 -.201 .001 .831
x4 -.091 -.041 -.046 -.033 .045 -.082 1.062 -.100
x5 .013 .695 -.188 -.215 -.216 -.180 .050 -.035
x6 -.046 -.026 .554 -.039 -.226 -.063 .037 -.088
x7 -.087 -.146 -.020 .888 -.174 .235 -.056 .088
x8 .536 -.026 -.099 -.047 -.016 -.038 -.084 -.012
x9 .533 -.026 -.088 -.056 -.014 -.045 -.070 -.027
x10 -.008 -.103 -.081 -.216 .891 -.014 .076 -.057
x11 -.043 .400 -.069 .026 .113 .105 -.084 .023
x12 -.109 -.224 .666 -.045 .070 -.069 -.067 -.019
x13 -.094 .186 .041 .108 .255 .150 -.137 .087
Table 5  因子得分系数矩阵
Fig.3  肘部法则结果图
类群 样本数量 占比
1 2 0.139%
2 1 326 92.083%
3 37 2.569%
4 5 0.347%
5 25 1.736%
6 44 3.056%
7 1 0.069%
Table 6  用户群聚类结果
Fig.4  7类用户发文词云图(顺序由左到右增加)
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