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数据分析与知识发现  2023, Vol. 7 Issue (12): 64-74
  研究论文 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
1南京邮电大学管理学院 南京 210003
2南京邮电大学物联网学院 南京 210003
3江苏高校哲学社会科学重点研究基地—信息产业融合创新与应急管理研究中心 南京 210003
Event Detection Model Based on Semantic Information Fusion
Wei Jianxiang1(),Lu Qian2,Han Pu1,Huang Weidong1,3
1School of Management, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210003, China
2School of Internet of Things, Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Nanjing 210003, China
3Key Research Base of Philosophy and Social Sciences in Jiangsu-Information Industry Integration Innovation and Emergency Management Research Center, Nanjing 210003, China
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关键词 事件检测信息抽取多语义融合门控线性单元图卷积神经网络    

[Objective] This paper aims to improve the accuracy of event detection tasks by fusing semantic information. [Methods] First, we stored the non-relational semantic information with an initial word vector and encoded them with the Bi-LSTM model to aggregate their contexts. Then, we developed a relation graph based on relational semantic information. Third, we used a multi-scale convolutional neural network to capture the spatial information from the adjacency matrix and fuse it with the word vector. Finally, we built a Gate-GCN model to aggregate relational semantic information between adjacent word vectors to enhance their representation ability. [Results] We examined the new model with the ACE05 benchmark dataset. Our method’s F1 value reached 76.3%, which was 1.2% higher than the existing mainstream models. [Limitations] The proposed model needs to be validated with general datasets. [Conclusions] Fusion of multiple types of semantic information can effectively improve the event detection performance.

Key wordsEvent Detection    Information Extraction    Multi-Semantic Fusion    Gated Linear Unit    Graph Convolutional Neural Network
收稿日期: 2022-05-30      出版日期: 2023-03-30
ZTFLH:  TP391  
通讯作者: 魏建香,ORCID:0000-0001-9052-9212,。   
魏建香, 陆谦, 韩普, 黄卫东. 基于多语义信息融合的事件检测模型*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2023, 7(12): 64-74.
Wei Jianxiang, Lu Qian, Han Pu, Huang Weidong. Event Detection Model Based on Semantic Information Fusion. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 7(12): 64-74.
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S1:North Korea’s military may have fired a loser at a U.S helicopter.
North Korea’s military
Entity types
North Korea’s military
Event arguments
Event type:Attack
Table 1  包含多类语义信息的事件检测例句
Fig.1  基于多语义信息融合的事件检测模型结构
Fig.2  关系图与邻接矩阵
超参数名 参数值 超参数名 参数值
初始词向量维度 100 批量大小 30
事件要素向量维度 100 最大句子长度 50
实体类型向量维度 25 Bi-LSTM层数 1
关系类型向量维度 50 GCN层数 2
Bi-LSTM隐藏层维度 100 学习率 0.1
GCN隐藏层维度 200 偏置项参数α 5
Table 2  模型的超参数设置
网络层 FLOPs Params
CNN 9.02MMac 22.55k
Bi-LSTM 6.07MMac 301.6k
Gated-GCN 11.6MMac 52.75k
Table 3  模型复杂度分析
模型 P/% R/% F1/%
Cross-entity 72.9 64.3 68.3
MaxEntropy 74.5 59.1 65.9
PSL 75.3 64.4 69.4
DMCNN 75.6 63.6 69.1
JRNN 66.0 73.0 69.3
ANN 78.0 66.3 71.7
GCN-ED 77.9 68.8 73.1
JMEE 76.3 71.3 73.7
SELF 71.3 74.7 73.0
本文 76.0 76.7 76.3
Table 4  模型性能对比
特征组合 P/% R/% F1/%
词向量表示: [ w ]
关系表示: [ d e p _ r ]
69.7 70.6 70.1
词向量表示: [ w ; ? s ]
关系表示: [ d e p _ r ]
71.1 74.1 72.5
词向量表示: [ w ; ? s ; ? a ]
关系表示: [ d e p _ r ]
76.6 73.5 75.0
Table 5  不同特征组合的性能比较
模型 P/% R/% F1/%
Bi-LSTM+GCN 76.6 73.5 75.0
CNN+Bi-LSTM+GCN 77.0 74.3 75.6
Table 6  融合空间信息的模型性能
模型 P/% R/% F1/%
CNN+Bi-LSTM+GCN 77.0 74.3 75.6
CNN+Bi-LSTM+Gated-GCN 76.0 76.7 76.3
Table 7  使用Gated-GCN的模型性能
Fig.3  基于8个大类分类的混淆矩阵
Fig.4  基于34个小类分类的混淆矩阵(部分)
Fig.5  基准模型的测试结果混淆矩阵
Fig.6  本文模型的测试结果混淆矩阵
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