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数据分析与知识发现  2024, Vol. 8 Issue (6): 82-94
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中国人民公安大学信息网络安全学院 北京 100038
Hypergraph-Based Rumor Detection Model Integrating User Propagation Bias Information
Peng Jingjie,Gu Yijun(),Zhang Lanze
College of Information and Cyber Security, People’s Public Security University of China, Beijing 100038, China
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关键词 谣言检测节点嵌入用户传播倾向信息超图多层双级多头注意力机制    

[Objective] This paper aims to construct a tweet interaction hypergraph-based rumor detection model that integrates user propagation bias information to improve the accuracy of rumor detection. [Methods] A rumor detection model named UPBI_HGRD is proposed. The model integrates the user propagation bias information when obtaining the tweet node embedding representation, and constructs hyperedges based on user IDs to form a hypergraph that can reflect the interactive relationship of tweets. In addition, this paper proposes a tweet node-user hyperedge level multi-layer dual-level multi-head attention mechanism to focus on important tweet relationships, so as to effectively learn the embedding representation of nodes, and finally input it into a classifier to judge whether it is a rumor or not. [Results] The experimental results on three publicly available datasets show that the accuracy of the model reaches 94.57%, 97.82% and 94.76%, respectively, which is better than the existing baseline model, and has an excellent performance in early detection of rumors, which proves the effectiveness of the model. [Limitations] The limitation of the model in this paper is that the process of obtaining the tweet embedding representation that integrates the user propagation bias information and constructing the hypergraph has a certain time overhead. In the future, further research will be done to improve the time efficiency of the model. [Conclusions] The proposed method effectively improves the accuracy of rumor detection and provides a novel approach to identifying online rumors.

Key wordsRumor Detection    Node Embedding    User Propagation Bias Information    Hypergraph    Multi-layer Dual-level Multi-head Attention Mechanism
收稿日期: 2023-06-07      出版日期: 2024-01-08
ZTFLH:  TP183  
通讯作者: 顾益军,。   
彭竞杰, 顾益军, 张岚泽. 融合用户传播倾向信息的超图网络谣言检测模型*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2024, 8(6): 82-94.
Peng Jingjie, Gu Yijun, Zhang Lanze. Hypergraph-Based Rumor Detection Model Integrating User Propagation Bias Information. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2024, 8(6): 82-94.
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Fig.1  UPBI_HGRD模型结构
Fig.2  基于用户ID构造超图
数据集 推文传播子图总数 谣言事件数量 非谣言事件数量 节点总数 边总数 事件平均时间跨度/h
Politifact 314 157 157 41 054 40 740 21 094
Gossipcop 5 464 2 732 2 732 314 262 308 798 4 633
Weibo 2 078 1 039 1 039 279 177 277 099 1 096
Table 1  数据统计
模型 Politifact Gossipcop Weibo
准确率/% F1值/% 时间/ms 准确率/% F1值/% 时间/ms 准确率/% F1值/% 时间/ms
Bi-GCN 77.38 77.27 1 363 87.04 86.91 15 102 89.67 89.60 13 516
GNN-CL 68.78 68.65 234 94.22 94.20 1 973 85.93 85.79 1 665
GCNFN 81.45 81.33 113 92.42 92.38 1 526 90.36 90.33 1 396
UPFD-SAGE 82.81 82.72 122 95.87 95.85 1 317 92.79 92.68 1 209
HGAT 82.80 82.71 5 667 OOM OOM OOM OOM OOM OOM
HGNN 81.89 81.78 1 161 93.27 93.23 10 565 90.08 89.96 8 945
UPBI_HGRD 94.57 94.56 336 97.82 97.79 3 648 94.76 94.71 2 898
Table 2  Politifact、Gossipcop和Weibo数据集谣言检测实验结果
模型 Politifact Gossipcop Weibo
准确率 F1值 准确率 F1值 准确率 F1值
w/o UPBI 85.97 85.95 95.54 95.49 91.57 91.48
w/o MLDMHA 84.16 84.08 95.30 95.26 90.89 90.78
UPBI_HGRD 94.57 94.56 97.82 97.79 94.76 94.71
Table 3  消融实验结果对比/%
Fig.3  Politifact、Gossipcop和Weibo数据集上早期检测实验结果
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