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数据分析与知识发现  2024, Vol. 8 Issue (5): 80-90
  研究论文 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
1哈尔滨工业大学互动媒体设计与装备服务创新重点实验室 哈尔滨 150001
2哈尔滨工业大学计算机科学与技术学院 哈尔滨 150001
Identifying Critical Nodes of Collaboration Networks Based on Improved K-shell Decomposition
Zhang Dayong1(),Men Hao2,Su Zhan1
1Key Laboratory of Interactive Media Design and Equipment Service Innovation, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
2Faculty of Computing, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
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【目的】 针对关键节点集识别算法中广泛存在的退化性问题,提出一种以半局域中心性为基础的改进型K-shell分解算法。【方法】 算法根据节点一阶邻居信息构建半局域中心性指标,在考虑剩余节点的半局域信息和已移除节点的半局域信息基础上,通过递归移除方式确定最终的关键节点集。【结果】 6组实际合作网络数据实验表明,改进的K-shell分解算法能够有效消除原有算法中的退化性问题,具有较高的计算准确性和较低的计算复杂度,适用于大规模合作网络中关键节点集的识别。【局限】 受网络结构属性的影响,在部分样本网络中计算准确性低于介数中心性方法。【结论】 通过对改进的K-shell分解算法计算所得的核心节点集的有效保护,能够提升合作网络的稳定性,有利于合作网络目标的实现。

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关键词 合作网络分解算法关键节点集计算复杂度    

[Objective] This paper proposes an improved K-shell decomposition algorithm based on semi-local centrality, aiming to address the degradation issue of critical nodes identification. [Methods] First, we constructed a semi-local centrality index based on the nodes’ first-order neighbor information. Then, we determined the final key node set by recursive removal, with the semi-local information of the remaining and removed nodes. [Results] We examined our algorithm with six groups of cooperative networks. It could effectively eliminate the degradation issue of the original algorithm with high computational accuracy and low computational complexity. [Limitations] Due to the influence of network structures, the calculation accuracy of some sample networks was lower than that of the betweenness centrality algorithm. [Conclusions] The new algorithm can improve the stability of the collaboration network and identify key node sets in large-scale practical networks.

Key wordsCollaboration Network    Decomposition Algorithm    Critical Nodes    Computational Complexity
收稿日期: 2023-05-22      出版日期: 2024-03-15
ZTFLH:  TP393  
通讯作者: 张大勇, ORCID:0000-0001-9122-2220, E-mail:。   
张大勇, 门浩, 苏展. 一种基于改进K核分解的合作网络关键节点集识别方法*[J]. 数据分析与知识发现, 2024, 8(5): 80-90.
Zhang Dayong, Men Hao, Su Zhan. Identifying Critical Nodes of Collaboration Networks Based on Improved K-shell Decomposition. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2024, 8(5): 80-90.
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Fig.1  K-shell算法和IKs算法执行过程比较
Network n m <k> L LCC C β t h
AstroPh 18 772 198 110 21.107 4.194 17 903 0.677 0.015
CondMat 23 133 93 497 8.083 5.352 21 363 0.706 0.045
CA-GrQc 5 242 14 496 5.531 6.049 4 158 0.687 0.059
HepTh 9 877 25 998 5.264 5.945 8 638 0.600 0.079
NetScience 1 589 2 742 3.451 5.823 379 0.878 0.144
Jazz 198 2 742 27.697 2.235 198 0.633 0.026
Table 1  6组合作网络的基本结构
Fig.2  IKs算法与三种代表性算法在真实网络上的传播结果比较
Fig.3  在不同攻击策略下网络脆弱性指数和最大连通分量变化情况
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