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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2008, Vol. 24 Issue (4): 56-60    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2008.04.11
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The Analysis on the Characteristics of Blog Group and its Evolution Mechanism
Wang Jiandong 1,2   Wang Jimin1   Tian Feijia1
1(Department of Information Management, Peking University,  Beijing 100871,China)
2(Lianyungang Teacher’s College Library, Lianyungang 222000,China)
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Taking Chinese blog groups as the object, this paper reveals the characteristics of blog groups and their evolution mechanism. Then the authors establish a complex network based on the relathonships of the common-member in blog groups. Finally, the authors propose an evolving model of the blog groups complex network. The simulation results based on this model are in quite good agreement with the empirical statistical results.

Key wordsBlog group      Complex network      Degree distribution      Evolving model     
Received: 30 November 2007      Published: 25 April 2008


Corresponding Authors: Wang Jiandong     E-mail:
About author:: Wang Jiandong,Wang Jimin,Tian Feijia

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Wang Jiandong,Wang Jimin,Tian Feijia. The Analysis on the Characteristics of Blog Group and its Evolution Mechanism. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2008, 24(4): 56-60.

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