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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2010, Vol. 26 Issue (7/8): 58-65    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2010.07-08.11
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Research on Retrieval and Reasoning of Ultra-Large-Scale OntoThesaurus
Zeng Xinhong1,2  Huang Huajun2  Lin Weiming1
1(Shenzhen University Library, Shenzhen 518060, China)
2(College of Computer and Software, Shenzhen University,Shenzhen 518060, China)
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This paper makes a research on the implementation of network-based retrieval and reasoning about Ultra-Large-Scale OntoThesaurus, and the proposed solution has successfully applied to the realization of the CCT1_OTCSS, which is a co-construction and sharing system of an Ultra-Large-Scale Ontology named CCT1_OntoThesaurus. This paper proposes the structure of Lucene index based on the idea of triple “subject, predicate, object” of the RDF, and validates the feasibility of implementing efficient retrieval, terminology services and reasoning based on the Lucene index of Ultra-Large-Scale OntoThesaurus. The solution can be reused for several Ultra-Large-Scale Chinese thesauri most widely used in China at present, implementing quickly Ontology-oriented upgrading, networked co-construction, sharing and dynamic updating for them, and also has a reference value for other large-scale knowledge organization systems (thesauri, Ontology, etc.) in the form of XML, RDF or OWL at home and abroad.

Key wordsLucene      Ultra-Large-Scale OntoThesaurus      Ontology retrieval      Reason      Index     
Received: 29 June 2010      Published: 19 September 2010



Corresponding Authors: Zeng Xinhong     E-mail:
About author:: Zeng Xinhong Huang Huajun Lin Weiming

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Zeng Xinhong Huang Huajun Lin Weiming. Research on Retrieval and Reasoning of Ultra-Large-Scale OntoThesaurus. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2010, 26(7/8): 58-65.

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