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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2012, Vol. 28 Issue (6): 89-93    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2012.06.15
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Design and Implementation of New Books Noting Personalized Recommendation System Based on Circulation Logs
Li Gaohu1, Gao Song1, Tang Xiaoxin2, Cao Hongbing2, Tang Qiuhong3,4
1. Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Assets Management Co., Ltd, Beijing 100876, China;
2. Guangxi University Library, Nanning 530004, China;
3. Management School, Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632, China;
4. Xingjian College of Science and Liberal Arts, Guangxi University, Nanning 530005, China
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Abstract  Based on circulation logs of library automation systems, the paper builds a data warehouse using the method of cluster analysis in SPSS data mining tools, and mines the classification modes between readers and books. By the classification result sets of new books personalized recommendations, new books are recommended to readers who are interested in. The paper also takes MELINETS II as an example, designs and achieves the application of the personalized recommendation system.
Key wordsCirculation log      New book noting      Personalized services      Data mining     
Received: 22 March 2012      Published: 30 August 2012



Cite this article:

Li Gaohu, Gao Song, Tang Xiaoxin, Cao Hongbing, Tang Qiuhong. Design and Implementation of New Books Noting Personalized Recommendation System Based on Circulation Logs. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2012, 28(6): 89-93.

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