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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2014, Vol. 30 Issue (7): 17-23    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2014.07.03
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The Study on Automatic Mapping of Category Between Chinese Library Classification and DDC
Zhang Aimin1, Jia Junzhiz2, Hao Qianqian3
1. Computer Engineering Department, Shanxi Polytechnic College, Taiyuan 030006, China;
2. School of Economics and Management, Shanxi University, Taiyuan 030006, China;
3. Yong Cheng City Experimental Senior High School, Yongcheng 476600, China
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[Objective] Study the problems of automatic mapping aiming to realize integrated retrieval, browsing,downloading information cross regions and language through classification inter operation.[Methods] Discuss semantic similarity algorithm considering characteristic sets, category matching rules and semantic relation based on artificial mapping data.[Results] Prove that 80% categories are the same as the results of artificial mapping in the experiment.[Limitations] The similarity of categories based on characteristic sets, is short of matching of semantic operation. Alsois only in the field of science, it is necessary to apply in other fields in the future.[Conclusions] The algorithm is considering comprehensively category names, notations, subject vocabularies, and semantic relations which define connotation and denotation of concepts, comparing to the existing limitation of relying solely on the category names matching method.

Key wordsChinese Library Classification      DDC      Category matching      Automatic mapping     
Received: 21 March 2014      Published: 20 October 2014
:  G254.1  

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Zhang Aimin, Jia Junzhiz, Hao Qianqian. The Study on Automatic Mapping of Category Between Chinese Library Classification and DDC. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2014, 30(7): 17-23.

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