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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2018, Vol. 2 Issue (12): 1-11    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2018.0452
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Analyzing Interdisciplinarity and Scientists’ Academic Impacts
Li Dong1, Tong Shouchuan1, Li Jiang2()
1Department of Information Resource Management, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, China
2School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
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[Objective] This paper explores the relationship between the scientists’ interdisciplinary knowledge and their academic impacts. [Methods] First, we collected 200 candidates from the 2016 National Natural Science Foundation Outstanding Youth Program and their articles indexed by the Web of Science. Then, we retrieved interdisciplinary co-authorship and citation data. Third, we used Brillouin’s index as a measure of interdisciplinarity and h index as a measure of academic influence. Finally, we calculated the correlation coefficients between interdisciplinarity and academic influence. [Results] We found no significant correlation between inter-disciplinary collaboration and academic influence except for the field of biology, and no significant correlation between interdisciplinary citations and academic influence except the areas of medicine or biology. [Limitations] Deciding a scientist’s discipline based on his/her affiliation might be biased. [Conclusions] A scientist’s interdisciplinary collaborations and citations are not necessarily correlated to his/her academic influence.

Key wordsInterdisciplianry      H Index      Brillouin’s Index      Collaboration Interdisciplinarity      Citation Interdisciplinarity      Correlation Analysis     
Received: 26 April 2018      Published: 16 January 2019
ZTFLH:  G250  

Cite this article:

Li Dong,Tong Shouchuan,Li Jiang. Analyzing Interdisciplinarity and Scientists’ Academic Impacts. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2018, 2(12): 1-11.

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学部 跨学科合作与H指数的
地学部 -0.083
工程与材料科学部 0.168
管理学部 0.252
化学学部 -0.131
生物学部 0.541**
数学物理学部 0.394
信息学部 0.351
医学学部 -0.225
学部 相关系数
地学部 0.127
工程与材料科学部 0.237**
管理学部 0.042
化学学部 0.288**
生物学部 0.377**
数学物理学部 0.205**
信息学部 0.262**
医学部 0.452**
学部 相关系数
地学部 -0.052
工程与材料科学部 -0.099
管理学部 -0.046
化学学部 0.049
生物学部 0.181**
数学物理学部 0.002
信息学部 0.072
医学学部 0.241**
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