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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2018, Vol. 2 Issue (10): 46-53    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2018.0812
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Early Warning for Civil Aviation Security Checks Based on Deep Learning
Feng Wengang1,2,3(), Huang Jing2,4
1School of Criminal Investigation and Counter Terrorism, People’s Public Security University of China, Beijing 100038, China
2Research Centre for Civil Aviation Security, People’s Public Security University of China, Beijing 100038, China
3Police Science Postdoctoral Research Station, People’s Public Security University of China, Beijing 100038, China
4Public Security Bureau, Civil Aviation Administration of China, Beijing 100710, China
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[Objective]This paper proposes a hierarcical classification screening method, aiming to improve the airport security system and passenger experience. [Methods] We proposed a feature deep learning method based on the civil aviation and public security databases. Then, we trained the deep neural network of three layers: time seriers, space seriers, and environmental features to obtain the joint representing feature of passenger risk factors. Finally, we generated the early warning models for passenger security check. [Results] The proposed early warning models could relieve the pressure of civil aviation security check. [Limitaions] More research is needed to examine the proposed model with data from small airports. [Conclusions] The early-warning model based on deep learning could effectively improve work efficiency of airport security checks and passanger experience.

Key wordsCivil Aviation Security      Questionnaire Survey      Deep Learning      Flight Warning     
Received: 22 July 2018      Published: 12 November 2018
ZTFLH:  G359 D631  

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Feng Wengang,Huang Jing. Early Warning for Civil Aviation Security Checks Based on Deep Learning. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2018, 2(10): 46-53.

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序号 旅客信息风险预警项 xi得分 ${{\alpha }_{i}}$赋值
X1 公安相关重点人员 200 1
X2 编造、故意传播涉及民航空防安全虚假恐怖信息 150 1
X3 在航空器内盗窃他人物品 150 1
X4 使用伪造、变造或冒用他人乘机身份证件、乘机凭证 150 1
X5 随身携带或托运国家法律、法规规定的危险品、违禁品和管制物品的; 在随身携带或托运行李中故意藏匿国家规定以外属于民航禁止、限制运输物品 100 1
X6 堵塞、强占、冲击值机柜台、安检通道、登机口(通道) 50 1
X7 妨碍或煽动他人妨碍机组、安检、值机等民航工作人员履行职责, 实施或威胁实施人身攻击 50 1
X8 强行登占、拦截航空器, 强行闯入或冲击航空器驾驶舱、跑道和机坪 50 1
X9 在航空器内使用明火、吸烟、违规使用电子设备, 不听劝阻 40 1
X10 强占座位、行李架, 打架斗殴、寻衅滋事, 故意损坏、盗窃、擅自开启航空器或航空设施设备等扰乱客舱秩序 30 1
X11 其他 30 1
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