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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2020, Vol. 4 Issue (7): 76-86    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2020.0071
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Extracting Key-phrases from Chinese Scholarly Papers
Xia Tian()
Key Laboratory of Data Engineering and Knowledge Engineering of Ministry of Education,Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China;School of Information Resource Management, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China
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[Objective] This paper propose a new method to extract key-phrases from Chinese scholarly articles, aiming to provide concept representation at phrase level for academic text mining.[Methods] First, we introduced the cohesion and freedom concepts to measure the internal tightness of phrases and free collocation ability of boundary words. It helped us compute the authority of bi-word phrases. Then, we merged our list with phrases extracted by position-weighted method. Finally, the TopN elements were retrieved as the final key phrases.[Results] We examined the proposed PhraseRank method with Chinese academic papers, and found its precision, recall and R-MAP values were significantly higher than those of the traditional WordRank algorithm. Among them, the R-MAP value increased by more than 128%.[Limitations] Our method could not identify key phrases with three or more words.[Conclusions] The keyphrases extracted by PhraseRank, which are more consistent with manually labeled results than keywords, effectively describe characteristics of Chinese scholarly papers.

Key wordsKey-phrase Extraction      Academic Text Mining      TextRank      Word Graph     
Received: 01 February 2020      Published: 25 July 2020
ZTFLH:  G353  
Corresponding Authors: Xia Tian     E-mail:

Cite this article:

Xia Tian. Extracting Key-phrases from Chinese Scholarly Papers. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2020, 4(7): 76-86.

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Implementation Process of Keyphrase Extraction
Word Graph Snippet from Abstract Text
Demonstration of Bi-word Phrase Recognition
构词数量 平均字符长度 出现次数 占比 累计占比
1 3.34 20 303 28.07% 28.07%
2 4.33 39 028 53.95% 82.02%
3 5.95 10 005 13.83% 95.85%
4 7.46 2 142 2.96% 98.81%
5 9.48 476 0.66% 99.47%
6 10.55 218 0.30% 99.77%
7 12.65 79 0.11% 99.88%
8 15.59 37 0.05% 99.93%
9 17.07 14 0.02% 99.95%
10 16.18 22 0.03% 99.98%
其他 - 13 0.02% 100.00%
Key Phrase Statistics in the Dataset
P, R and F Comparison of PharseRank and WordRank
MAP@N of Two Algorithms
算法 MAP@3 MAP@5 MAP@7 MAP@10 R-MAP
WordRank 0.070 0.083 0.087 0.091 0.077
PhraseRank 0.164 0.188 0.201 0.211 0.176
MAP@N and R-MAP Comparison of WorkRank and PhraseRank
文档标题 人工标记 WordRank PhraseRank
面向安全教育的儿童阅读推广研究 图书馆, 儿童阅读推广, 安全 儿童, 推广, 阅读 儿童, 阅读推广, 教育
图书馆电子书馆配研究 馆配市场, 电子书馆配, 图书馆 电子书, 图书馆, 文献 图书馆电子书, 文献, 市场
国外基于情感角度的信息搜寻行为研究进展 情感, 认知, 信息搜寻行为 情感, 信息, 搜寻 情感因素, 影响信息, 搜寻
试析大数据在电子文件管理中的应用 大数据, 电子文件管理 文件, 电子 电子文件, 文件管理
虚实融合的图书馆空间互动服务模式研究 图书馆, 实体空间, 虚拟空间 图书馆, 空间, 服务 图书馆空间, 服务模式, 互动服务
Extract Samples from Documents (R-AP=0)
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