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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (5): 115-126    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2020.1263
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Optimizing Automatic Question Answering System Based on Disease Knowledge Graph
Li He,Liu Jiayu(),Li Shiyu,Wu Di,Jin Shuaiqi
School of Management, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China
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[Objective] This paper optimizes one existing question answering system, aiming to provide a more accurate disease knowledge query tool for the public. [Methods] Based on the disease knowledge graph, we obtained the disease symptom entities with the help of AC algorithm and semantic similarity calculation. Then, we categorized users’ questions with manual annotation and AC. Finally, we encapsulated the matched words into a dictionary, which was converted to database query language to retrieve relevant answers to the questions. [Results] We examined our new system with the Chinese medical question and answering data set. It had an average accuracy of 86.0% by answering five types of questions on COVID-19, which is higher than the existing Q&A system. [Limitations] There are many missing values of data on “checkup” and “infection”, which affects the performance of our new system. [Conclusions] The optimized automatic question answering system is an effective knowledge retrieval tool for epidemic related diseases.

Key wordsKnowledge Graph      Q&A System;      COVID-19      System Optimization      Aho-Corasick     
Received: 21 December 2020      Published: 08 March 2021
ZTFLH:  G250  
Fund:The work is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No)(71974075);the Graduate Innovation Fund of Jilin University(Grant No)(101832020CX060)
Corresponding Authors: Liu Jiayu     E-mail:

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Li He,Liu Jiayu,Li Shiyu,Wu Di,Jin Shuaiqi. Optimizing Automatic Question Answering System Based on Disease Knowledge Graph. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(5): 115-126.

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The Framework of Disease Knowledge Graph
The Optimization Framework of QA System Based on Disease Knowledge Graph
疾病 别称 传染性 信息来源 医学专科 检查项目 症状 药物 病因
新型冠状病毒肺炎 COVID-19;
有传染性 百度百科 发热门诊;
核酸检测 恶寒发热或
莲花清瘟胶囊(颗粒)… 冠状病毒感染
Disease Data Sheet (Partial)
实体类型 中文含义 关系类型 中文含义
Disease 疾病 —— ——
Symptom 症状 HAS_SYMPTOM 有症状
Part 发病部位 PART_IS 部位是
Department 医学专科 DEPARTMENT_IS 科室是
Drug 药物 HAS_DRUG 有药品
Entity and Relation of COVID-19 Knowledge Graph
属性类型 中文含义
age 发病人群
infection 传染性
checklist 检查项目
treatment 治疗
cause 病因
resource 信息来源
alias 别称
Property of COVID-19 Knowledge Graph
COVID-19 Knowledge Graph(Partial)
Word Cloud of Question Classification
问题类别 类别特征词
科室类 什么科, 科室, 挂什么科,哪科,什么科室
症状类 症状是什么,有什么症状, 哪些现象,表现是什么,哪些征兆,有什么表现,哪些症状
病因类 发病原因是什么, 什么原因导致的, 原因是什么, 什么原因, 导致, 病因是什么,怎么造成,怎么引起
传染性 传染吗, 是传染病吗, 会不会传染, 是否传染,会不会感染
检查类 什么检查, 怎么诊断, 检查什么,化验什么, 怎么检查, 怎么确诊
Results of Manual Annotation
问题类别 准确率/% 召回率/% F值/%
科室类 91.42 96.82 94.04
症状类 95.36 61.80 74.99
病因类 98.21 93.22 95.65
传染性 97.73 91.49 94.51
检查类 93.36 93.78 93.57
Results of Question Matching
Results of Question and Answering
问题类 测试问句数/条 答案正确数/条 准确率/%
科室类 30 29 96.7
症状类 30 28 93.3
病因类 30 26 86.7
传染性 30 22 73.3
检查类 30 24 80.0
Evaluation Results of QA in COVID-19 Dataset
问题类型 测试问句数/条 答案正确数/条 准确率/%
检查类 30 27 90.0
症状类 30 25 83.3
Evaluation Results of QA in Diabetes Dataset
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