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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (8): 45-53    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2020.1302
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Continual Learning for One-to-many Entity Relationship Generation with Small Samples
Jiang Yaren,Le Xiaoqiu()
National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
Department of Library, Information and Archives Management, School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
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[Objective] This paper tries to recognize the one-to-many entity relationship instances (such as inclusion relation,coordination relation) from sentences using small amount of samples, aiming to realize continual learning with new data. [Methods] First, we generated the one-to-many inclusion and coordination entities from sentences using LaserTagger. Then, with the help of position embedding and weighted loss,our model captured more features with limited data. Finally, the model achieved continual learning by model compression and expansion. [Results] Our approach’s SARI was 1% better than those of the baseline models in all tests. The model compression and expansion can effectively retain the learned knowledge on previous data and the SARI was about 16.92% higher than the performance of baseline models. [Limitations] More research is needed to examine the proposed method with more complex data sets. [Conclusions] Our study could effectively identify entity relationship with small amout of training data from different categories.

Key wordsEntity Relation      Text Generation      Small Samples      Continual Learning     
Received: 28 December 2020      Published: 15 September 2021
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Corresponding Authors: Le Xiaoqiu ORCID:0000-0002-7114-5544     E-mail:

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Jiang Yaren, Le Xiaoqiu. Continual Learning for One-to-many Entity Relationship Generation with Small Samples. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(8): 45-53.

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The Model Framework
The Compression and Expansion of the Model
类别 核心句式特征 例句 一对多实体关系实例
1 E1 include E2, E3 Fuzzy-logic system includes of a fuzzifier, membership functions, fuzzy rule base, inference engine and defuzzifier. Fuzzy-logic system (fuzzifier; membership functions; fuzzy rule base; inference engine; defuzzifier)
2 E1 consist of E2, E3 In general, soft computing methods consist of three essential paradigms: neural networks, fuzzy logic, and GAs soft computing methods (neural networks; fuzzy logic; GAs)
3 E1 be composed of E2, E3 The ADM model is composed of an Eulerian model, a Lagrangian particle dispersion model, and a probabilistic Lagrangian puff model. The ADM model(an Eulerian model; a Lagrangian particle dispersion model; a probabilistic Lagrangian puff model )
4 E1 be comprised of E2, E3 The WPD is comprised of low-pass filter and high-pass filter. The WPD(low-pass filter; high-pass filter)
5 E1 such as E2, E3 He used several classifiers such as SVM, NB, DT. classifier(SVM; NB; DT)
Example of 5 Categories of Experimental Data
Batch Size 4
最大输入文本长度(max_seq_length) 128
学习率(lr) 3e-5
Dropout 0.1
隐藏层节点数 768
词向量维度 512
Model Parameters
项目 配置
操作系统 Ubuntu 16.04.12
GPU GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
内存 64GB
Python Python 3.6.10
TensorFlow TensorFlow-gpu 1.15.0
Environment Configuration
模型 类别1 SARI 类别2 SARI 类别3 SARI 类别4 SARI 类别5 SARI
BERT+Transformer 38.39% 38.50% 20.13% 23.16% 15.49%
LaserTagger 86.03% 87.35% 77.36% 78.99% 69.05%
LaserTagger+加权Loss 86.51% 89.09% 78.21% 80.66% 69.79%
本文模型(LaserTagger+加权Loss+位置编码) 87.77% 89.88% 78.91% 81.96% 70.09%
Model Performance on Small Samples
模型 类别1(SARI) 类别2(SARI) 类别3(SARI) 类别4(SARI) 类别5(SARI)
本文模型_模型不扩展 72.29% 72.91% 64.84% 63.27% 74.48%
本文模型_模型扩展 84.04% 84.24% 73.22% 80.19% 71.67%
Δ 11.75% 11.33% 8.38% 16.92% -2.81%
Continual Learning Performance
语料/方法 实例
一对多实体关系例句 The sludge train included a gravity thickener, an aerobic digester and belt filter presses, with additional power consumptions of 8 and 11.2 kW respectively.
人工标注结果 The sludge train (gravity thickener; aerobic digester; belt filter presses)
本文模型_模型扩展 The sludge train (gravity thickener; aerobic digester; belt filter presses)
本文模型_模型不扩展 belt filter presses 8; 11(2 kW respectively )
The Generation Example of One-to-Many Entity Relation Instance
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