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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (11): 102-113    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0323
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Network Structure’s Impacts on Link Prediction Algorithm from Meta-Analysis Perspective
Wu Shengnan,Pu Hongjun,Tian Ruonan,Liang Wenqi,Yu Qi()
School of Management, Shanxi Medical University, Taiyuan 030001, China
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[Objective] This paper tries to identify the main influencing parameters of the link prediction algorithms with the help of network structures and data from multiple studies. [Methods] We retrieved empirical research on link prediction from China and abroad, which include 5 papers, 22 networks, 26 algorithms and 278 studies. We used three-level meta-analysis and Bayesian network meta-analysis to explore the network structures and their impacts on algorithms’ performance. [Results] The algorithms included in our study generally had a good predictive effect MD=1.183 2 (95%CI: (1.000 5, 1.365 9)). The network density, average degree and clustering coefficient are the main factors affecting the prediction results (Pval<0.05). Katz, LHN-II, MFI, LRW, and SRW algorithms yielded better results with sparse networks and their SUCRA values were greater than 0.5. [Limitations] Our research does not include empirical analysis with large-scale data. [Conclusions] With the help of meta-analysis, our study explores the development directions for the link prediction algorithms.

Key wordsLink Prediction Algorithm      Prediction Accuracy      Network Structure      Three-Level Meta-Analysis      Bayesian Network Meta-Analysis     
Received: 01 April 2021      Published: 23 December 2021
ZTFLH:  G353  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(71804102);National Natural Science Foundation of China(71573162);Philosophy and Social Science Research Project of Colleges and Universities in Shanxi Province(2019W040)
Corresponding Authors: Yu Qi,ORCID:0000-0001-9154-0229     E-mail:

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Wu Shengnan, Pu Hongjun, Tian Ruonan, Liang Wenqi, Yu Qi. Network Structure’s Impacts on Link Prediction Algorithm from Meta-Analysis Perspective. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(11): 102-113.

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序号 网络 节点数 边数 网络直径 网络密度 平均度 聚集系数 平均(最短)距离
1 Karate 34 78 5 0.139 0 4.588 0.588 2.408
2 Train Bombing 64 243 6 0.121 0 8.812 0.711 2.691
3 Net Science 379 914 17 0.013 0 4.823 0.798 6.042
4 US Airports 332 2 126 6 0.039 0 12.807 0.749 2.738
5 Karate(unweighted) 34 77 5 0.137 0 4.529 0.574 2.426
6 Dolphins 62 159 6 0.084 0 5.129 0.290 3.111
7 Football 115 613 4 0.094 0 10.661 0.403 2.508
8 C.elegan 297 2 148 5 0.049 0 14.465 0.308 2.455
9 FWFW 128 2 075 3 0.255 3 32.422 0.335 1.776
10 Polblogs 1 490 19 025 8 0.015 0 22.436 0.360 2.738
11 Jazz 198 2 742 6 0.140 6 27.700 0.618 2.235
12 中国文学 91 163 8 0.039 8 3.580 0.570 4.160
13 历史学 24 38 2 0.137 7 3.170 0.910 1.860
14 法学 56 69 7 0.044 0 2.460 0.430 3.850
15 教育学 2 556 3 647 44 0.001 1 2.850 0.570 16.180
16 图书馆情报文献学 9 471 19 104 22 0.000 4 4.030 0.680 7.340
17 经济学 14 900 23 746 26 0.000 2 3.180 0.590 9.330
18 管理学 10 878 18 360 27 0.000 3 3.380 0.690 9.990
19 Citeseer 3 312 4 732 28 0.001 0 2.857 0.257 9.036
20 DBLP 3 119 39 516 14 0.008 0 25.339 0.259 4.199
21 Cora 2 708 5 429 19 0.001 0 4.010 0.293 6.310
22 Wiki 2 405 17 981 9 0.006 0 14.953 0.480 3.650
Network Datasets Included in the Study
主效应 k 主效应及CI 异质性检验
MD 95%CI 标准误差 I2/% Q Pval
总效应 278 1.183 2 (1.000 5,1.365 9) 0.092 8 0.333/98.77% 12 812.024 7 <0.000 1
水平2 28 1.213 4 (1.033 1,1.393 7) 0.091 6 0.108/32.14% —— <0.000 1
水平3 278 1.231 5 (1.168 9,1.294 2) 0.031 8 0.225/66.64% —— <0.000 1
Main Effects and Heterogeneity
截距 95%CI t Pval
-5.697 0 (-7.461 0,3.933 0) -6.212 0 0.000 0
Egger’s Test Results
Funnel Plot after Duval&Tweedie’s Trim-and-Fill Procedure
调节变量 回归系数 标准误差 t Pval CI
截距 0.593 0 0.323 2 1.834 9 0.067 6 (-0.043 3,1.229 2)
节点 0.000 0 0.000 0 -0.120 2 0.904 4 (-0.000 1,0.000 1)
0.000 0 0.000 0 -1.275 5 0.203 2 (0.000 0,0.000 0)
网络直径 -0.010 0 0.049 4 -0.203 3 0.839 1 (-0.107 2,0.087 1)
网络密度 -7.271 8 1.860 6 -3.908 4 0.000 1 (-10.934 8,-3.608 7)
平均度 0.034 9 0.013 8 2.522 5 0.012 2 (0.007 7,0.062 2)
聚集系数 1.297 6 0.437 0 2.969 7 0.003 2 (0.437 3,2.157 9)
平均(最短)距离 0.057 6 0.149 4 0.385 7 0.700 0 (-0.236 5,0.351 7)
Effect of Sample Size and Structural Characteristics of Network Heterogeneity
调节变量 分组
合并MD值(95%CI) 标准误差 t Q Pval 水平2方差I2/% 水平3方差I2/%
网络密度 >0.06 54 0.777 4 (0.461 9,1.093 0) 0.157 3 4.941 3 1 517.564 1 <0.000 1 0.139/38.96 0.209/58.15
≤0.06 224 1.393 7 (1.237 5,1.549 9) 0.079 3 17.580 7 10 236.787 6 <0.000 1 0.101/49.45 0.100/48.81
平均度 >10.02 98 1.136 1 (0.895 6,1.376 6) 0.121 2 9.374 8 2 736.970 8 <0.000 1 0.076/33.95 0.146/64.70
≤10.02 180 1.212 6 (0.949 7,1.475 5) 0.133 2 9.103 2 8 971.691 6 <0.000 1 0.126/30.59 0.280/68.19
聚集系数 >0.49 102 1.306 0 (0.966 7,1.645 2) 0.171 0 7.635 4 6 769.819 0 <0.000 1 0.127/26.21 0.355/73.10
≤0.49 176 1.082 5 (0.911 1,1.253 9) 0.086 9 12.463 7 3 783.386 9 <0.000 1 0.094/47.87 0.098/49.76
Hierarchical Three-Level Meta-Analysis Results
The Impact of Network Density for Prediction Accuracy of Each Algorithm
The Impact of Average Degree for Prediction Accuracy of Each Algorithm
The Impact of Clustering Coefficient for Prediction Accuracy of Each Algorithm
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