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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (12): 123-136    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0359
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Extracting Drama Terms with GCN Long-distance Constrain
Ren Qiutong,Wang Hao(),Xiong Xin,Fan Tao
School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Data Engineering and Knowledge Service, Nanjing 210023, China
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[Objective] This study proposes a new term extraction model for the intangible heritage (traditional drama), which also helps us construct a term database. [Methods] First, we analyzed the drama language characteristics from term category, semantic structure, and text length perspectives. Then, we added part of speech and domain features to the character representation obtained by the BERT-BiLSTM-CRF model. Finally, we incorporated the graph convolutional network (GCN) to the new model and captured the constraint relationship of the distant words. [Results] The F1 value of the proposed model reached 91.11%, which was 1.3 percentage points higher than the baseline BERT-BiLSTM-CRF model. [Limitations] We only retrieved the experimental data from Baidu Baike and the official website of Intangible Cultural Heritage, which should have included more free texts from other sources, more categories of drama terms, as well as the external features. [Conclusions] The proposed model and the database for traditional drama terms will help us construct the knowledge graph for traditional drama.

Key wordsTraditional Drama      Term Recognition      Graph Convolutional Network      Long-distance Constraint     
Received: 13 April 2021      Published: 29 June 2021
ZTFLH:  G122  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(72074108);Nanjing University “Special Funds for Fundamental Funds for Fundamental Scientific Research of Central Universities” Project(010814370113);Jiangsu Youth Social Science Talent Training Program
Corresponding Authors: Wang Hao,ORCID:0000-0002-0131-0823     E-mail:

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Ren Qiutong, Wang Hao, Xiong Xin, Fan Tao. Extracting Drama Terms with GCN Long-distance Constrain. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(12): 123-136.

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Conceptual Map of Traditional Drama
序号 术语类别 术语示例
1 人名 潘康泉、曹梅卿、黄玉盛
2 地点 浙江、杭州、上饶
3 剧种 新昌调腔、京剧、梆子戏
4 剧目 《贵妃醉酒》、《霸王别姬》、《三国传》
5 乐器 鼓、锣、笛
6 唱腔曲牌 山坡羊、跳板、流水
7 脚色行当 小生、青衣、花脸
Chinese Intangible Heritage Traditional Drama Term
Text Length Statistics
序号 字符 字符标签 词性标注 领域特征标注
1 B-剧种 B-noun 0
2 I-剧种 I-noun 13
3 O O 0
4 B-人名 B-noun 0
5 I-人名 I-noun 0
6 O O 0
7 O B-verb 0
Annotation Example
序号 数据 训练集 测试集
1 句子数目 21 205 2 410
2 术语总数 53 440 6 032
3 人名 8 872 835
4 地点 11 090 1 204
5 剧种 12 082 1 510
6 剧目 9 658 1 277
7 乐器 4 214 425
8 唱腔曲牌 3 082 433
9 脚色行当 4 442 348
Data Set Sample Distribution
Overall Model Structure
BERT Output Coding Structure
序号 词性 解释 示例
1 Noun 名词 高腔、新昌、调腔
2 Verb 动词 是、流传、有
3 Adjective 形容词 大、早、旧
4 Numeral 数词 个、十、百
5 Classifier 量词 批、年、句
6 Pronoun 代词 你、我、他
7 Preposition 介词 于、比、被
8 Time word 时间词 公元前
9 Noun of locality 地方名词 之内、之中
Part-of-Speech Tags
序号 领域特征字 序号 领域特征字
0 非特征字 8
1 9
2 10
3 11
4 12
5 13
6 14
7 15
Domain Characters
序号 从属词 从属词位置 支配词位置 依存关系
1 高腔 1 2 SBV
2 2 0 HED
3 中国 3 4 ATT
4 戏曲 4 5 ATT
5 声腔 5 6 ATT
6 之一 6 2 VOB
7 7 2 WP
Dependent Syntax Analysis Results
Dependency Syntax Tree Example
Out-edge Adjacency Matrix
Results of the First Set of Experiments
Results of the Second Set of Experiments
Results of the Third Set of Experiments
Results of the Fourth Set of Experiments
Results of the Fifth Set of Experiments
序号 术语类型 Precision Recall F1 score
1 人名 85.87% 89.15% 87.48%
2 地点 84.33% 93.97% 88.89%
3 剧种 90.86% 78.07% 83.98%
4 剧目 97.24% 95.48% 96.35%
5 乐器 95.16% 95.37% 95.27%
6 唱腔曲牌 93.83% 95.95% 94.88%
7 脚色行当 97.63% 98.93% 98.27%
BERT-pos-BiLSTM-GCN2-CRF Model Results
序号 术语类别 新增个数 总数 示例
1 人名 5 10 624 史若虚、鹤童
2 地点 20 2 594 潞城、平固
3 剧种 13 175 泗州戏、淮戏
4 剧目 2 9 216 桃园结义、崔子杀朝
5 乐器 3 490 小笛、低胡、鱼鼓
6 唱腔曲牌 10 922 二慢板、三慢板
7 脚色行当 1 125 小生
New Terms in the Drama Glossary
Concepts and Examples of Drama Terms
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