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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (1): 101-112    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0503
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Automatic Classification of E-commerce Comments with Multi-Feature Fusion Model
Xie Xingyu1,Yu Bengong1,2()
1School of Management, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
2Key Laboratory of Process Optimization & Intelligent Decision-making of Ministry of Education, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
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[Objective] This paper designs a text classification method based on the BERT model and multi-channel feature extraction, aiming to accurately conduct automatic classification for e-commence comments. The new model will also address the issues of polysemy and sparse information of comments from public online forums and enterprise data warehouses. [Methods] First, we used BERT's TextCNN to reduce the polysemy of Chinese words. Then, our model utilized the BERT linkage Bi-LSTM channel to capture the long-distance context semantics. Third, we used BERT's fine-tuning mechanism to adjust the word vector coding with the extracted features. Finally, the model fused the feature vectors and finished the text classification. [Results] The accuracy of the MFFMB (Multi-Features Fusion Model BERT-based) reached 90.07% on the public data sets of e-commerce comments. Compared with the popular baseline models, the accuracy of the proposed one was improved by 2.36, 8.55, 4.61 and 5.11 percentage points. Meanwhile, combining the BERT and attention mechanism improved our models' accuracy by 1.48 and 4.81 percentage points than their best baseline counterparts. [Limitations] The attention mechanism was only used with the BiLSTM channel. Future research is needed to examine our model with more data sets. [Conclusions] The proposed model could effectively improve the accuracy of text classification.

Key wordsBERT      Multi-granularity Feature Fusion Model      LSTM      Attention      Text Classification     
Received: 19 May 2021      Published: 22 February 2022
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(71671057)
Corresponding Authors: Yu Bengong,ORCID:0000-0003-4170-2335     E-mail:

Cite this article:

Xie Xingyu, Yu Bengong. Automatic Classification of E-commerce Comments with Multi-Feature Fusion Model. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(1): 101-112.

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Network Structure of MFFMB
Network Structure of BERT
Network Structure of TextCNN
Bidirectional Long Short Memory Network with Attention
实验环境 环境配置
操作系统 Windows10
IDLE Jupyter Notebook 6.0.1 + PyCharm2019
TensorFlow tensorflow_gpu-1.14.0
Keras 2.3.1
GPU GTX1660Ti(6G)
Python 3.7.4
Experimental Environment Parameters
Statistics of Categories
Statistics of Data Length
模型 准确率 损失值
BERT+BiLSTM[29] 0.815 2 0.844 7
BERT+BiLSTM+MixPooling 0.854 6 0.684 7
BERT+BiLSTM+Attention[25] 0.849 6 0.722 3
BERT+TextCNN[22] 0.877 1 0.355 8
MFFMB 0.900 7 0.278 4
Experimental Results Compared with Baseline Models
Confusion Matrix of Subdivision Results
模型 书籍 平板 手机 水果 洗发水 热水器 计算机 牛奶 衣服 酒店
BERT+BiLSTM 0.972 1 0.741 3 0.852 1 0.911 6 0.700 2 0.883 2 0.997 1 0.892 1 0.912 6 0.962 4
BERT+BiLSTM+MixPooling 0.943 4 0.832 7 0.911 7 0.932 7 0.792 4 0.872 7 0.996 1 0.854 2 0.942 3 0.991 7
BERT+BiLSTM+Attention 0.982 1 0.764 2 0.916 2 0.951 0 0.831 1 0.861 0 0.992 1 0.851 2 0.921 1 0.973 1
BERT+TextCNN 0.972 2 0.843 4 0.892 3 0.942 1 0.822 1 0.864 2 0.990 8 0.883 1 0.943 2 0.992 7
MFFMB 0.974 7 0.853 1 0.910 7 0.971 3 0.833 1 0.921 7 0.997 1 0.923 7 0.937 7 0.997 1
Subdivision Experimental Results (Precision)
模型 书籍 平板 手机 水果 洗发水 热水器 计算机 牛奶 衣服 酒店
BERT+BiLSTM 0.912 1 0.742 2 0.702 1 0.884 2 0.901 7 0.353 2 0.972 1 0.862 3 0.741 5 0.974 1
BERT+BiLSTM+MixPooling 0.964 2 0.723 4 0.722 1 0.872 6 0.892 5 0.362 1 0.997 4 0.902 3 0.782 1 0.981 7
BERT+BiLSTM+Attention 0.932 1 0.854 2 0.756 2 0.871 0 0.897 1 0.392 1 0.962 3 0.912 0 0.862 4 0.982 3
BERT+TextCNN 0.970 5 0.823 1 0.884 1 0.892 3 0.882 7 0.602 9 0.983 7 0.913 8 0.892 4 0.982 7
MFFMB 0.982 7 0.847 1 0.882 3 0.911 7 0.894 1 0.637 7 0.990 7 0.914 2 0.942 1 0.994 1
Subdivision Experimental Results(Recall)
模型 书籍 平板 手机 水果 洗发水 热水器 计算机 牛奶 衣服 酒店
BERT+BiLSTM 0.941 1 0.741 7 0.769 9 0.897 7 0.788 2 0.504 6 0.984 4 0.876 9 0.818 2 0.968 2
BERT+BiLSTM+MixPooling 0.953 7 0.774 2 0.805 9 0.901 6 0.839 5 0.511 8 0.996 7 0.877 6 0.854 8 0.986 7
BERT+BiLSTM+Attention 0.956 4 0.806 6 0.828 5 0.909 2 0.862 8 0.538 8 0.977 0 0.880 6 0.890 8 0.977 7
BERT+TextCNN 0.971 3 0.833 1 0.888 2 0.916 5 0.851 3 0.710 3 0.986 7 0.898 2 0.917 1 0.987 7
MFFMB 0.973 8 0.850 1 0.896 3 0.940 6 0.862 5 0.732 5 0.993 9 0.918 9 0.939 9 0.995 6
Subdivision Experimental Results(F1 Value)
模型 准确率 F1值 召回率
Word2Vec+BiLSTM[30] 0.753 8 0.718 9 0.687 1
Doc2Vec+BiLSTM[31] 0.800 4 0.774 2 0.749 7
BERT+BiLSTM 0.815 2 0.799 2 0.783 8
Experiments Results of BERT
准确率 准确率 F1值 召回率
Word2Vec+BiLSTM 0.753 8 0.718 9 0.687 1
Word2Vec+BiLSTM+Attention[25] 0.815 5 0.767 9 0.725 6
BERT+BiLSTM 0.815 2 0.799 2 0.783 8
BERT+BiLSTM+Attention 0.849 6 0.820 7 0.793 7
Experiments Results Attention Mechanism
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