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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (2/3): 364-375    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0945
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End-to-End Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis for E-Government Applications Based on BRNN
Shang Rongxuan1(),Zhang Bin2,Mi Jianing1
1School of Economics and Management, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, China
2Schoolof Public Administration and Law, Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes an end-to-end aspect-level sentiment analysis method based on BRNN, aiming to conduct fine-grained sentiment analysis for reviews of government APPs. [Methods] First, we built a neural network containing a two-layer BRNN structure and three functional modules. Then, we recognized the boundary and sentiment tendency of the government APP reviews, as well as extracted aspect entities. [Results] The proposed E2E-ALSA model had excellent classification and generalization ability. Its precision, recall and F1-score all exceeded 0.93. [Limitations] The model can only jointly extract explicit aspect entities, while the implicit aspect extraction needs to be performed independently. The sample size needs to be expanded. [Conclusions] The proposed method could identify the users’ emotional needs and reactions to the e-government systems.

Key wordsBRNN      End to End      Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis      E-Government Application     
Received: 31 August 2021      Published: 14 April 2022
ZTFLH:  D630  
Fund:National Social Science Fund of China(17ZDA030)
Corresponding Authors: Shang Rongxuan,ORCID:0000-0002-3914-2650     E-mail:

Cite this article:

Shang Rongxuan, Zhang Bin, Mi Jianing. End-to-End Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis for E-Government Applications Based on BRNN. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(2/3): 364-375.

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Comparison of ALSA Methods
Diagram of the Pipeline ALSA
Diagram of E2E-ALSA
Diagram of BRNN-based E2E-ALSA
输入 获得 自己 信息 方便 , 但是 登录 太卡
Example of Comment Text Labeling
RNN Structure
BRNN Structure
E2E-ALSA Based on BRNN Structure
比较项 结果
原评论 功能很全面,从方便百姓的角度出发很好!只是界面不是很好看,很多显示不全的地方。功能便利,界面不美观
分词后 '功能', '很', '全面', ',', '从', '方便', '百姓', '的', '角度', '出发', '很', '好', '!', '只是', '界面', '不是', '很', '好看', ',', '很多', '显示', '不全', '的', '地方', '。', '功能', '便利', ',', '界面', '不美观'
方面实体 功能 界面 功能 界面
实体位置 [1, 1] [15, 15] [26, 26] [29, 29]
情感极性 1 -1 1 -1
原评论 强制下载有意思吗?功能和下载率不匹配。也不能说完全没用,至少和便利无关。
分词后 '强制', '下载', '有意思', '吗', '?', '功能', '和', '下载', '率', '不', '匹配', '。', '也', '不能', '说', '完全', '没用', ',', '至少', '和', '便利', '无关', '。'
方面实体 强制下载 功能 下载率 便利
实体位置 [1, 2] [6, 6] [8, 8] [21, 21]
情感极性 -1 -1 -1 0
Example of Comment Text Labeling
1 0.986 7 0.763 4 0.766 8 0.765 1
3 0.988 9 0.927 9 0.923 8 0.925 8
5 0.995 5 0.953 9 0.937 2 0.945 5
7 0.991 1 0.950 0 0.928 3 0.936 7
9 0.993 5 0.953 7 0.923 8 0.938 4
The Variation of Network Performance with w
0.3 0.991 5 0.913 6 0.901 3 0.907 4
0.4 0.992 4 0.934 3 0.892 4 0.912 8
0.5 0.995 5 0.953 9 0.937 2 0.945 5
0.6 0.995 9 0.941 2 0.932 7 0.936 9
0.7 0.993 5 0.934 3 0.892 4 0.912 8
The Variation of Network Performance with ε
参数 取值 参数 取值
BRNNS隐层神经元数 100 Drop-Out概率 0.35
BRNNT隐层神经元数 150 学习率 0.05
词向量长度 300 学习率衰减 0.01
输入窗长 5 梯度下降方法 随机梯度下降
ε 0.5 迭代次数 300
Network Training Parameters
方法模型 PS RS FS
HAST-TNet 0.885 2 0.853 6 0.869 1
LSTM-CRF 0.918 2 0.843 5 0.879 3
E2E-ALSA-LSTM 0.953 9 0.937 2 0.945 5
E2E-ALSA-GRU 0.934 8 0.898 6 0.916 3
Comparison of Experiments
Results of Partial Implicit Aspect Sentiment Analysis
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