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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (2/3): 67-79    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0952
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Social Media Image Classification for Emergency Portrait
Li Gang,Zhang Ji,Mao Jin()
Center for Studies of Information Resources, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
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[Objective] This study proposes a new classification method for social media images by fusing the related texts, aiming to efficiently construct emergency portrait. [Methods] First, we analyzed the general process of creating emergency portrait based on social media. Then, we designed a two-layer image classification system for the dimensions of emergency portrait. Third, we proposed a deep learning model (Unimodal and Crossmodal Transformer Model, UCTM) for image classification, which integrated image and text multimodal semantics. We constructed emergency portrait with our model on the dataset of Super Typhoon Mangkhut, and compared its performance with the existing ones. [Results] The MAP score of our UCTM was 0.021 higher than those of single-modal classification methods and bilinear fusion methods. For the preparation and rescue information, the F1 scores of our algorithm were 0.017 and 0.018 better than the direct classification ones. [Limitations] Our model does not investigate the inconsistency between textual and graphic semantics, and the types of emergencies need to be expanded. [Conclusions] This proposed method enriches the dimensions and contents of emergency portrait, which improves the preparation and response for crisis.

Key wordsSocial Media      Emergency      Image Classification      Multimodal      Event Portrait     
Received: 31 August 2021      Published: 14 April 2022
ZTFLH:  TP393  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(71790612);National Natural Science Foundation of China(71921002)
Corresponding Authors: Mao Jin,ORCID:0000-0001-9572-6709     E-mail:

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Li Gang, Zhang Ji, Mao Jin. Social Media Image Classification for Emergency Portrait. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(2/3): 67-79.

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The Generating Process of Emergency Portrait
大类 子类 说明
受灾信息 受灾载体:人 突发事件对人类生命安全和日常生活的影响,如人受伤、死亡、流离失所等
受灾载体:环境 突发事件对社会环境如基础设施和自然环境造成影响,如车辆抛锚、房屋倒塌、大坝溃堤等
应对信息 准备和预防 人们为了应对灾害而提前做的处理,如房屋加固、道路巡查等;图像对象可以包含应对行为的实施者或图像场景是因为应对行为而产生的场景(如加固后的门窗或堤坝)
救援和处理 灾害发生以及之后人们采取的应急行动,如救援、捐赠等;图像对象可以包含应对行为的实施者或图像场景是因为应对行为而产生的场景(如救援的物资、修复后的房屋)
事件基本信息 描述事件的基本属性的图像,如发生地点、时间、强度等
其他信息 不属于以上类别的图像归于此类
Classification Framework of Emergency-Related Images
Architecture of UCTM
Fusion Structure of UniModal and CrossModal
The Categorical Distribution of the Annotated Images
MAP Scores of Multiple Runs for the Models
模型 指标 受灾信息(载体:人) 受灾
DenseNet 准确率 0.769 0.848 0.671 0.694 0.899
召回率 0.128 0.864 0.314 0.539 0.934
F1值 0.216 0.855 0.426 0.605 0.916
UTM 准确率 0.677 0.864 0.675 0.701 0.937 8
召回率 0.260 0.866 0.408 0.570 0.917 8
F1值 0.374 0.865 0.508 0.629 0.927 6
Concat 准确率 0.678 0.872 0.777 0.799 0.949
召回率 0.287 0.879 0.536 0.719 0.906
F1值 0.403 0.876 0.628 0.756 0.927
TFN 准确率 0.718 0.833 0.708 0.811 0.905
召回率 0.337 0.826 0.611 0.727 0.915
F1值 0.459 0.877 0.656 0.767 0.910
UCTM 准确率 0.656 0.875 0.754 0.800 0.950
召回率 0.511 0.880 0.626 0.760 0.883
F1值 0.555 0.878 0.683 0.779 0.926
The Performance of Models in the Categories
Performance of Models with the Two-Step Classification
模型 分类形式 受灾信息(载体:人) 受灾
DenseNet 直接分类 0.216 0.855 0.426 0.605 0.916
层次分类 0.419 0.855 0.500 0.683 0.922
UTM 直接分类 0.414 0.866 0.498 0.631 0.934
层次分类 0.493 0.861 0.549 0.693 0.937
Concat 直接分类 0.403 0.876 0.628 0.756 0.927
层次分类 0.507 0.869 0.653 0.776 0.924
TFN 直接分类 0.459 0.877 0.656 0.767 0.910
层次分类 0.519 0.878 0.658 0.765 0.907
UCTM 直接分类 0.554 0.879 0.684 0.778 0.926
层次分类 0.547 0.871 0.701 0.796 0.901
F1 of Direct Classification v.s. Two-Step Classification
Mis-Classified Image Samples in the Categories
Event Portrait of Typhoon Mangkhut in Guangdong Province
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