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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (2/3): 274-288    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0963
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Cross-domain Transfer Learning for Recognizing Professional Skills from Chinese Job Postings
Yi Xinhe1,Yang Peng2,Wen Yimin2()
1Library of Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China
2School of Computer Science and Information Security, Guilin University of Electronic Technology,Guilin 541004, China
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[Objective] This paper analyzes the online job postings and identifies the demands of employers accurately, aiming to address the skill gaps between supply and demand in the labor market.[Methods] We proposed a model with cross-domain transfer learning to recognize professional skill words (CDTL-PSE). This task was treated as sequence tagging like named entity recognition or term extraction in CDTL-PSE. It also decomposed the SIGHAN corpus into three source domains. A domain adaptation layer was inserted between the Bi-LSTM and the CRF layers, which helped us transfer learning from each source domain to the target domain. Then, we used parameter transfer approach to train each sub-model. Finally, we obtained the prediction of label sequence by majority vote. [Results] On the self-built online recruitment data set, compared with the baseline method, the proposed model improved the F1 value by 0.91%, and reduced the labeled samples by about 50%. [Limitations] The interpretability of CDTL-PSE needs to be further improved. [Conclusions] CDTL-PSE can automatically extract words on professional skills, and effectively increase the labeled samples in the target domain.

Key wordsProfessional Skill Words      Cross Domain Transfer Learning      Domain Adaptation     
Received: 31 August 2021      Published: 07 January 2022
ZTFLH:  TP393  
Fund:Humanities and Social Sciences of Ministry of Education Planning Fund(17JDGC022);Graduate Education Reform Project of Guangxi(JGY2017055);Natural Science Foundation of Guangxi(2018GXNSFDA138006)
Corresponding Authors: Wen Yimin,ORCID:0000-0001-5017-3987     E-mail:

Cite this article:

Yi Xinhe, Yang Peng, Wen Yimin. Cross-domain Transfer Learning for Recognizing Professional Skills from Chinese Job Postings. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(2/3): 274-288.

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Example of the Requirement of a Chinese Job Post Online(Professional Skill Words are Underlined)
Framework of Bi-LSTM
Framework of CDTL-PSE
实体类型 实体数目 动词后 形容词/形容词短语后 名词/名词短语后 “和”、“或”、“、”等并列形式 其他位置
技能词 3 930 1 309 764 2 1 512 343
人名 884 136 27 204 73 444
地名 1 951 649 106 57 87 1 052
机构名 984 278 54 36 128 488
Statistics of the Occurrences of Entities in Different Positions in the Corresponding Corpus
数据集 数据类型 实体类型 技能词数量 语句数量
目标域 训练集 技能词 [5836, 6586] 725
验证集 技能词 [593, 817] 80
测试集 技能词 [1577, 1903] 201
Statistics of the Target Domain Dataset
数据集 数据
实体类型 实体数量 语句
源域 训练集 人名/地名/机构名 8144/16571/9277 20 864
验证集 人名/地名/机构名 884/1951/984 2 318
测试集 人名/地名/机构名 1864/3658/2185 4 636
Statistics of the Source Domain Dataset
Network Model for Each Method
方法 Precision/% Recall/% F1/% 提升/
No-Transfer 80.04(3.12) 82.11(2.63) 81.03(2.41) -
Per_Alter 79.78(3.43) 82.59(2.64) 81.15(2.93) +0.12
Loc_Alter 79.76(2.84) 82.00(2.76) 80.84(2.50) -0.19
Org_Alter 80.07(3.33) 82.28(2.26) 81.13(2.50) +0.10
Diff_Alter 79.81(3.22) 81.42(2.58) 80.58(2.57) -0.45
Same_Alter 79.26(3.54) 81.72(3.29) 80.44(3.04) -0.59
Alter_Ensemble 80.67(2.77) 82.38(2.70) 81.51(2.61) +0.48
Per_Tune 80.13(2.37) 82.09(2.42) 81.09(2.18) +0.06
Loc_Tune 79.85(2.30) 81.58(3.02) 80.68(2.19) -0.35
Org_Tune 80.00(2.42) 82.02(2.30) 80.96(2.00) -0.07
Diff_Tune 79.27(3.43) 81.79(1.77) 80.49(2.44) -0.54
Same_Tune 79.38(2.24) 81.73(2.12) 80.52(1.96) -0.51
Tune_Ensemble 80.37(2.23) 82.13(2.55) 81.22(1.97) +0.19
Per_Domain 80.30(2.43) 82.35(2.57) 81.29(2.07) +0.26
Loc_Domain 79.71(2.88) 82.35(2.33) 80.99(2.26) -0.04
Org_Domain 80.25(2.73) 82.26(2.06) 81.22(2.14) +0.19
Diff_Domain 79.71(4.17) 81.76(3.31) 80.69(3.46) -0.34
Same_Domain 79.61(3.04) 81.88(2.36) 80.70(2.32) -0.33
Domain_Ensemble 80.82(3.34) 82.41(3.19) 81.58(2.96) +0.55
Results of Transferring Different Source Tasks to the Target Task
迁移学习方法 DiffLabel SameLabel Per Loc Org
方法B 80.58●■★ 80.44●■★ 81.15 80.84 81.13
方法C 80.49●■★ 80.52●■★ 81.09 80.68 80.96
方法D 80.69●■★ 80.70●■★ 81.29 80.99 81.22
The F1-Score of Different Transfer Learning Methods on the Target Dataset
迁移学习方法 Per Loc Org Ensemble
方法B 81.15● 80.84● 81.13● 81.51
方法C 81.09● 80.68● 80.96● 81.22
方法D 81.29● 80.99● 81.22● 81.58
The F1-Score of Different Transfer Learning Methods and an Ensemble Learning Method on the Target Dataset
方法 Precision/% Recall/% F1/% 提升/%
No-Transfer 80.04(3.12) 82.11(2.63) 81.03(2.41) -
Alter_Ensemble 80.67(2.77) 82.38(2.70) 81.51(2.61) +0.48
CDTL-PSE:Alter(特征扩充) 80.71(2.73) 82.51(2.45) 81.59(2.41) +0.56
CDTL- PSE:Alter(Bi-LSTM) 81.39(3.61) 82.58(2.29) 81.94(2.49) +0.91
Tune_Ensemble 80.37(2.23) 82.13(2.55) 81.22(1.97) +0.19
CDTL-PSE:Tune(特征扩充) 80.26(2.42) 82.41(2.64) 81.30(2.09) +0.27
CDTL-PSE:Tune(Bi-LSTM) 81.06(2.53) 82.19(1.88) 81.61(1.93) +0.58
Domain_Ensemble 80.82(3.34) 82.41(3.19) 81.58(2.96) +0.55
BERT-Bi-LSTM-CRF 80.03(3.09) 83.84(2.12) 81.86(2.14) +0.83
Results of Different Transfer Methods
迁移学习方法 Only Ensemble 特征扩充 Add Bi-LSTM
方法B 81.51●■ 81.59 81.94
方法C 81.22●■ 81.30 81.61
The F-Score of Different Methods on the Same Dataset
The F1-scores of CDTL-PSE and the Baseline Method Under Different Scales of the Target Domain Training Data
The Top 50 PSEs in Mechanical Manufacturing Field Recognized by CDTL-PSE
The Top 50 PSEs in Fashion Design Field Recognized by CDTL-PSE
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