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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (2/3): 202-211    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.1057
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Question Comprehension and Answer Organization for Scientific Education of Epidemics
Cheng Zijia,Chen Chong()
School of Government, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
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[Objective] This study constructs a KGQA system based on the knowledge graph of epidemics, which improves the comprehension of user questions and organization of answers, aiming to effectively disseminate professional knowledge to the public. [Methods] First, we summarized users’ information needs based on multiple health information systems. Then, we combined the AC algorithm with BERT model to understand user queries and map the elements of questions to structured query statements. Third, we retrieved answers from the pre-constructed epidemic knowledge graph. Finally, we organized the answers with Flask framework and a variety of JS packages, which improved the front end interaction and presentation. [Results] The average accuracy of our new Q&A system was more than 90% and the proposed method is practical for specific domains. [Limitations] The knowledge of epidemic diseases was retrieved from the public dataset of AMiner platform and the Q&A coverage as well as the question types should to be expanded. [Conclusions] The proposed model optimizes the semantics of the question comprehension, as well as the organization of answers, which helps the public understand the professional knowledge effectively.

Key wordsKnowledge Graph      Question Comprehension      Rich-Media Content Organization      Epidemic Disease      Scientific Propaganda     
Received: 21 September 2021      Published: 14 April 2022
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Fund:National Social Science Fund of China(21BTQ065)
Corresponding Authors: Chen Chong,ORCID:0000-0002-9704-1575     E-mail:

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Cheng Zijia, Chen Chong. Question Comprehension and Answer Organization for Scientific Education of Epidemics. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(2/3): 202-211.

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图谱名称 图谱内容 资源链接 构建单位
新冠健康知识图谱 与新冠肺炎相关的各类疾病、药物、症状、检查等 清华大学、北京妙医佳健康科技集团有限公司
新冠防控知识图谱 包含防护概念的分类体系、注意事项等 武汉科技大学计算机学院、东南大学计算机科学与工程学院
新冠百科知识图谱 从各大百科出发,以病毒、细菌为主体,扩展了治疗、疾病相关内容 东南大学
新冠人物知识图谱 以新冠病毒专家为核心延展至履历、成果、事件等 海乂知信息科技有限公司
新冠诊疗知识图谱 从开放的高质量医学知识资源获取临床指南、临床路径、诊疗规范、医学教材等知识 浙江数字医疗卫生技术研究院OMAHA
新冠物资知识图谱 主要包括医用防护装备、日常防护用品、医用诊疗设备以及治疗用药 武汉科技大学计算机学院
新冠事件知识图谱 与新冠百科、新冠科研、新冠临床、新冠防控、新冠英雄等均有关联 河海大学计算机学院、小米人工智能实验室
新冠科研知识图谱 从专业文献等非结构化数据中抽提新冠病毒相关的知识点,整合为相关科研知识图谱 浙江大学
新冠肺炎(COVID-19)知识图谱 整理了现有COVID-19开放知识图谱并进一步融合,覆盖了医疗、健康、物资、防控、科研和人物等 清华大学、智谱AI
Chinese Knowledge Graphs of 2019-nCoV
The Knowledge-Graph-Based Q&A System Infrastructure
需求类别 子类 例句
1. 防护知识 防护对象 需要防护的对象/人群都有哪些?
防护用品 消毒用品包括哪些?
防护注意 老年人的防护应该注意什么?
2. 新冠肺炎 传播感染 新冠肺炎的传播途径有什么?
临床表现 新冠肺炎的症状/临床表现有哪些?
诊断治疗 新冠肺炎的诊断标准?
3. 新冠病毒 基因结构 新冠病毒的基因特征?
传染特性 新冠病毒的潜伏期?
4. 人物事件 抗疫表现 xxx的队友\同事有哪些?
荣誉奖项 xxx都获得过哪些奖项?
内容发表 xxx发表过哪些言论?
5. 用药治疗 药物效果 xx药有什么副作用?
用法用量 xx的用法?
6. 疾病特征 临床表现 xx的发病机制是什么?
诊断治疗 xx的治疗方法?
Categories and Examples of Query on the Epidemic Diseases
Process of Entity Recognition in Questions
类别编号 问题类别 测试问句数 分类正确数 分类准确率/%
1 防护知识 50 49 98
2 新冠肺炎 50 48 96
3 新冠病毒 50 48 96
4 人物事件 50 47 94
5 用药治疗 50 48 96
6 疾病特征 50 42 84
Naive Bayes Classifier Intent Recognition Results
需求类别 可查询关系 可查询属性
1.防护知识 MATCH (n: 'xxx')-[r: '父类']-(a) RETURN a label_zh(中文名称)
MATCH (n: 'xxx')-[r: '属于']-(a) RETURN a. 'xxx' 措施主题,措施描述
2.新冠肺炎 MATCH (n: '新型冠状病毒肺炎')-[r: 'xxx']-(a) RETURN a label_zh(中文名称)
3.新冠病毒 MATCH (n: '新型冠状病毒')-[r: 'xxx']-(a) RETURN a. 'xxx' 治疗方案,诊断标准,转院原则,临床分型等
4.人物事件 MATCH (n: 'xxx' )-[r: 'xxx'}]-(a) RETURN a label_zh(中文名称)
5.用药治疗 MATCH (n: 'xxx') RETURN n. 'xxx' 临床应用,使用建议,用量等
6.疾病特征 MATCH (n: 'xxx') RETURN n. 'xxx' 治疗方法,传染性,高发人群,并发症等
Examples of Query Statement for Different Categories
Knowledge Graph (Partial) of Epidemic Diseases for Scientific Propaganda
问题类别 测试问句数 AC匹配检索
防护知识 50 42 84 45 90
新冠肺炎 50 43 86 45 90
新冠病毒 50 44 88 46 92
人物事件 50 42 84 47 94
用药治疗 50 41 82 43 86
疾病特征 50 42 84 46 92
Evaluation on the Q&A System
Statistical Chart Display Based on Query Results
Text Display Based on Answer Set
Interface of Expandable Graph for Keyword Queries
Rich-media Enhanced Summary for Query Answering
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