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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (9): 86-99    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.1308
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Extracting Entities for Enterprise Risks Based on Stroke ELMo and IDCNN-CRF Model
Yang Meifang1,2(),Yang Bo1,2
1School of Information Management, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang 330013, China
2Institute of Information Resource Management, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang 330013, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes a new model to learn the text characteristics and contextual semantic relevance, aiming to extract entities for the enterprise risks more effectively. [Methods] Our entity extraction model is based on stroke ELMo embedded in the IDCNN-CRF. First, we used the bidirectional language model to pre-train the large-scale unstructured data for enterprise risks and obtained the stroke ELMo vector as the input feature. Then, we sent it to the IDCNN network for training, and utilized the CRF to process the output layer of IDCNN. Finally, we got the optimal entity sequence labeling for the enterprise risks. [Results] The F value of this proposed model is 91.9%, which is 2.0% higher than the performance of BiLSTM-CRF deep neural network models. The running speed of our model is 2.36 times faster than the BiLSTM-CRF. [Limitations] More research is needed to exmine this model in more fields. [Conclusions] The proposed model provides reference for constructing entity corpus of enterprise risks.

Key wordsStroke ELMo      Iterative Expanded Convolutional Neural Network      Conditional Random Field      Entity Extraction      Risk Domain Entity     
Received: 17 November 2021      Published: 26 October 2022
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(72064015);Jiangxi Province Social Science “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” Project(19TQ01)
Corresponding Authors: Yang Meifang,ORCID:0000-0002-4360-0183     E-mail:

Cite this article:

Yang Meifang, Yang Bo. Extracting Entities for Enterprise Risks Based on Stroke ELMo and IDCNN-CRF Model. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(9): 86-99.

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实体类型 属性 实体类型描述 示例 标识符号
风险事件 风险名称 国资委发布的企业风险 安全生产风险、企业声誉风险、资金安全风险等 Na
风险时间 风险事件发生的时间 - Ti
风险地点 风险事件发生的地点 - P
风险源 引发风险的内在要素 企业负面新闻、企业仓库易燃物、新冠疫情、恶劣天气等 So
风险管理组织 企业、政府、组织机构等 监管机构、政府、上市公司等 Or
责任部门 引发风险或处理风险的责任部门 市场部、财务部、法务部等 De
风险管理资源 风险管理资源 可供风险管理智能体使用的风控资源 物资、设备、资金、ERP、政策等 Res
风险场景 风险原因 风险形成的原因 员工故意纵火、销售中断、融资受阻等 Rea
风险后果 某事件对企业影响的结果 客户满意度下降、运费增加、工厂停摆、GDP下降等 Co
应对措施 解决风险问题采取的措施 加强员工培训、关闭不安全生产线、监控可疑货款等 Me
Types of Entities in the Field of Corporate Risk and Their Descriptions
Stroke ELMo Embedding IDCNN-CRF Entity Extraction Model
Stroke ELMo Embedding Pre-Trained Language Model
Simple Superposition of DCNN and IDCNN
Application of Doccanoto Annotate Corpus
分类 风险描述记录数 句子数
训练集 11 634 139 608
测试集 3 324 39 888
验证集 1 662 19 944
Experimental Data Set Statistics
模型名称 准确率 召回率 F1值
左右熵+互信息 51.2% 39.1% 44.3%
基于Word2Vec的相似词 25.3% 26.1% 25.7%
IDCNN+CRF 87.1% 88.3% 87.7%
Word2Vec+IDCNN+CRF 67.7% 62.5% 65.1%
cw2vec+IDCNN+CRF 84.5% 87.7% 86.1%
The Performance of Entity Extraction in the Enterprise Risk Domain Based on Statistical Features and Deep Learning
F1 Speed F1 Speed F1 Speed F1 Speed
cw2vec 83.9% 14.51× 81.1% 9.64× 86.4% 2.62× 82.3% 1.35×
cw2vec+ELMo 88.1% 10.32× 84.9% 6.55× 90.1% 2.43× 86.5% 1.13×
Word2Vec+cw2vec+ELMo 89.5% 9.82× 87.3% 4.23× 91.9% 2.36× 89.9% 1.00×
Experimental Results of the Stroke ELMo Embedding IDCNN-CRF Model
cw2vec +ELMo +Word
cw2vec +ELMo +Word
cw2vec +ELMo +Word
cw2vec +ELMo +Word
风险名称 82.6% 87.4% 88.6% 79.1% 82.8% 84.3% 85.2% 89.1% 91.0% 80.1% 84.3% 86.3%
风险时间 92.2% 94.1% 96.4% 86.6% 91.2% 93.8% 94.8% 96.3% 98.7% 88.3% 93.1% 96.8%
风险地点 91.8% 92.6% 95.8% 87.1% 91.8% 94.2% 94.6% 94.9% 98.3% 89.2% 93.6% 97.4%
风险源 78.8% 84.6% 85.3% 79.5% 82.8% 83.6% 81.3% 86.0% 87.9% 80.3% 83.6% 86.1%
风险管理组织 88.3% 91.1% 93.1% 85.8% 90.1% 93.1% 90.9% 94.1% 95.9% 87.9% 93.2% 95.8%
责任部门 87.6% 90.4% 91.6% 82.6% 86.6% 91.5% 90.3% 91.4% 94.1% 84.1% 88.7% 94.0%
风险管理资源 79.4% 85.2% 86.1% 77.2% 80.9% 82.8% 81.9% 87.2% 88.6% 77.8% 81.6% 84.7%
风险原因 79.3% 84.1% 84.7% 78.2% 81.6% 83.3% 81.8% 86.1% 87.1% 78.7% 82.5% 85.9%
风险后果 80.1% 85.7% 86.9% 77.5% 80.8% 83.4% 82.3% 87.7% 89.1% 78.2% 81.8% 85.9%
应对措施 79.1% 85.9% 86.3% 77.1% 80.8% 83.1% 81.3% 87.9% 88.3% 78.1% 82.1% 85.8%
总体 83.9% 88.1% 89.5% 81.1% 84.9% 87.3% 86.4% 90.1% 91.9% 82.3% 86.5% 89.9%
Experimental Results of Various Entities in the Field of Enterprise Risk
Visualization Results of Different Word Vectors
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