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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (12): 43-52    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.1346
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Influence of JIF and Journal Tier on Submission Behaviors in Different Countries——Based on Monthly Accepted Papers of NPG Journals
Li Li1,2,Liao Yu1,2,Yang Ming3,Wang Minhao4,Chen Fuyou1,Shen Zhesi1(),Yang Liying1,2
1National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
2Department of Library, Information and Archives Management, School of Economics and Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
3Bureau of Development and Planning, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100864, China
4Beijing Wuzi University, Beijing 101149, China
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[Objective] This paper mesasures the influence of Journal Impact Factor (JIF) and journal tier for scholars’ manuscript submission behaviors in different regions. [Methods] First, we collected a journal’s monthly aceptance record and its JIF from Nature Publishing Group (NPG). Then, we examined the submission behaviors with panel negative binomial regression against two journal ranking systems (JCR Quartiles and CAS journal ranking). [Results] JIF has a negative effect on the number of papers submitted by scholars from the United States, Germany, and Japan, i.e., the number of these papers decreases while the JIF increases. In contrast, the journal’s ranking in JCR had a positive effect on the number of accepted papers from all countries. The CAS journal ranking has a positive effect on the number of accepted submissions from China. After excluding the influence of international collaboration, there are still positive effects. The impact of the CAS journal ranking (27.2%) is much more significant than that of JCR journal partition table (3.7%). [Limitations] We can only access the authors’ data of accepted/published papers from WoS journals of NPG rather than the completed submission records. [Conclusions] The submission behaviors of scholars are influenced by their country of residence, independent research, and different journal ranking systems. The findings of this paper will enrich the study of factors influencing scholars’ submission behaviors across countries.

Key wordsJournal Impact Factor      Journal Tier      Submission Behavior      International Collaboration     
Received: 28 November 2021      Published: 03 February 2023
ZTFLH:  G350  
Fund:High-level Talent Cross-training Program for Beijing Colleges and Universities
Corresponding Authors: Shen Zhesi,ORCID:0000-0001-8414-7912     E-mail:

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Li Li, Liao Yu, Yang Ming, Wang Minhao, Chen Fuyou, Shen Zhesi, Yang Liying. Influence of JIF and Journal Tier on Submission Behaviors in Different Countries——Based on Monthly Accepted Papers of NPG Journals. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(12): 43-52.

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变量 变量定义 变量说明
Journal_Abb_new 期刊名 NPG被WoS收录的期刊
time 学者的投稿时间 学者投稿时间的年、月(2015年1月-2020年12月)
Num_Paper_All 目标国家指定月指定期刊的已录用投稿论文数/篇 x
Num_Paper_W_All 全球指定月指定期刊的已录用投稿论文数/篇 X
Num_Paper_Sin 目标国家指定月指定期刊的自主研究已录用投稿论文数/篇 y
Num_Paper_W_Sin 全球指定月指定期刊的自主研究已录用投稿论文数/篇 Y
JIF 期刊影响因子 Journal Impact Factor
Quartile 科睿唯安JCR的期刊分区 JCR期刊分区,取值为1~4,1代表最好,4代表最差
IFavg 期刊的三年平均影响因子 期刊的三年平均影响因子,IFavg也是中科院期刊分区表基础版的指标之一
Class 中科院期刊分区表的期刊分区 中科院期刊分区表的期刊分区,取值为1~4,1代表最好,4代表最差
Issues 期刊发行的期数 期刊发行的期数
Rec_Acc_med 指定期刊指定月论文从投稿到录稿时间的中位数/天 Received_Accepted_median
OA_new 是否为开放获取期刊 若为开放获取期刊,取值为1,否则为0
Main Variables and Description
Data Acquisition Methods
序号 国家 论文数 占比/%
1 美国 82 205 36.3
2 中国 52 270 23.1
3 英国 29 257 12.9
4 德国 25 932 11.5
5 日本 20 287 9.0
6 法国 15 419 6.8
7 加拿大 12 049 5.3
8 澳大利亚 12 009 5.3
9 意大利 11 952 5.3
10 韩国 11 709 5.2
Accepted Submitted Papers Contributed by Scholars from Top10 Countries in NPG from 2015 to 2020
变量名称 样本数 最小值 中位数 最大值 均值 方差 偏度 峰度
Num_Paper_All 65 769 1 1 848 5.7 637.8 15.3 318.5
Num_Paper_Sin 65 769 0 0 573 1.9 164.8 21.5 640.1
Num_Paper_W_All 65 769 1 18 2 473 202.3 251 256.6 2.8 9.7
Num_Paper_W_Sin 65 769 0 10 1 546 121.3 99 967.0 2.9 10.0
Rec_Acc_med 65 769 44 140 288 146.3 1 601.8 0.1 2.6
JIF 65 769 1 8 61 12.2 129.1 1.5 4.3
Quartile 65 769 1 1 4 1.2 0.2 3.0 12.8
IFavg 65 769 0 7 50 11.7 122.5 1.5 4.1
Class 65 769 1 1 4 1.7 0.8 0.8 2.6
OA_new 65 690 0 0 1 0.3 0.2 0.9 1.9
Issues 65 769 0 12 365 13.5 615.6 11.4 159.0
Descriptive Statistics for Main Variables
变量 美国 中国 英国 德国 日本 法国 韩国
JIF -0.024***
Quartile -0.142***
Rec_Acc_med -0.000
Num_Paper_W_All 0.001***
Issues -0.000
OA_new -0.039
Constant 3.255***
样本数 4 618 3 812 3 337 3 143 2 602 2 516 1 660
期刊数 83 83 82 82 83 81 80
Log Likehood -11 600.0 -8 077.0 -6 620.2 -5 926.5 -4 525.7 -4 329.7 -2 726.8
Wald chi2 845.4*** 169.3*** 598.7*** 553.2*** 387.9*** 566.6*** 312.5***
The Regression Results for the Number of All Accepted Papers across Countries Based on JCR
变量 美国 中国 英国 德国 日本 法国 韩国
JIF -0.020***
Quartile -0.142**
Rec_Acc_med -0.001
Num_Paper_W_Sin 0.001***
Issues 0.000
OA_new 0.119
Constant 3.100***
样本数 4 618 3 812 3 337 3 143 2 602 2 516 1 660
期刊数 83 83 82 82 83 81 80
Log Likehood -9 064.9 -6 158.3 -3 618.7 -3 224.5 -3 381.2 -2 337.6 -2 034.1
Wald chi2 389.8*** 118.2*** 249.8*** 212.9*** 282.5*** 203.9*** 191.6***
The Regression Results for the Number of Independent Accepted Papers across Countries Based on JCR
变量 所有论文 自主研究论文
IFavg -0.009*
Class -0.276***
Rec_Acc_med 0.001
Num_Paper_W_All / Num_Paper_W_Sin 0.001***
Issues -0.001
OA_new -1.131***
Constant 3.303***
样本数 3 698 3 698
期刊数 78 78
Log Likehood -7 833.6 -5 995.8
Wald chi2 322.8*** 243.5***
The Regression Results for the Number of All / Independent Accepted Papers from China Based on CAS Journal Ranking
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