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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (11): 52-60    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.0286
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Multi-Truth Discovery Method Based on Attribute Fusion
Yang Haolin1,Dong Yongquan1,2(),Chen Huafeng1,Zhang Guoxi1
1School of Computer Science and Technology, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221008, China
2Xuzhou Engineering Research Center of Cloud Computing, Xuzhou 221100, China
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[Objective] This paper adds influence of auxiliary attributes to the existing models for multi-truth discovery, aiming to improve their F1 values. [Methods] First, we used the auxiliary attributes to calculate the source expertise and consensus degree. Then, we combined the activity degree of multi-truth attribute values to get the degree of support from the source for the conflicting data. Third, we called the existing truth discovery methods to obtain the pseudo tags of the truth. Finally, we used the neural network to capture the complex relationship between the sources and the conflicting data, and identified all truth. [Results] Compared with the sub-optimal model, our method improved the F1 value by 2.25% on the book dataset and by 5.42% on the movie dataset. [Limitations] The proposed method included auxiliary attributes reflecting object features, and more research is needed to explore the impacts of other auxiliary attributes on multi-truth discovery. [Conclusions] The proposed method could effectively discover multi-truth.

Key wordsMulti-Truth Discovery      Data Conflicts      Information Quality      Multi-Truth Attribute      Auxiliary Attribute     
Received: 10 April 2022      Published: 13 January 2023
ZTFLH:  TP311  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(61872168);Postgraduate Research Innovation Project of Jiangsu Normal University(2021XKT1381)
Corresponding Authors: Dong Yongquan     E-mail:

Cite this article:

Yang Haolin,Dong Yongquan,Chen Huafeng,Zhang Guoxi. Multi-Truth Discovery Method Based on Attribute Fusion. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(11): 52-60.

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数据源 演员列表 电影时长/min 电影种类
IMDB Dainel Radcliffe; Emma Waston; Rupert Grint 152 奇幻,冒险
FilmCrave Dainel Radcliffe 158 奇幻
Good Films Johnny Depp; Emma Waston; Dainel Radcliffe 155 奇幻,冒险
Movie Insider J. K. Rowling 142 奇幻
Information about The Movie Harry Potter Provided by Four Websites
电影网站 喜剧 奇幻 纪录片 科幻
IMDB 18 279 16 013 31 750 29 056
FilmCrave 14 000 1 501 5 523 6 781
Good Films 20 708 5 136 11 551 17 408
Movie Insider 51 253 8 082 33 044 30 003
总计 104 240 22 650 81 868 83 248
Number of Movie Websites Offering Different Kinds of Movies
The Flow Chart of AFMTD
AFMTD Model Structure
方法 图书数据集 电影数据集
Recall Precision F1值 Recall Precision F1值
Majority Voting 0.712 1 0.870 0 0.783 1 0.577 6 0.834 8 0.681 5
TruthFinder 0.818 3 0.813 3 0.815 8 0.770 5 0.923 9 0.840 3
LTM 0.921 8 0.770 0 0.839 1 0.780 0 0.855 9 0.809 4
DART 0.973 1 0.575 5 0.723 2 0.926 2 0.783 8 0.848 7
AFMTD 0.889 6 0.828 6 0.858 0 0.912 8 0.877 4 0.894 7
Algorithm Performance
Effect of Threshold Change
Ablation Experiments
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