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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2023, Vol. 7 Issue (4): 145-158    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.0429
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MPMFC: A Traditional Chinese Medicine Patent Classification Model Integrating Network Neighborhood Structural Features and Patent Semantic Features
Deng Na1,He Xinyang1(),Chen Weijie1,Chen Xu2
1School of Computer Science, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068, China
2School of Information and Safety Engineering, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan 430073, China
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[Objective] To solve the problem of low accuracy in classification models for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) patents due to the complexity of TCM and insufficient extracted information on the characteristics of TCM patents. [Methods] We proposed a classification model for TCM patents called MPMFC (Medicine Patent Multi-feature Fusion Classifier). Firstly, we constructed a TCM patent similarity network based on the similarity information of the patent core fields. Then, we used the Node2Vec algorithm to capture the neighborhood structure information of potential patents from the global structure of the TCM patent similarity network, which was mapped to low-dimensional vectors as additional features. Finally, the attention mechanism was utilized to fuse the patent semantic feature vector pre-trained by RoBERTa-Tiny with their corresponding supplementary features to classify TCM patents automatically. [Results] We examined the MPMFC model on a corpus of 7,000 TCM patents. It achieved the accuracy, recall, and F1 values of 0.8436, 0.8017, and 0.822 1, respectively, which were 1.58%, 2.59%, and 2.11% higher than the baseline classification model. [Limitations] The weight allocation when constructing the similarity network of TCM patents has subjectivity issues. There may be some classification errors when Non-TCM researchers label patents. [Conclusions] The MPMFC model can acquire and learn more comprehensive feature representations from multiple perspectives during TCM patent classification, improving classification accuracy.

Key wordsTCM Patent Classification      Patent Similarity Network      Feature Fusion      Pre-Training Model      Node2Vec     
Received: 05 May 2022      Published: 07 June 2023
ZTFLH:  G35  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(61902116)
Corresponding Authors: He Xinyang,ORCID:0000-0002-0668-0276,   

Cite this article:

Deng Na, He Xinyang, Chen Weijie, Chen Xu. MPMFC: A Traditional Chinese Medicine Patent Classification Model Integrating Network Neighborhood Structural Features and Patent Semantic Features. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 7(4): 145-158.

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Process of TCM Patent Feature Extraction
RoBERTa-Tiny Structure
Feature Fusion Layer Model Structure
The Overall Process of MPMFC Model
类别 数量 类别 数量 类别 数量
1 870
Patent Dataset Category
参数 参数值
Num attention heads
Num hidden layers
max_position_embeddingsHidden size
8 021
RoBERTa-Tiny Model Parameter Configuration
环境 配置参数
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080
Ubuntu 16.04 64Bit
Experimental Parameter Configuration
模型类型 模型名称 准确率 召回率 F1值
传统机器学习 TF-IDF + SVM 0.696 9 0.642 9 0.630 8
以Word2Vec为词嵌入的深度学习 DeepPatent[21] 0.743 4 0.675 7 0.694 8
FastText[33] 0.744 6 0.729 7 0.755 4
BiLSTM-ATT-CNN[22] 0.765 1 0.753 8 0.719 9
BiGRU+ATT+TextCNN[20] 0.777 4 0.744 7 0.747 4
基于BERT预训练模型的深度学习 BERT[24] 0.785 5 0.748 9 0.773 0
BERT+CNN 0.803 4 0.756 8 0.770 9
BERT + BiGRU-ATT 0.827 8 0.775 8 0.801 0
本文模型 MPMFC 0.843 6 0.801 7 0.822 1
Baseline Model Comparison
Ablation Experiment Results

主IPC 名称 摘要
CMPSN(本文网络) 0.2 0.3 0.5
CMPSN2 0.2 0.5 0.3
CMPSN3 0.4 0.3 0.3
CMPSN4 0.6 0.3 0.1
CMPSN5 0.8 0.1 0.1
CMPSN6 0.1 0.1 0.8
Weight Distribution of Different Networks
Superparametric Sensitivity Test
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