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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2023, Vol. 7 Issue (4): 114-128    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.0479
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A Deep Reinforcement Learning Recommendation Model with Multi-modal Features
Pan Huali1,Xie Jun1(),Gao Jing1,Xu Xinying2,Wang Changzheng3
1College of Information and Computer, Taiyuan University of Technology, Jinzhong 030600,China
2College of Electrical and Power Engineering, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan 030024,China
3Shanxi Tongfang Knowledge Network Digital Publishing Technology Co., Ltd., Taiyuan 030000, China
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[Objective] This paper addresses data sparsity and dynamic changes in user interests with multimodal feature fusion and deep reinforcement learning. [Methods] First, we used a pre-trained model and attention mechanism to achieve intra-modal representation and fusion of three modalities. Then, we created a model for user-item interactions. Finally, we utilized the deep reinforcement learning algorithm to capture user interest drift and long and short-term rewards in real time to achieve personalized recommendations. [Results] Compared with the highest value in the baseline models, the proposed model improved precision@5 by 11.8%, 16.5%, 11.4%, and NDCG@5 by 5.3%, 8.0%, 6.4%, on the MovieLens-1M, MovieLens-100K, and Douban datasets, respectively. [Limitations] The user interaction history in the Douban dataset is relatively small, and the proposed model cannot learn more accurate user preferences during training. Compared with the experiments on the MovieLens dataset, we received limited recommendation results. [Conclusions] The proposed model integrates multimodal information to reconstruct the state representation network of deep reinforcement learning, improving the recommendation effect.

Key wordsRecommendation      Deep Reinforcement Learning      Multimodal Feature Fusion      User-Recommender System Interaction     
Received: 12 May 2022      Published: 09 November 2022
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Fund:Open Project Program of State Key Laboratory of Virtual Reality Technology and Systems, Beihang University(VRLAB2022C11);Research Project of Shanxi Scholarship Council of China(2020-040);Shanxi Province Science and Technology Cooperation Exchange Special Project(202104041101030)
Corresponding Authors: Xie Jun ,ORCID:0000-0003-0955-9970,   

Cite this article:

Pan Huali, Xie Jun, Gao Jing, Xu Xinying, Wang Changzheng. A Deep Reinforcement Learning Recommendation Model with Multi-modal Features. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 7(4): 114-128.

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Deep Reinforcement Learning Recommendation Model Fused with Multi-modal Features(M2DR-RM)
The Interaction Process Between Users and the Recommender System
Model Structure of PV-DM
Model Structure of VGG-16
Multimodal Representation and Interactive Fusion Network for Movies
User-Item Interaction Modeling
项目 MovieLens-100K MovieLens-1M Douban
用户数 943 6 040 6 214
多模态电影数 1 681 3 883 6 819
评分数 99 991 1 000 209 286 165
平均交互数 106.035 0 165.597 5 46.051 7
Statistics for the Dataset
模型 年份 属性信息 评分值 文本信息 图像信息
BPR[3] 2009 × × ×
NAIS[5] 2018 × × ×
VBPR[17] 2016 × ×
ConvMF[18] 2016 × ×
DQN[26] 2015
DRR[15] 2020 × × ×
Compared Models
模型 Precision@5 Precision@10
ML-1M ML-100K Douban ML-1M ML-100K Douban
BPR 0.242 6 0.248 1 0.184 6 0.201 0 0.196 2 0.157 2
NAIS 0.228 2 0.219 9 0.202 1 0.205 3 0.179 0 0.150 6
VBPR 0.282 0 0.277 4 0.216 2 0.187 8 0.187 4 0.117 9
ConvMF 0.266 9 0.250 7 0.312 5 0.211 8 0.206 7 0.305 1
DQN 0.339 1 0.321 9 0.305 5 0.395 0 0.312 8 0.303 3
DRR 0.421 7 0.354 3 0.305 4 0.446 4 0.326 6 0.295 1
M2DR-RM 0.539 5 0.519 4 0.419 0 0.507 1 0.494 7 0.383 0
Accuracy Results of Different Models on Different Datasets
模型 NDCG@5 NDCG@10
ML-1M ML-100K Douban ML-1M ML-100K Douban
BPR 0.268 2 0.294 3 0.280 8 0.255 8 0.292 0 0.234 2
NAIS 0.251 3 0.258 6 0.254 2 0.258 1 0.257 9 0.251 6
VBPR 0.411 6 0.411 9 0.368 0 0.320 3 0.333 8 0.301 1
ConvMF 0.408 1 0.405 2 0.472 9 0.318 4 0.317 9 0.469 4
DQN 0.610 0 0.547 3 0.479 6 0.682 1 0.655 1 0.491 5
DRR 0.680 7 0.597 6 0.498 3 0.700 1 0.612 1 0.482 8
M2DR-RM 0.733 5 0.677 9 0.562 3 0.702 2 0.656 8 0.544 0
NDCG Results of Different Models on Different Datasets
Ablation Experiment Results
The Results of Parameter T on Three Datasets
Average Recommendation Time per User on MovieLens-1M Dataset
Comparison Results of Recommended Strategies
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