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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2023, Vol. 7 Issue (1): 76-88    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.0490
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Comparing Assessments of Computer-related Courses in Chinese and American Universities Based on Syllabus
Liu Siyuan1,Feng Leilin1,Zhu Zhangqian2,Jia Tao1()
1College of Computer and Information Science College of Software, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
2Department of Defense Economics, Army Logistical College of PLA, Chongqing 400041, China
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[Objective] This paper analyzes the differences of course assessments between Chinese and American universities, aiming to provide empirical support for engineering education reforms. [Methods] First, we retrieved more than 47,000 valid computer science related Chinese and English syllabi through automated data crawling. Then, we extracted the assessment section of these syllabi by keywords. Finally, we compared and analyzed the contents and methods of these assessments quantitatively. [Results] Compared with courses from Chinese universities, American universities assessed their students with more categories and diversified contents. American universities attach great importance to students’ progress, while Chinese universities focus too much on final exams. [Limitations] There is limited number of Chinese syllabi available online. Many syllabi contain much unstructured textual data, therefore, errors might occur while using keywords to examine their contents. [Conclusions] This study provides empirical support for course assessment optimization in China.

Key wordsCourse Assessment      Syllabus      Emerging Engineering Education      Text Analysis     
Received: 16 May 2022      Published: 16 February 2023
ZTFLH:  TP391 G350  
Fund:Industry-University-Research Innovation Fund for Universities of China, Ministry of Education(2021ALA03016);Fund for University Innovation Research Group of Chongqing(CXQT21005)
Corresponding Authors: Jia Tao,ORCID:0000-0002-2337-2857,E-mail:。   

Cite this article:

Liu Siyuan, Feng Leilin, Zhu Zhangqian, Jia Tao. Comparing Assessments of Computer-related Courses in Chinese and American Universities Based on Syllabus. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 7(1): 76-88.

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序号 主题词集合
1 assessment、percentage、evaluation、grade
2 lecturer、Dr、Pro、professor、instructor
3 agenda、calendar、outline、chapter、schedule、module
4 introduction、overview、description
5 goal、destination、purpose、aim、target、objectives
6 discipline、policies
7 textbook、ISBN、material、requirement、resource、toolbox、prerequisite
8 bribery、dishonesty、falsify、cheat、violation、threaten、lie、copy、fabric、scholastic、plagiary、misconduct、academic integrity
9 teaching assistant、staff、TA
10 office hour
Syllabus Theme Set
关键词集合 相似词集合
Exam exam、final exam、midterm、exam
Project program、lab、research
Homework assignment
Quiz test、prelim
Presentation report
Paper write、scribe、document、summary、review、essay、paper、journal、literature
Usual Performance class participation、attendance、discuss、team、collaboration、question set、comment、recite、seminar、interactive
Grading Assessment Categories and Synonym Sets (English)
关键词集合 相似词集合
考试成绩考核 期中、课终考试、期末、理论考试、闭卷考试、笔试、开卷考试、中考
项目或实验考核 上机、实验、设计、项目、作品、实践、方案
作业成绩考核 作业
测试成绩考核 阶段、测试、课堂、测试、课内、随堂
报告成绩考核 报告、答辩、演示程序、口头、演讲、展示、作品展示、作品演示
论文成绩考核 论文、文献综述、选题、开题
平时成绩考核 课堂参与、讨论、练习、研讨、提问、表现、考勤、出勤、表达、小组
Grading Assessment Categories and Synonym Sets (Chinese)
Percentage of Assessment Categories in Chinese and American Syllabus
The Proportion of the Syllabus of a Certain Assessment Category in the Total Sample
Partial Weight Averages and Overall Weight Averages of the Seven Assessment Categories in the Chinese and American Syllabus
Partial Weight Averages and Overall Weight Averages of the Three Assessment Categories in the Chinese and American Syllabus
Partial Weight Average and Overall Weight Average of the Examination and Non-examination Categories in the Chinese and American Syllabus
Partial Weight Averages and Overall Weight Averages of Examination Categories in the Chinese and American Syllabus
Analysis of the Number of Exams and Tests in the Syllabus
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