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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2023, Vol. 7 Issue (2): 86-96    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.0985
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Extracting Emotion-Cause Pairs Based on Multi-Label Seq2Seq Model
Zhang Siyang1,Wei Subo2,3,Sun Zhengyan4,Zhang Shunxiang2,3(),Zhu Guangli2,3,Wu Houyue2,3
1School of Mathematics and Big Data, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan 232001, China
2School of Computer Science and Engineering, Anhui University of Science and Technology, Huainan 232001, China
3Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, Hefei Comprehensive National Science Center, Hefei 230026, China
4School of Computer Science, Huainan Normal University, Huainan 232038, China
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[Objective] This paper explores new algorithms to extract emotion-cause pairs based on multi-label Seq2Seq model. [Methods] First, we used the BERT pre-training to obtain semantically rich word vectors. Then, we utilized the Bi-GRU and LSTM to obtain the global and local features of the texts. Finally, we introduced the hybrid attention mechanism to merge the features and improve the integrity of these semantic features. [Results] Compared with the latest FSS-GCN model, the F1 value of our new model for emotional cause pairs increased by 0.98 percentage point and 11.60 percentage point on two data sets. The F1 value of emotion extraction increased by 0.87 percentage point and 1.10 percentage point, while the F1 value for cause extraction increased by 0.79 percentage point and 2.31 percentage point respectively. [Limitations] Our new model mainly examined the explicit emotion-cause pairs and did not explore implicit emotion-cause pairs. [Conclusions] The proposed model improves the F1 values of extracting emotion-cause pairs.

Key wordsEmotion-Cause Pair Extraction      Multi-Label      Seq2Seq Model      BERT     
Received: 20 September 2022      Published: 28 March 2023
ZTFLH:  TP393 G250  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(62076006);University Synergy Innovation Program of Anhui Province(GXXT-2021-008);Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation(1908085MF189)
Corresponding Authors: Zhang Shunxiang,ORCID: 0000-0002-0540-7593,E-mail:。   

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Zhang Siyang, Wei Subo, Sun Zhengyan, Zhang Shunxiang, Zhu Guangli, Wu Houyue. Extracting Emotion-Cause Pairs Based on Multi-Label Seq2Seq Model. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 7(2): 86-96.

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Framework of Emotion-Cause Pair Extraction for Multi-Label Seq2Seq Model
数据集 情感原因对 数量 比例
中文 一个情感原因对 1 746 89.77%
多个情感原因对 199 10.23%
英文 一个情感原因对 2 537 89.24%
多个情感原因对 306 10.76%
Dataset Description
模型 中文数据集 英文数据集
P(%) R(%) F1(%) P(%) R(%) F1(%)
ECPA 70.96 70.32 70.64 69.12 71.45 70.27
E-CNN 57.14 54.37 55.72 56.98 55.37 56.16
Indep 68.32 50.82 58.18 69.12 53.71 60.45
Inter-CE 69.02 51.35 59.01 70.26 55.68 62.13
Inter-EC 67.21 57.05 61.28 71.48 59.72 65.08
UTOS 73.89 70.62 72.03 71.54 63.97 67.54
TDG-ECPA 73.74 63.07 67.99 68.51 60.46 64.23
OG-ECPE 77.90 70.82 74.17 73.69 53.84 62.22
MAM-SD 69.63 57.99 63.20 68.46 57.13 62.28
ECPE-2D 68.97 62.54 65.59 70.08 48.72 57.37
FSS-GCN 78.61 75.72 77.14 67.43 53.03 59.48
MLS-ECPE 78.94 77.31 78.12 71.38 70.79 71.08
Experimental Results of Models Performance
模型 情绪抽取 原因抽取
P(%) R(%) F1(%) P(%) R(%) F1(%)
FSS-GCN 86.14 80.46 83.20 70.52 63.93 67.06
MAM-SD 85.54 81.41 83.39 72.02 62.75 67.07
UTOS 82.07 77.07 79.47 67.81 60.64 63.98
MLS-ECPE 86.95 81.37 84.07 73.67 62.89 67.85
Emotion Extraction and Cause Extraction (Chinese Dataset)
模型 情绪抽取 原因抽取
P(%) R(%) F1(%) P(%) R(%) F1(%)
FSS-GCN 83.75 77.86 80.70 68.37 56.78 62.04
MAM-SD 79.64 76.43 78.00 65.29 55.18 59.81
UTOS 78.48 76.09 77.27 60.31 54.76 57.40
MLS-ECPE 84.16 79.57 81.80 70.15 59.43 64.35
Emotion Extraction and Cause Extraction (English Dataset)
情绪-原因对 模型 P(%) R(%) F1(%)
一对 FSS-GCN 83.12 75.81 79.30
MLS-ECPE 85.49 77.58 81.34
多对 FSS-GCN 73.84 60.75 66.66
MLS-ECPE 75.92 62.83 68.76
Analysis of the Number of Emotion-Cause Pairs
P(%) R(%) F1(%)
组别 Full model 78.94 77.31 78.12
目标信息组 -BERT 77.15 75.81 76.47
-Bi-GRU+Att 66.78 58.93 62.61
-LSTM+Att 70.46 72.84 71.63
上下文信息组 -HA 73.84 70.75 72.26
标签信息组 -LM 73.92 69.83 71.82
Experimental Study of Ablation
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