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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2023, Vol. 7 Issue (12): 102-113    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.1028
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Micro-Blog Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis Based on Multi-Feature Fusion
Wu Xuxu1,Chen Peng1(),Jiang Huan2
1School of Information and Cyber Security, People’s Public Security University of China, Beijing 100045, China
2School of E-Business and Logistics, Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing 100048, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes an RB-LCM model to improve the fine-grained sentiment analysis of Weibo texts. [Methods] First, we used the RoBERTa to encode the character and sentence-level features of Weibo posts. Then, we utilized the Bi-LSTM and capsule network to capture in-depth global and local features of Weibo sentences. Third, we deployed multi-head self-attention feature fusion to fuse the relevant multi-dimensional features. Finally, we used improved Focal Loss and FGM to train the model and improve the dataset labels’ imbalance and the model’s robustness. [Results] The accuracy and F1 value of the proposed model on the SMP2020-EWECT dataset reached 80.64% and 77.41%. The model’s accuracy and F1 value on the NLPCC2013 task 2 dataset were 67.17% and 51.08%. The model’s accuracy and F1 value on the NLPCC2014 task 1 dataset reached 71.27% and 58.25%. The model’s accuracy and F1 value on the binary sentiment dataset weibo_senti_100k dataset were up to 98.45% and 98.44%, respectively. All results were better than the advanced sentiment analysis models on each dataset. [Limitations] Our model did not include relevant pictures, videos, voice, or other information for sentiment analysis. [Conclusions] The proposed model can effectively analyze the sentiment of Weibo posts.

Key wordsRoBERTa      Multi-Head Self-Attention Fusion      Bi-LSTM      Microblog Sentiment Analysis      Capsule Network     
Received: 28 September 2022      Published: 13 September 2023
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Fund:Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, People’s Public Security University of China Project(2022JKF02018)
Corresponding Authors: Chen Peng,。   

Cite this article:

Wu Xuxu, Chen Peng, Jiang Huan. Micro-Blog Fine-Grained Sentiment Analysis Based on Multi-Feature Fusion. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 7(12): 102-113.

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Structure of RB-LCM
Capsule Flow
Adversarial Learning
数据集 训练集/
SMP2020-EWECT 38 699 9 675 - 6
NLPCC2013 11 200 2 800 - 8
NLPCC2014 14 000 6 000 - 8
weibo_senti_100k 95 990 11 999 11 999 2
Dataset Information
名称 参数 参数值
RoBERTa 学习率 2e-5
层间学习系数 0.95
权重衰减 1e-5
词矢量维度 768
句子最大长度 175
Bi-LSTM 学习率 1e-4
隐藏层维度 384
层数 1
权重衰减 1e-5
Capsule 学习率 1e-4
胶囊个数 24
胶囊维度 32
权重衰减 1e-5
Multi-headed Self-attention 头数 3
Fc Drop_out rate 0.4
Training 优化器 Adam
批处理数量 16
Epoch 10
Model Parameter Settings
实验环境 实验配置
操作系统 Windows 10
显卡型号 Quadro P4000
内存 8GB
编程语言 Python3.8
深度学习框架 PyTorch1.12.1
Experiment Environment
Influence of Routing Iteration Times
模型 ACC(%) F1(%)
BERT-BiLSTM 71.52 63.23
BERT-BiGRU-Attention 76.15 67.79
BERT-HAN 78.77 72.63
RB-LCM 80.64 77.41
Performance of Different Models on SMP2020-EWECT Dataset
模型 ACC(%) F1(%)
C-BiLSTM 54.68 42.82
CNN_BiLSTM 55.07 44.17
EMCNN 63.12 47.23
RB-LCM 67.17 51.08
Performance of Different Models on NLPCC2013 Dataset
模型 ACC(%) F1(%)
TextRCNN 67.23 53.24
Transformer 66.08 53.29
BLLC-CL 70.57 56.59
RB-LCM 71.27 58.25
Performance of Different Models on NLPCC2014 Dataset
模型 ACC(%) F1(%)
Text RCNN 95.73 95.75
CNN-LSTM 96.81 96.81
CBMA 97.65 97.51
RB-LCM 98.45 98.44
Performance of Different Models on weibo_senti_100k Dataset
模型 NLPCC2013 NLPCC2014 SMP2020-EWECT weibo_senti_100k
ACC(%) F1(%) ACC(%) F1(%) ACC(%) F1(%) ACC(%) F1(%)
RB-LCM 67.17 51.08 71.27 58.25 80.64 77.41 98.45 98.44
RB-LCM-P 66.25 49.93 66.18 57.56 80.34 76.90 98.21 97.80
RB-LCM-Hn 66.53 50.39 68.78 56.22 79.86 77.10 97.98 97.10
RB-LCM-M 66.46 47.80 67.46 56.90 80.04 74.71 97.65 96.87
RB-LCM-F 65.71 48.68 69.60 56.62 79.53 75.21 97.42 96.88
RB-LCM-FGM 66.86 50.21 70.38 57.36 79.17 76.84 98.11 97.67
Fuse1 66.04 48.13 69.54 54.18 80.14 75.78 98.04 97.88
Fuse2 66.78 50.10 70.12 56.34 80.02 76.23 97.87 97.71
Fuse3 65.98 49.23 68.78 56.32 79.54 75.47 97.44 97.23
Fuse4 66.92 50.42 69.55 57.20 79.92 76.38 97.99 97.95
Ls1 66.14 49.55 69.95 57.42 79.86 77.23 98.15 98.10
Ls2 66.22 50.13 69.47 56.84 79.97 77.06 98.07 97.86
Performance of Ablation Experiments
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