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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2023, Vol. 7 Issue (9): 25-38    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.1128
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Trending Topics on Metaverse: A Microblog Text Analysis with BERT and DTM
He Chaocheng1,2,Huang Qian1,Li Xinru1,Wang Chunying3,Wu Jiang1()
1School of Information Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
2Shenzhen Research Institute of Wuhan University, Shenzhen 518052, China
3School of Information Management, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450018, China
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[Objective] This paper comprehensively examines the evolution of public opinion triggered by the metaverse concepts, which provides insights for metaverse-related policies and industry planning. [Methods] We retrieved Weibo textual posts on metaverse-related from September 2021 to February 2023. Then, we utilized BERT and DTM models to extract semantic and topic features. Third, we employed the K-means algorithm for topic clustering and explored their evolutionary patterns. [Results] The public attention on the metaverse originated around NFTs and gaming. With capital speculation within the digital industry, the entertainment and physical industries joined the race. The emergence of ChatGPT further prompted the public’s exploration of the status quo of the metaverse, technology innovation, and prospective applications. [Limitations] We did not include foreign language data from Twitter to compare the focus and trends of the metaverse topics among domestic and international users. [Conclusions] This study examines the characteristics and evolution of social attention on topics related to the meta-universe from quantitative and macro perspectives. It helps us regulate online public opinion in the meta-universe.

Key wordsMetaverse      Microblog      BERT      Dynamic Topic Model     
Received: 28 October 2022      Published: 12 September 2023
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Fund:The National Natural Science Foundation of China(72204189);The Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foundation(2022A1515110972);The Key Projects of Philosophy and Social Sciences Research at Ministry of Education of China(20JZD024)
Corresponding Authors: Wu Jiang,ORCID: 0000-0002-3342-9757,E-mail:。   

Cite this article:

He Chaocheng, Huang Qian, Li Xinru, Wang Chunying, Wu Jiang. Trending Topics on Metaverse: A Microblog Text Analysis with BERT and DTM. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 7(9): 25-38.

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The Monthly Distribution of the number of Metaverse Microblog Texts
Flow Chart of the Research Process
Variation of Topic Consistency with the Number of Topics
CV 0.570 0.548 0.435 0.319
SS 0.207 0.170 0.063 0.061
Comparison of Four Models in Metaverse Microblog Topic Identification
Two-Dimensional Clustering Visualization of UMAP for Four Topics Models
主题 主题词(time=1) …… (time=18)
世界,现在,概念,现实,知道,未来,人类,看到,生活,东西,宇宙,今天,喜欢,时间,游戏,玩家,朋友,希望,虚拟世界,时代 …… 现在,世界,人类,捂脸,CXK,知道,喜欢,知,概念,虚拟,故事,时代,意识,游戏,看到,楼,地球,东西,未来,时间
NFT,海盗,社区,项目,PIRATECOIN,BALA,币,游戏,格里芬,手游,链,FLOKI,GART,区块,中国,生态,上线,加密,价值,目前 …… 链,区块,NFT,游戏,币,WEB3,数字,项目,藏品,社区,FLOKI,比特,中国,加密,平台,货币,以太,用户,坊,SAND
技术,世界,发展,现实,互联网,数字,未来,新,科技,实现,应用,网络,虚拟,需要,经济,人类,行业,概念,内容,产业 …… 发展,技术,AI,数字,CHATGPT,应用,人工智能,产业,新,领域,未来,经济,创新,数据,中国,企业,科技,AIGC,智能,研究
股份,科技,板,能源,新,药业,汽车,文化,龙头,东方,集团,电子,智能,中青宝,发展,医药,湖北,光伏,医疗,视讯 …… 股份,科技,智能,沉香,数字,深圳,信息,数科,天娱,电子,如屑,应渊,唐周,信创,板,在线,备注,数据
板块,亿,涨停,股,指数,个股,概念,沪,两市,创业板,涨幅,超,资金,今日,买入,震荡,电力,上涨,涨,点 …… 概念,人工智能,涨停,板块,个股,指数,数字,CHATGPT,经济,板,两市,跌,科技,股,概念股,亿,资金,云,市场,震荡
公司,相关,业务,投资者,产品,增长,亿元,市场,VR,行业,领域,投资,企业,目前,项目,亿,研发,同比,汽车,市值 …… 公司,亿,亿元,项目,产品,市值,业务,投资,总,元,服务,研发,现价,技术,企业,相关,同比,拟,增长,中国
FACEBOOK,公司,游戏,扎克伯格,META,AR,投资,VR,苹果,巨头,宣布,表示,美国,亿美元,平台,计划,社交,微软,万美元,市场 …… 公司,CHATGPT,META,微软,亿美元,团队,美国,宣布,表示,苹果,推出,全球,用户,裁员,市场,业务,投资,计划,VR,员工
大学,艺术,中国,拥有,音乐,文化,作品,一起,艺术家,设计,伊斯坦布尔,系列,时尚,AESPA,旅游,舞台,视频,北京,主题,时间 …… 文化,活动,艺术,音乐,旅游,中国,舞台,一起,感受,传统,赞多,制作,视频,期待,CXK,魅力,时间,龚俊,新,设计
板块,市场,今天,关注,机会,继续,行情,反弹,明天,方向,资金,趋势,上涨,目前,个股,调整,短线,热点,新能源,龙头 …… 板块,市场,今天,继续,资金,机会,行情,关注,目前,指数,方向,调整,预期,炒作,出现,经济,题材,点,概念,科技
虚拟,概念,发布,数字,科技,游戏,文章,VR,头条,商标,世界,体验,提问,申请,百度,布局,新,未来,打造,虚拟人 …… 数字,虚拟,体验,发布,科技,VR,产业,AR,新,大会,世界,场景,品牌,打造,文章,技术,头条,直播,沉浸,平台
Topic-Word Mapping Within Each Period (Partial)
The Distribution of the Metaverse Microblogs Under Each Topic
Heat Map of the Evolution of Each Topic
Evolution of the Number of Microblogs Under Each Topic
Keyword Co-occurrence Network Map
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