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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2024, Vol. 8 Issue (1): 135-145    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.1231
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Extracting Long Terms from Sparse Samples
Lyu Xueqiang1,Yang Yuting1,Xiao Gang2,Li Yuxian1,You Xindong1()
1Beijing Key Laboratory of Internet Culture and Digital Dissemination Research, Beijing Information Science and Technology University, Beijing 100101, China
2General Key Laboratory of Complex System Simulation, Institute of Systems Engineering, Academy of Military Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes a model combining head and tail pointers with active learning, which addresses the sparse sample issues and helps us identify long terms on weapons. [Methods] Firstly, we used the BERT pre-trained language model to obtain the word vector representation. Then, we extracted the long terms by the head-tail pointer network. Third, we developed a new active learning sampling strategy to select high-quality unlabeled samples. Finally, we iteratively trained the model to reduce its dependence on the data scale. [Results] The F1 value for long term extraction was improved by 0.50%. With the help of active learning post-sampling, we used about 50% high-quality data to achieve the same F1 value with 100% high-quality training data. [Limitations] Due to the limitation of computing power, the data set in this paper was small, and the active learning sampling strategy requires more processing time. [Conclusions] Using head-tail pointer and active learning method can extract long terms effectively and reduce the cost of data annotation.

Key wordsTerm Extraction      Active Learning      Head-to-Tail Pointer Network      BERT      Weaponry     
Received: 21 November 2022      Published: 16 May 2023
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(62171043);Key Laboratories for National Defense Science and Technology(6412006200404);Beijing Municipal Natural Science Foundation(4212020)
Corresponding Authors: You Xindong,ORCID:0000-0002-3351-4599,。   

Cite this article:

Lyu Xueqiang, Yang Yuting, Xiao Gang, Li Yuxian, You Xindong. Extracting Long Terms from Sparse Samples. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2024, 8(1): 135-145.

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The Term Recognition Model Based on Head and Tail Pointer
Active Learning Process
Distribution of Data Length
Distribution of Term Length
配置项 配置情况
操作系统 Linux Ubuntu 16.04
CPU Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 5118 CPU @2.30GHz(12-Core)
GPU 8*NVIDIA Tesla V100(16GB)
Python 3.8.9
PyTorch 1.7.1
内存 64GB
Training Environment
编号 抽取模型 P(%) R(%) F1(%)
1 CRF 83.31 74.23 78.51
2 Bi-LSTM 61.03 70.63 65.48
3 BERT+Softmax 90.37 87.81 89.07
4 BERT+CRF 91.26 88.49 89.85
5 BERT+头尾指针网络 91.57 89.16 90.35
Comparison of Extraction Models
编号 原句 CRF抽取结果 头尾指针抽取结果
1 盾牌级导弹艇-(Skjold)舰宽是13.5米。 盾牌级导弹艇 盾牌级导弹艇-(skjold)
2 智利就为其改装了以色列的“巴拉克”防空导弹垂直发射系统。 发射系统 “巴拉克”防空导弹垂直发射系统
3 054a型(北约称江凯ii级)导弹护卫舰,由沪东造船厂建造成。 054a型(北约称江凯ii级),护卫舰 054a型(北约称江凯ii级)导弹护卫舰
4 “四平”号(544)2座b515型324毫米反潜鱼雷三联发射器(携带a244/s型轻型反潜鱼雷24枚)。 “四平”号(544),b515型324毫米反潜鱼雷三联发射器(携带,a244/s型轻型反潜鱼雷24枚) “四平”号(544),b515型324毫米反潜鱼雷三联发射器,a244/s型轻型反潜鱼雷
Sample Comparison
编号 采样算法 说明
1 Random 随机对未标注样本进行采样
2 LC 最小置信度采样算法
3 MNLP 对LC归一化的采样算法
4 Margin 字符粒度的Margin采样算法
5 Margin+Diff(static) 字符粒度的Margin采样算法采样部分数据,术语头尾数量差值不为0的序列采样部分数据,每轮的采样数量固定不变
6 Margin+Diff(dynamic) 字符粒度的Margin采样算法采样部分数据,术语头尾数量差值不为0的序列采样部分数据,每轮的采样数量根据模型预测结果变化
Comparative Experiment of Active Learning Algorithms
模型 各采样轮次时的F1值(%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Random 82.93 85.02 85.68 86.15 86.53 85.78 84.64 85.71
LC 84.94 87.37 87.70 87.97 88.69 89.45 90.01 90.27
MNLP 84.46 87.41 87.46 89.32 87.85 87.94 88.71 90.26
Margin 84.88 88.25 87.25 87.93 88.31 89.43 89.33 90.05
Margin+Diff(static) 83.06 86.98 87.79 88.30 88.29 88.84 89.60 90.02
Margin+Diff(dynamic) 87.02(↑) 88.31(↑) 88.76(↑) 88.61(↓) 88.63(↑) 89.86(↑) 90.79(↑) 90.53(↓)
Experimental Results
Comparative Experimental Results
模型 采样8轮时的F1(%)
1%数据比例 5%数据比例 10%数据比例 15%数据比例 20%数据比例
Random 41.67 69.89 78.43 79.82 80.56
LC 38.11 66.67 77.27 80.41 81.05
MNLP 35.40 68.09 76.83 79.39 80.05
Margin 31.76 68.82 74.30 80.28 81.20
Margin+Diff(static) 35.58 71.41 73.29 79.52 80.33
Margin+Diff(dynamic) 36.74(↑) 67.08(↑) 79.18(↑) 81.94(↑) 82.11(↑)
Impact of Sample Data Size on Model Performance
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