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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2023, Vol. 7 Issue (11): 26-36    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.1250
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Online Sensitive Text Classification Model Based on Heterogeneous Graph Convolutional Network
Gao Haoxin1,2,Sun Lijuan1,3,Wu Jingchen1,4,Gao Yutong6,Wu Xu1,2,5()
1Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Distributed Computing and Service, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China
2School of Cyberspace Security, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China
3School of Economics and Management, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China
4School of Computer Science (National Pilot Software Engineering School), Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China
5Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Library, Beijing 100876, China
6School of Computer and Information Technology, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes a classification model for sensitive texts in online communities based on a graph neural network, which supports public opinion governance and information security. [Methods] First, we constructed a heterogeneous graph based on sensitive entities of texts and words, which included the existing knowledge about sensitive information of online public opinion. Second, we adopted BERT and GCN to capture high-level semantic information of the text and global co-occurrence features. Third, we combined the complementary advantages of pre-training and graph models to address heterogeneous issues due to structural differences between long and short texts. Finally, we classified sensitive texts based on features of online public opinion. [Results] We examined the proposed model on a self-made sensitive text dataset of online public opinion. The accuracy of our method reached 70.80%, which was 3.52% higher than that of other models. [Limitations] Large heterogeneous graphs built on long texts will reduce the computing speed. [Conclusions] The proposed model could effectively identify and classify sensitive content from different online texts.

Key wordsGraph Convolutional Network      Sensitive Text Classification      Heterogeneous Graph      BERT     
Received: 23 November 2022      Published: 22 March 2023
ZTFLH:  TP183 G350  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(72293583);China Postdoctoral Science Foundation(2022M710463)
Corresponding Authors: Wu Xu,ORCID:0000-0002-1297-2726,E-mail:。   

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Gao Haoxin, Sun Lijuan, Wu Jingchen, Gao Yutong, Wu Xu. Online Sensitive Text Classification Model Based on Heterogeneous Graph Convolutional Network. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2023, 7(11): 26-36.

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An Example of Heterogeneous Graph
Schematic of GCN for Sensitive Text
Classification Scheme of Public Opinion Sensitive Texts in the Field of Education
类别 文本 来源
安全类 美得州枪击案细节披露:枪手将自己反锁在教室扫射孩子们无路可逃。 虎扑
管理类 当然不仅仅是听叶财德的意见,他只是一个社区防控的代表,恰逢其会被推到了台前… 水木社区
声誉类 华为让人反感不是没有缘由的,哪个应用离开华为没法运行?资费下降不感谢运营商… 水木社区
学术类 研究方法扎实固然很重要,也代表了学术水平高。但是学术水平高… 虎扑
灾害类 风暴席卷加拿大东部致8死:大批电线杆折断 50万人遭断电。 环球网
政治类 外交部应该直接明确的说清楚,乌克兰现政府是… 观察者网
Examples of Sensitive Text
类别 数量 平均长度 最大长度 最小长度
安全类 386 438 6 279 12
管理类 7 954 997 24 875 10
声誉类 2 250 831 32 767 11
学术类 2 323 1 098 28 442 15
灾害类 82 471 5 141 22
政治类 709 709 32 767 8
全部 13 704 890 32 767 8
Dataset Information
模型 准确率
TextRNN 60.83 62.34 60.83 56.09
FastText 63.73 63.51 63.73 60.95
TextRNN-Att 64.58 63.11 64.58 62.76
DPCNN 64.72 64.90 64.72 62.55
TextCNN 66.15 64.63 65.15 63.08
TextRCNN 66.29 65.40 66.29 64.50
BERT 67.28 68.28 67.28 66.22
STC-HGCN 70.80 71.10 70.80 70.23
Results of Contrast Experiment
模型 准确率/%
①移除实体节点 68.42
②移除GCN 67.28
③移除BERT 68.64
完整模型 70.80
Results of Ablation Study
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