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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2024, Vol. 8 Issue (5): 1-17    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2023.0409
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Constructing Semantic Association Model for Narrative-Oriented Archaeological Excavation Data
Han Muzhe1,2,Gao Jinsong2(),Fang Xiaoyin2,Li Shuaike2,Sun Yanling2,Li Yu3
1Institute of Science and Technology Information, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
2School of Information Management, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China
3School of Archaeology and Museology, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610225, China
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[Objective] This paper aims to ensure the shareability of knowledge in Archaeological Excavation Data (AED) and promote knowledge integration across humanity disciplines. It constructs an ontology model based on narrative logic analysis of multi-dimensional semantic decomposition to achieve a multi-dimensional associative combination and narrative representation of AED knowledge. [Methods] Firstly, we thoroughly analyzed the knowledge structure and narrative logic within AED to determine a plan for ontology construction. Secondly, we examined the widely-used CIDOC CRM ontology model and its expanded CRM ontology family in cultural heritage to assess the reusability of related ontology. Thirdly, we semantically aligned the knowledge from archaeological sites, remains, and relics to define entity classes. Finally, targeting the narrative logic in AED, we determined each entity class’s object and data properties to construct the ontology model. [Results] Using the AED data from the Yanbulake cemetery in Hami, Xinjiang, we identified the semantic association between the site and archaeological excavation activities. It also explored extensive semantic association methods for burial relics and unearthed artifacts with knowledge-mining value, resulting in a series of narrative displays. [Limitations] Although the data from the Yanbulake cemetery is representative, the site is relatively small, and the complexity of actual application scenarios may be higher. [Conclusions] The semantic association model constructed in this paper can achieve knowledge representation that aligns with the archaeological data’s knowledge structure and narrative logic at the knowledge unit level.

Key wordsOntology      Semantic Association      CIDOC CRM      Archaeological Excavation Data      Narrative     
Received: 05 May 2023      Published: 08 January 2024
ZTFLH:  G255  
Fund:Humanities and Social Science Planning Fund of Ministry of Education(22YJA870008);National Social Science Fund of China(23CTQ038)
Corresponding Authors: Gao Jinsong,ORCID: 0000-0003-0022-5923,E-mail:。   

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Han Muzhe, Gao Jinsong, Fang Xiaoyin, Li Shuaike, Sun Yanling, Li Yu. Constructing Semantic Association Model for Narrative-Oriented Archaeological Excavation Data. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2024, 8(5): 1-17.

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发掘登记资料名称 子域 工作过程 关联资料
遗址 遗迹 遗物 责任方 时间
Common Archaeological Excavation Data and the Types of Entities Described Therein
Knowledge Structure in Archaeological Excavation Data
Examples of Entity Obtained from Archaeological Excavation Data
来源 标识符 描述 概念术语 示例
CRM crm:E27_Site 遗址 遗址 ◆焉不拉克墓地遗址
CRM crm:E53_Place 地点 地点位置 ◆焉不拉克村
CRM crm:E16_Measurement 测量活动 测量维度 ◆焉不拉克遗址规模度量
CRM crm:E54_Dimension 维度 遗址规模 ◆焉不拉克遗址面积
CRMarchaeo crma:A9_Archaeological_Excavation 考古发掘活动 考古发掘 ◆1986年焉不拉克墓地考古发掘
CRM crm:E21_Person 人物 相关人员
CRM crm:E74_Group 机构 ◆教学科研机构-G1
CRM crm:E52_Time-span 时间跨度 发掘时间 ◆1986年焉不拉克墓地发掘起止时间
CRMarchaeo crma:A1_Excavation_Process_Unit 考古发掘单元 考古发掘进程 ◆焉不拉克T20-T22发掘
CRM crm:E31_Document 档案记录 记录资料 ◆焉不拉克T20-T22发掘登记表
CRM crm:E65_Creation 创建行为 资料整理 ◆焉不拉克遗址考古报告整理
CRM crm:E36_Visual_item 视觉资源 视觉资源 ◆图五:T20-T22墓葬分布图
自定义 arc:HE3_Achievement 研究成果 成果资料 ◆《新疆哈密焉不拉克墓地》
DC dc:HE1_Publisher 出版者 刊布机构 ◆考古学报
自定义 arc:HE2_Outcomes_Catagory 成果类型 刊布形式 ◆期刊论文
Illustrations and Definitions of Entities Associated with Conceptual Terms in the Site Subdomain
Class Hierarchy of Entities of Archaeological Excavation Data Ontology
Entities and Properties in the Ontology of Archaeological Excavation Data (Illustrated with E27_Site)
Semantic Differentiation of Entities Based on Different Properties (Illustrated with E21_Person)
Semantic Decomposition of Corpus 1
Hierarchical Relationships Among Entities within the Ontology of Archaeological Excavation Data
Visualization of Ontology of Archaeological Excavation Data
Semantic Representation of the Location of Yanbulake Cemetery
Semantic Representation of the Scale of Yanbulake Cemetery
Semantic Association of Yanbulake and Its Archaeological Excavation Activities
Semantic Association of M31 & M32 of Yanbulake and Their Stratigraphic Relationships
Semantic Association of Relics Found from M31 of Yanbulake
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