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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2014, Vol. 30 Issue (1): 79-86    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2014.01.12
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Explore User’s Behavior of Academic Blog Based on EDTM:Take Blog.Sciencenet as an Example
Xu Xiaojuan, Zhao Yuxiang, Zhu Qinghua
School of Information Management,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210093,China
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Abstract  [Objective] This paper explores user’s behavior of academic blog and takes blog.sciencenet as an example. [Methods]:The model of user’s behavior is established,including the use and cease of the academic blog by Ethnographic Decision Tree Method(EDTM). [Results] The paper finds the reasons of using the academic blog include the authenticity of the contents,value and authority,sociability and sharing ideas,and stopping reasons contain the depth of the blog content is not enough and the efficiency of the content does not reach expectations. [Limitations] Since the research is based on the principle of convenience sampling,there are some limitations. They will be improved in the future. [Conclusions] The value of the research is in defining and testing Ethnographic Decision Tree Method,as a supplement of methodology to investigate blog user behavior research. The results not only direct the reasons why people use and give up academic blog,but also have predictive value from the perspective of decision science.
Key wordsEthnographic Decision Tree Model      Academic blog      Science net      User’s behavior     
Received: 14 February 2014      Published: 14 February 2014
:  G350  

Cite this article:

Xu Xiaojuan,Zhao Yuxiang,Zhu Qinghua. Explore User’s Behavior of Academic Blog Based on EDTM:Take Blog.Sciencenet as an Example. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2014, 30(1): 79-86.

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