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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2015, Vol. 31 Issue (10): 102-108    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2015.10.14
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Personalized Book Recommender Service Deployment Using Apache Mahout
Liu Dan
East China Normal University Library, Shanghai 200240, China
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[Objective] Through providing personalized book recommender service, enrich resource discovering methods and promote user awareness, book circulation under the situation of circulation decrease. [Methods] Using Apache Mahout, by normalizing circulation log data, using boolean user-based collaborative filtering recommendation with logarithm similarity algorithm, personalized book recommendations are generated and embedded in OPAC. [Results] Personalized book recommendations are embedded in OPAC, with automatic update every 10 days, and top 10 books are rendered to readers without recommendations. [Limitations] Lack of preference data, available recommenders are limited to boolean user-based recommenders. [Conclusions] The personalized book recommendation service receives attention and good fame. 7.5% readers click and read the recommendations, and about 3.1% borrow the recommended book.

Received: 06 January 2015      Published: 06 April 2016
:  G250.76  

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Liu Dan. Personalized Book Recommender Service Deployment Using Apache Mahout. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2015, 31(10): 102-108.

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