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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2016, Vol. 32 Issue (9): 88-94    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2016.09.11
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Using Bidirectional Pattern Matching Model to Pre-Process Yearbook Data
Shi Liting1(),Zhang Qian2,Zhong Yongheng1,Hu Sisi1,Li Zhenzhen1
1Wuhan Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430071, China
2The 9th Designing of China Aerospace Science Industry Corporation, Wuhan 430040, China
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[Objective] We try to store the yearbook records as structured data, which will also be updated regularly. [Context] The yearbook data pre-process system is a C/S tool platform for collecting, auditing and uploading data. It was developed with VC++, and generated contents for the yearbook database. [Methods] We first modified the classic WM algorithm to build a new bidirectional pattern matching model. With the help of word segmentation technology, the new model could extract the metadata of original records. Then, we reduced the number of pattern sets with data storing procedure and bidirectional matched the records to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the system. [Results] The proposed algorithm achieved high level of matching rate and accuracy. [Conclusions] Bidirectional matching algorithm can meet the needs of the yearbook data entry, and improve the efficiency of the data preprocessing system.

Key wordsBidirectional pattern matching      The yearbook data      WM algorithm     
Received: 09 March 2016      Published: 19 October 2016

Cite this article:

Shi Liting,Zhang Qian,Zhong Yongheng,Hu Sisi,Li Zhenzhen. Using Bidirectional Pattern Matching Model to Pre-Process Yearbook Data. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2016, 32(9): 88-94.

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