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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2020, Vol. 4 Issue (4): 100-108    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2019.0896
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Identifying Noun Metaphors with Transformer and BERT
Zhang Dongyu1,Cui Zijuan2,Li Yingxia1,Zhang Wei1,Lin Hongfei3()
1 School of Software, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116620, China
2 International Office, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
3 School of Computer Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes a new method to address the issues facing semantic information and relationship representation, aiming to improve the recognition of noun metaphors. [Methods] First, we used the BERT model to replace the word vector, and added position relationship among words for the semantic representation. Then, we utilized the Transformer model to extract features. Finally, we identified the noun metaphors with the help of used neural network classifier. [Results] The proposed model got the highest scores in accuracy (0.900 0), precision (0.896 4), recall (0.885 8), and F1(0.891 0). It covered multiple key points to improve the classification results of noun metaphors. [Limitations] The proposed method could not process the Chinese ancient idioms, as well as rare or dummy vocabularies. [Conclusions] The proposed model could more effectively identify Noun Metaphors than the existing models based on artificial features and deep learnings.

Key wordsMetaphor Recognition      Noun Metaphor      Semantic Comprehension      Transformer Model      BERT     
Received: 30 July 2019      Published: 01 June 2020
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Corresponding Authors: Lin Hongfei     E-mail:

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Zhang Dongyu,Cui Zijuan,Li Yingxia,Zhang Wei,Lin Hongfei. Identifying Noun Metaphors with Transformer and BERT. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2020, 4(4): 100-108.

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Noun Metaphor Identification Process of BERT+Transformer Model
Training Process of BERT Model
Structure of Transformer Model
类别 数量 比例
动词隐喻 2 040 46.43%
名词隐喻 2 035 46.31%
非隐喻 319 7.26%
总计 4 394 100%
Data Set Composition
类别 示例
动词隐喻 知了在树上唱歌
名词隐喻 他像孔雀一样高傲
非隐喻 对任何不屈服于美国的国家实行制裁
Sample Data Set

True False
True Tp Fn
False Fp Tn
Character Meaning in Confusion Matrix
模型 Acc P R F1
CNN 0.870 9 0.879 6 0.834 6 0.856 5
LSTM 0.843 6 0.850 0 0.803 1 0.825 9
NN 0.746 7 0.742 8 0.743 1 0.747 8
LSTM+ATT 0.850 9 0.870 6 0.795 2 0.831 2
DBi-LSTM 0.744 8 0.743 0 0.743 8 0.744 5
CNN+SVM 0.784 0 0.781 2 0.780 2 0.784 6
Capsule 0.878 1 0.875 5 0.858 2 0.866 7
Transformer 0.856 3 0.895 9 0.779 5 0.833 6
BERT 0.883 6 0.874 0 0.874 0 0.874 0
BERT+Transformer 0.900 0 0.896 4 0.885 8 0.891 0
Results of Noun Metaphor Identification
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