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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (11): 25-37    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2022.0093
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Text Retrieval Based on Syntactic Information
Zhang Yongwei1,2,Liu Ting1,Liu Chang3,Wu Bingxin3,Yu Jingsong3()
1School of Chinese Language and Literature, University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 102488, China
2Corpus and Computational Linguistics Center, Institute of Linguistics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100732, China
3School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
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[Objective] This study aims to explore an efficient method for retrieving syntactic information from large text corpora. [Methods] First, we created linearized indices for syntactic information based on their features. Then, these indices provide matching information to improve retrieval efficiency. [Results] We examined our new model with the People’s Daily Corpus of 28.51 million sentences. The average processing time for 26 queries was 802.6 milliseconds, which met the requirements of retrieval systems for large corpora. [Limitations] More research is needed to evaluate the proposed method with larger number of queries. [Conclusions] Our new method could quickly retrieve lexical, dependency syntactic and constituency syntactic information from large text corpora.

Key wordsDependency Syntax      Constituency Syntax      Corpus      Index      Retrieval     
Received: 02 February 2022      Published: 13 January 2023
ZTFLH:  TP393  
Fund:“The New Generation of Artificial Intelligence”, Major Project of National Science and Technology Innovation 2030(2020AAA0109703);Commissioned Research Project for Year 2020, Affiliated to the 13th Five-Year Plan for Science and Research of National Language Commission(WT135-69);Major Project of the National Social Science Fund of China(21&ZD294)
Corresponding Authors: Yu Jingsong     E-mail:

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Zhang Yongwei,Liu Ting,Liu Chang,Wu Bingxin,Yu Jingsong. Text Retrieval Based on Syntactic Information. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(11): 25-37.

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Schematic Diagram of Lexical Analysis, Dependency Parsing and Constituent Parsing
Multi-Field Inverted Index Structure
位置字段 词法信息字段 依存句法信息字段
1 PN 2 VV nsubj
2 VV 0 root
3 AS 2 VV aux:asp
4 CD 6 NN 毛衣 nummod
5 M 4 CD mark:clf
6 毛衣 NN 2 VV dobj
7 PU 2 VV punct
Linear Fields of Syntactic Dependency Information of Example Sentence
Match a Dependent
Match a Head
Match a Compound Condition
Constituency Parse Tree with Position Information of Example Sentence
位置字段 词法信息字段 成分句法信息字段
1 PN IP_1_7 NP_1_1 IP NP
2 VV VP_2_6 VP
3 AS
4 CD QP_4_5|
5 M QP_4_5 CLP_5_5 QP CLP
6 毛衣 NN NP_4_6|
NP_6_6 NP
7 PU IP_1_7 IP
Linear Fields of Constituency Syntactic Information of Example Sentence
Match a Noun Phrase Consisting of Multiple Words
Match the “有VP的NP” Pattern
序号 检索条件 结果数 用时(单位:毫秒)
马路遥等的系统[25] Odinson[16] Dep_Search[14] 本系统
1 “包装” 19 905 187.5 1 463.1 21.6
2 名词“包装” 17 980 350.0 1 567.1 120.5
3 “锻炼身体” 1 769 279.0 27.4
4 “对”+任意词语+“的侵略” 11 412 45 450.0 1 997.5 258.3
5 “用”+任意词语+“吃饭” 664 547.5 112.4
6 “打击”+任意词语+“敌人” 7 243 998.0 135.9
平均值 9 828.8 45 450.0 726.6 1 515.1 112.7
Average Time of Lexical Information Retrieval
序号 检索条件 结果数 用时(单位:毫秒)
Odinson Dep_Search 本系统
1 动词“买”的直接宾语 77 901 1 530.5 3 518.7 246.1
2 修饰“企业”的形容词 257 694 2 147.5 6 418.9 176.6
3 “有”的直接宾语 2 407 046 9 030.5 25 449.8 988.5
4 “衣服”作为直接宾语时的动词 12 783 955.0 2 388.3 74.2
5 “问题”作为直接宾语时的动词 681 439 6 175.5 17 251.5 412.4
6 形容词“新”修饰的词语 1 442 072 7 361.5 20 623.0 345.0
7 名词性主语+“买”+直接宾语 21 875 1 319.0 3 357.8 290.2
8 “新”修饰的“中国”作为名词性主语 24 638 1 472.5 7 281.2 2 223.8
9 名词性主语+“有”+直接宾语 700 045 8 115.0 37 130.8 4 928.5
平均值 625 054.8 4 234.1 13 713.3 1 076.1
Average Time of Dependency Syntactic Information Retrieval
序号 检索条件 结果数 用时(单位:毫秒)
Odinson 本系统
1 以“灯”结尾的、两个词组成的名词短语 5 873 672.0 147.3
2 以“灯”结尾的名词短语 11 960 820.5 482.5
3 以“打击”起始的、两个词组成的动词短语 14 857 963.5 464.0
4 以“打击”起始的动词短语 57 976 771.0 2 759.2
5 “打击”+单个词组成的名词短语 19 625 1 178.5 265.8
6 “打击”+多个词组成的名词短语 33 007 969.0 1 990.1
7 “打击”+名词短语 52 612 1 345.0 2 417.1
8 单个词组成的形容词短语+“的”+“记忆” 562 529.0 111.0
9 多个词组成的形容词短语+“的”+“记忆” 38 296.0 176.6
10 形容词短语+“的”+“记忆” 600 685.0 197.1
11 “以”+任意词语+“为主的”+名词短语 11 623 5 840.0 1 496.0
平均值 18 975.7 1 279.0 955.2
Average Time of Constituency Syntactic Information Retrieval
类型 检索条件 结果数
词法信息 名词“包装” 17 980
“锻炼身体” 1 769
“对”+任意词语+“的侵略” 11 412
依存句法信息 动词“买”的直接宾语 77 901
“衣服”作为直接宾语时的动词 12 783
名词性主语+“买”+直接宾语 21 875
成分句法信息 以“起源地”结尾的名词短语 71
形容词短语+“的”+“记忆” 600
“以”+任意词语+“为主的”+名词短语 11 623
合计 156 014
Results of Performance Retrieval
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