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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (6): 22-31    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.1261
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Creating Consumer Psychology Portrait with Aspect Words
Xiao Hanqiong,Zhang Xinyu,Xiao Yuhan,Lin Huiping()
School of Software and Microelectronics, Peking University, Beijing 102600, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes a new method to explore consumer psychology and their preferences based on online comments, aiming to address the difficulties of drawing personality-based consumer portraits. [Methods] Firstly, we mapped relationship among the experience levels, product features and aspect words. Then, we extracted aspect words from user comments to examine their attentions at different experience levels. Third, we categorized users with their instinctual, behavioral, and reflective preferences. Finally, we utilized deep learning-based aspect sentiment analysis technology to examine user’s preferences for products. [Results] We evaluated our new model with more than 900 000 reviews on mobile phones from Among them, users with instinctual preferences accounted for 41.60%, which was higher than behavioral preferences (33.01%) and reflective preferences (25.39%). We also analyzed their purchasing behaviors from the perspectives of brands and prices. [Limitations] We only collected review data on mobile phones sold by More products and platforms need to be examined with our new model in the future. [Conclusions] The new model for creating user portraits can identify the preferences of different groups of consumers.

Key wordsThree Level Experience Theory      Consumer Psychology      User Portrait      Product Features      Aspect Words      Sentiment Analysis     
Received: 04 November 2021      Published: 31 December 2021
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Fund:National Key R&D Program of China(2018YFB1702900)
Corresponding Authors: Lin Huiping     E-mail:

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Xiao Hanqiong, Zhang Xinyu, Xiao Yuhan, Lin Huiping. Creating Consumer Psychology Portrait with Aspect Words. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(6): 22-31.

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Methods of Creating User Portraits
三层次体验理论 在手机设计情境下的释义 产品特征 方面词(举例) 显式词数量 隐式词数量
本能层 使用手机前或轻度使用时可以获取的信息及感受 外观 颜色、边框、曲面 53 27
屏幕 显示、画质、清晰度 29 3
声音 音质、音量、杂音 19 0
价格 价位、性价比、降价 21 14
参数 GB、内存、芯片 22 0
行为层 手机的大部分功能的使用体验 性能 黑屏、游戏、速度 26 9
电池 电池、电量、续航 20 0
摄像 像素、夜景、美颜 26 0
通讯 网速、无线、信号 31 0
辅助功能 人脸识别、指纹、蓝牙 41 3
反思层 用户对自我形象和产品形象的认知 品牌 华为、小米、苹果 30 0
服务 店铺、物流、售后 51 1
使用者 老人、孩子、女生 34 0
整体感受 科技、国产、人性化 26 31
配件 耳机、数据线、手环 18 0
Experience Level - Product Feature - Aspect Word Mapping Table Established Based on the Three-Level Experience Theory (Example)
本能偏好用户 行为偏好用户 反思偏好用户
屏幕 速度 京东
外形外观 拍照 老人
速度 待机时间 客服
拍照 屏幕 物流
音效 外形外观 质量
待机时间 音效 华为
外观 速度
声音 充电 快递
手感 电池 耳机
High-Frequency Aspect Words in Comments of Three-Level User Groups
品牌 喜爱度
本能偏好用户 行为偏好用户 反思偏好用户
苹果 1.570 363 1.314 607 1.326 808
小米 1.614 227 1.317 204 1.276 268
红米 1.615 018 1.284 013 1.325 327
华为 1.667 817 1.493 053 1.420 238
荣耀 1.619 561 1.424 737 1.356 480
OPPO 1.756 583 1.491 000 1.544 588
VIVO 1.711 509 1.488 905 1.413 475
飞利浦 1.556 918 1.198 661 1.596 631
Three-Level User Groups’ Preference Ratings for Different Brands of Mobile Phones
价位(元) 喜爱度
本能偏好用户 行为偏好用户 反思偏好用户
1 000以下 1.625 137 1.212 833 1.545 395
1 000~2 000 1.667 669 1.427 243 1.410 421
2 000~3 000 1.642 409 1.431 043 1.346 138
3 000~5 000 1.603 784 1.387 616 1.304 926
5 000以上 1.614 496 1.404 115 1.323 678
Three-Level User Groups’ Preference Ratings for Different Prices of Mobile Phones
特征 喜爱度
本能偏好用户 行为偏好用户 反思偏好用户
外观 1.312 435 1.165320 1.041837
屏幕 1.297 634 1.165610 1.005272
声音 1.410 963 1.198 691 1.065 646
价格 0.955 867 1.007 628 0.972 449
参数 1.156 625 1.048 055 1.018 367
性能 1.338 706 0.900 032 1.029 082
电池 1.182 451 1.015 084 1.011 395
摄像 1.249 389 1.030 503 1.012 517
通讯 0.986 910 0.813 709 0.959 184
辅助功能 1.063 318 0.953 914 0.999 660
整体感受 1.112 557 1.045 080 0.923 129
品牌 1.168 774 1.048 695 0.960 002
服务 0.941 993 0.928 649 0.584 262
配件 0.962 731 0.979 723 0.709 796
使用者 1.019 178 1.002 288 0.986 735
Three-Level User Groups’ Preference Ratings for Each Feature of Mi 10
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