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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (6): 84-94    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.1216
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Classification Model for Long Texts with Attention Mechanism and Sentence Vector Compression
Ye Han,Sun Haichun,Li Xin(),Jiao Kainan
School of Information and Cyber Security, People’s Public Security University of China, Beijing 102627, China
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[Objective] This paper tries to address the input length issue of the pretraining language model, aiming to improve the accuracy of long text classification. [Methods] We designed an algorithm using punctuation in natural texts to segment sentences and feed them into the pre-trained language model in order. Then, we compressed and encoded the classification feature vectors with the average pooling method and the weighted attention mechanism. Finally, we examined the new algorithm with multiple pre-trained language models. [Results] Compared to methods directly truncating the text contents, the classification accuracy of the proposed method improved by up to 3.74%. After applying the attention mechanism, the classification F1-score on two datasets increasd by 1.61% and 0.83% respectively. [Limitations] The improvements are not significant on some pre-trained language models. [Conclusions] The proposed model can effectively classify long texts without changing the pre-training language model’s architecture.

Key wordsText Classification      Pre-trained Language Model      Featured Vector      Attention Mechanism      Text Segmentation     
Received: 24 October 2021      Published: 25 January 2022
ZTFLH:  TP391  
Fund:Ministry of Public Security Technology Research Program(2020JSYJC22);People’s Public Security University of China Basic Research Fund(2021JKF215)
Corresponding Authors: Li Xin     E-mail:

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Ye Han,Sun Haichun,Li Xin,Jiao Kainan. Classification Model for Long Texts with Attention Mechanism and Sentence Vector Compression. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(6): 84-94.

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Text Classification Model with Sentence Vector Compression
Sentence Vector Attention Weighted Average Mechanism
配置项 配置信息
操作系统 Ubuntu 18.04
处理器型号 Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 6240 CPU @2.60GHz * 2
显卡型号 Nvidia Quadro RTX 6000
运行内存大小 64GB
AllenNLP版本 2.4.0
PyTorch版本 1.7.1
Experiment Environment
数据集类别 样本数 平均长度 长度超510的样本数
训练集 12 133 289.04 1 487
测试集 2 599 289.83 313
The Statistical Information of IFLYTEK' Dataset
数据集类别 样本数 平均长度 长度超510的样本数
训练集 10 000 969.13 6 839
测试集 5 000 882.12 3 098
The Statistical Information of THUCNews Dataset
模型 基础架构 隐藏层层数 隐藏层维度 注意力头数
BERT-base BERT 12 768 12
ELECTRA-180g-small ELECTRA 12 256 4
ERNIE-1.0 ERNIE 12 768 12
ALBERT-tiny ALBERT 4 312 12
RoBERTa-small-clue RoBERTa 4 512 8
RBT3 RoBERTa 3 768 12
RBT4 RoBERTa 4 768 12
The Parameters of Pretraining Language Models
模型 Baseline CLS-BOE CLS-ATT
Accuracy F1 Accuracy F1 Accuracy F1
BERT-base 0.586 0 0.572 1 0.586 4 0.570 1 0.594 8 0.581 5
ERNIE-1.0 0.604 4 0.583 4 0.600 6 0.582 4 0.596 4 0.581 9
ELECTRA-180g-small 0.562 5 0.531 5 0.568 6 0.536 4 0.565 2 0.536 0
ALBERT-tiny 0.554 1 0.518 0 0.564 1 0.526 5 0.574 8 0.544 6
RoBERTa-small 0.589 5 0.557 8 0.594 8 0.569 9 0.582 9 0.558 3
RBT3 0.578 6 0.546 7 0.578 7 0.560 6 0.583 3 0.564 1
RBT4 0.581 7 0.561 5 0.578 7 0.549 1 0.576 3 0.565 0
Classification Results on IFLYTEK' Dataset
模型 Baseline CLS-BOE CLS-ATT
Accuracy F1 Accuracy F1 Accuracy F1
BERT-base 0.968 8 0.968 7 0.970 4 0.970 1 0.985 6 0.985 5
ERNIE-1.0 0.978 8 0.978 7 0.976 6 0.976 4 0.985 8 0.985 7
ELECTRA-180g-small 0.957 0 0.956 2 0.973 2 0.973 1 0.975 4 0.975 2
ALBERT-tiny 0.965 2 0.964 8 0.947 6 0.948 0 0.964 6 0.964 5
RoBERTa-small 0.976 8 0.976 7 0.975 8 0.975 7 0.968 8 0.968 7
RBT3 (h:768) 0.971 0 0.970 6 0.974 6 0.974 6 0.984 8 0.984 7
RBT4 (h:768) 0.969 8 0.969 7 0.974 6 0.974 4 0.977 4 0.977 3
Classification Results on THUCNews Dataset
The Accuracy and F1-score Analysis Compared the Baseline Model with Improved Model
The Accuracy on IFLYTEK' Dataset
The Accuracy on THUCNews Dataset
预训练语言模型 CLS-BOE相较于Baseline CLS-ATT相较于Baseline
BERT 0.07% 1.50%
ERNIE-1.0 -0.63% -1.32%
ELECTRA-180g-small 1.08% 0.48%
ALBERT 1.80% 3.74%
RoBERTa 0.90% -1.12%
RBT3 0.02% 0.81%
RBT4 -0.52% -0.93%
The Accuracy Improvement of IFLYTEK' Dataset
预训练语言模型 CLS-BOE相较于Baseline CLS-ATT相较于Baseline
BERT 0.17% 1.73%
ERNIE-1.0 -0.22% 0.72%
ELECTRA-180g-small 1.69% 1.92%
ALBERT -1.82% -0.06%
RoBERTa -0.10% -0.82%
RBT3 0.37% 1.42%
RBT4 0.49% 0.78%
The Accuracy Improvement of THUCNews Dataset
预训练语言模型 在IFLYTEK'数据集上的F1-score提升 在THUCNews数据集上的F1-score提升
BERT 1.64% 1.73%
ERNIE-1.0 -0.26% 0.72%
ELECTRA-180g-small 0.85% 1.99%
ALBERT 5.14% -0.03%
RoBERTa 0.09% -0.82%
RBT3 3.18% 1.45%
RBT4 0.62% 0.78%
(平均) 1.61% 0.83%
The Relative F1-score Improvement on CLS-ATT
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