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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (9): 40-51    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.1362
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Detecting Multimodal Sarcasm Based on SC-Attention Mechanism
Chen Yuanyuan,Ma Jing()
College of Economics and Management, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 211106, China
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[Objective] This paper designs an SC-Attention fusion mechanism,aiming to improve the low prediction accuracy and difficult fusion of multimodal features in the existing detection models for multimodal sarcasm. [Methods] First, we used the CLIP and RoBERTa models to extract features from pictures, picture attributes, and texts. Then, we combined the SC-Attention mechanism with SENet’s attention mechanism to establish the Co-Attention mechanism and fuse multi-modal features. Third, we re-allocated attention feature weights by the original modals. Finally, we input features to the full connection layers to detect sarcasm. [Results] The accuracy and F1 of the proposed model reached 93.71% and 91.68%, which were 10.27 and 11.5 percentage point higher than the existing ones. [Limitations] We need to examine our model with more data sets. [Conclusions] The proposed model reduces information redundancy and feature loss, which effectively improves the accuracy of multimodal sarcasm detection.

Key wordsMultimodal      Sarcasm Detection      SC-Attention Mechanism      CLIP Model     
Received: 01 December 2021      Published: 26 October 2022
ZTFLH:  TP393  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(72174086);Special Forward-looking Development Strategy Research Project of the Fundamental Research Funds for the of Central Universities(NW2020001)
Corresponding Authors: Ma Jing,ORCID: 0000-0001-8472-2518     E-mail:

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Chen Yuanyuan, Ma Jing. Detecting Multimodal Sarcasm Based on SC-Attention Mechanism. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(9): 40-51.

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Multimodal Sarcasm Detection Model Based on SC-Attention Mechanism
Architecture of ViT Feature Extraction
Example of Adding Image Property Modal
Text Encoder Structure of CLIP Model
Diagram of SC-Attention Mechanism
Diagram of Parallel-Attention
Attention Mechanism Structure of SENet
分类 训练集 测试集
无讽刺性 8 642 1 918
讽刺性 11 174 2 901
合计 19 816 4 819
Annotation Results of the Dataset
词向量维度 768
图像向量维度 768
Dropout 0.15
学习率 0.000 1
批处理 32
优化函数 Adam
损失函数 CrossEntropy Loss
Experimental Parameter Setting
模型 VIT RN50 RoBERTa BERT CLIP模型文本编码器 Co-Attention SC
Contrast Experiment
模型 Acc/% P/% R/% F1/%
Text(BERT) 80.40 75.67 77.80 76.72
Text(RoBERTa) 90.11 87.16 89.67 88.40
Image(ViT) 61.85 54.06 54.01 54.03
Image(ResNet50×16) 59.56 52.62 50.32 51.44
Attribute 78.87 74.69 74.26 74.48
Concat(I+T) 91.93 89.02 90.11 89.56
Concat(I+A) 78.91 74.02 75.81 78.91
Concat(A+T) 91.23 88.76 89.34 89.05
VRC-SC(I+T+A) 93.71 90.28 93.13 91.68
Experimental Results of Modal Ablation
模型 Acc/% P/% R/% F1/%
VRC-FC 91.33 89.17 92.04 90.23
VRC-CF 90.14 87.43 88.72 88.07
VRC-TFN 91.98 89.45 91.68 90.55
VRC-SC 93.71 90.28 93.13 91.68
RRC-FC 91.11 88.15 91.64 89.48
RRC-CF 89.75 87.23 86.89 87.06
RRC-TFN 91.33 88.14 90.07 89.09
RRC-SC 92.42 89.48 92.66 90.56
分层融合模型 83.44 76.57 84.15 80.18
Experimental Results of Different Feature Fusion Mechanisms
模型 Acc/% P/% R/% F1/%
VBC-SC 83.83 77.45 83.46 80.34
VRC-SC 93.71 90.28 93.13 91.68
RRC-SC 92.42 89.48 92.66 90.56
Experimental Results of Different Feature Extraction Models
The Accuracy of Different Dropout
训练方案 优化器 学习率衰减策略 Epoch数 Acc/%
方案1 SGD 后期手动调整 129 93.42
方案2 Adam 余弦退火 112 93.71
方案3 RMSprop 自适应调整学习率 139 93.35
Experimental Results of Three Optimizers and Learning Rate Attenuation Strategies
Examples of Sarcastic Tweets
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