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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2012, Vol. 28 Issue (5): 65-69    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2012.05.10
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Influential Spreaders in Co-author Network Based on K-shell
Zhang Jinzhu
National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China; Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
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Abstract  Based on the data comes from 12 journals between 2000-2009 which contains 7 389 different authors,this paper computes the degree, betweenness centrality and K-shell and makes a comparative analysis. The results show that K-shell does better in identification of influential spreaders in co-author network. This method can be also used in co-citation network and coupling network for identification of influential spreaders.
Key wordsInfluential spreaders      Co-author network      K-shell      Degree      Betweenness centrality     
Received: 10 May 2012      Published: 24 July 2012



Cite this article:

Zhang Jinzhu. Influential Spreaders in Co-author Network Based on K-shell. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2012, 28(5): 65-69.

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