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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2012, Vol. 28 Issue (5): 81-86    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2012.05.13
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Research and Implementation of Peer-review Experts Selection System
Li Zhenqing1, Liu Jianyi2, Wang Cong3, Wu Xu3,4
1. China Machinery Technical Development Foundation, Beijing 100823, China;
2. School of Computer Science, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China;
3. Key Laboratory of Trustworthy Distributed Computing and Service (BUPT), Ministry of Education, Beijing 100876, China;
4. Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications Library, Beijing 100876, China
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Abstract  The paper designs and implements a peer-review expert selection system for technology projects. Based on experts' information and archives, the system uses statistics-based term extraction technology to solve the unknown words problem, and uses vector space retrieval to calculate the similarity between the project and peer-review experts.Finally,it selects the most appropriate peer-review experts according to the similarity.
Key wordsPeer-review      Expert selection      Term extraction     
Received: 16 February 2012      Published: 24 July 2012



Cite this article:

Li Zhenqing, Liu Jianyi, Wang Cong, Wu Xu. Research and Implementation of Peer-review Experts Selection System. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2012, 28(5): 81-86.

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