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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2014, Vol. 30 Issue (1): 24-27    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2014.01.04
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Research on Plant Growth and Development Stage Named Entity Recognition for Text Mining
Wang Run, He Lin, Wang Dongbo, Huang Shuiqing, Fan Yuanbiao
College of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing 210095,China
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Abstract  [Objective] This paper researches in the extraction that identifies plant growth and development stage entity from text. [Context] PDSE is a kind of named entity essentially. Named entities recognition has become one of most valuable basic technologies in Natural Language Processing field,which is used widely in many Natural Language Processing systems. [Methods] It adopts multiple strategies based on conditional random field and rules,with putting forward and realizing a method of CRF template,characteristic function and extraction rules for the features of plant growth and development stage entity. Also,it tests the extraction effect by articles from the PubMed database. [Results] The experiment shows that the proposed hybrid strategies can obtain high accuracy and recall rate. [Conclusions] This research has a certain significant reference for biology text extraction.
Key wordsPlant growth and development stage      Named entity recognition      CRF      Feature selection     
Received: 14 February 2014      Published: 14 February 2014
:  TP391  

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Wang Run,He Lin,Wang Dongbo,Huang Shuiqing,Fan Yuanbiao. Research on Plant Growth and Development Stage Named Entity Recognition for Text Mining. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2014, 30(1): 24-27.

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