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New Technology of Library and Information Service  2015, Vol. 31 Issue (6): 93-100    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.1003-3513.2015.06.14
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“State-Behavior” Modeling and Its Application in Analyzing Product Information Seeking Behavior of E-commerce Websites Users
Yuan Xingfu, Zhang Pengyi, Wang Jun
Department of Information Management, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China
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[Objective] This research aims to develop an approach to model and describe the user information behaviors during information seeking, product comparison, and decision-making process more systematically and precisely. [Methods] This paper proposes a user “state-behavior” model including sequential, temporal, and content features. Test data set includes the click-through log data of 4 710 users from The user behavior sequences are established by mapping page types and user behaviors, and then used as features to model users' “status-behavior” at the session level. [Results] Classification using the “state-behavior” model resulted 8 user groups with significant features, including swift searchers, serendipitous browsers, promotion-driven users, personal information maintainers, weekday-active users, weekend-active users, night-active users, and irregular users. [Limitations] Adding a session layer between logs and user behavior may cause accumulation of classification errors at the session level into the behavior level. [Conclusions] The results show that this model is able to capture the behavior sequence more precisely. The classification of users may be used in guiding personalized recommendation and marketing plans for e-commerce Websites.

Key wordsClick-through logs      Product information seeking      Action sequence      E-commerce Websites     
Received: 12 December 2014      Published: 08 July 2015
:  G250.2  

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Yuan Xingfu, Zhang Pengyi, Wang Jun. “State-Behavior” Modeling and Its Application in Analyzing Product Information Seeking Behavior of E-commerce Websites Users. New Technology of Library and Information Service, 2015, 31(6): 93-100.

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