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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2017, Vol. 1 Issue (9): 83-89    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2017.09.09
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Extracting Product Features with Weight-based Apriori Algorithm
Li Changbing, Pang Chongpeng(), Li Meiping
School of Economics and Management, Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Chongqing 400065, China
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[Objective] This paper aims to reduce the noises while extracting product features from customer comments. [Methods] We used the TF-IDF and variance selection methods to extracted the needed data. Then, we set the thresholds to filter the extracted words and obtain the product feature set. Third, we generated frequent item sets with the Apriori algorithm. Finally, we defined various thresholds to obtain the optimal sets, which automatically extracted product features from user comments. [Results] We examined the effectiveness of the proposed method with comment texts on mobile phone products. Comparing the automatically extracted characteristics with the manually identified characteristics, we found that the precision P value was 72.44%, the recall R value was 77.59%, and the comprehensive F value reached 74.93%. [Limitations] The precision needs to be improved and there might be some human errors involving the manually identified terms. [Conclusions] The Apriori algorithm could help us extract product features effectively.

Key wordsFeature Extraction      Apriori Algorithm      TF-IDF      Variance Selection     
Received: 24 April 2017      Published: 18 October 2017
ZTFLH:  G350  

Cite this article:

Li Changbing,Pang Chongpeng,Li Meiping. Extracting Product Features with Weight-based Apriori Algorithm. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2017, 1(9): 83-89.

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A1 A2 A3 An
T1 0 0 1 1
T2 0 1 0 0
T3 1 1 0 1
Tm 1 1 1 0 0
产品特征数 算法识别出来的
挖掘出的特征数 A B
没有挖掘出的特征数 C
产品名称 参数 人工标注特征集合 人工标注特征数量
手机 外观设计 外键, 外屏, 彩屏, 机身, 磨砂, 键盘, 外观, 内屏, 方向键, 外观设计, 颜色, 手感, 外壳, 体积, 重量, 快捷键, 金属, 质感, 机型, 外形, 面积, 按键, 数字键, 导航键, 造型, 功能键, 机体, 材质, 图案, 拨号键, 外表, 数字键盘, 红外接口, 尺寸, 按钮, 外盖, 机壳 37
屏幕 分辨率, 色彩, 屏保, 画面, 屏幕, 清晰度, 亮度, 屏幕显示, 显示屏, 触摸屏, 画质, 动画, 透明度 13
基本功能 功能, 短信, 通话记录, 计算器, 记事本, 程序, 联系人, 手写, 信息, 电话, 短消息, 彩信, 闹钟, 日程表, 手写输入, 语音, 软件, 收音机, 防火墙, 通话质量, 电话簿,
录音, 电话号码, 号码, 输入法, 语音拨号, 键盘输入, 通话, 闹铃, 通讯录, 应用
程序, 时钟, 背光灯, 录音器, 背景灯, 手电筒, 备忘录, 收件箱, SIM卡

摄像功能 像素, 摄像头, 彩灯, 图片, 闪光灯, 照片, 象素, 镜头, 图像, 照相机, 摄像机 11
娱乐功能 多媒体, 影音, 媒体播放器, 游戏, 音频, 播放器 6
数据功能 蓝牙, 红外线 2
手机附件 耳机, 手写笔, 扩音器, 耳塞, 内存卡, 存储卡, 数据线, 充电器, 防尘盖, 传输线 10
美化 壁纸, 界面, 背景, 菜单, 饱和度, 主题 6
性能 信号, 响应速度, 速度, 识别率, 待机时间, 续航, 性能, 处理速度, 关机, 操作速度, 网络, 待机, 反应速度, 开机, 传输速度, 速率, 反应时间, 智能, 输入速度 19
声音 铃音, 铃声, 音量, 提示音, 声音, 和弦, 和弦铃声, 音质, 音乐, 听筒, 扬声器, 音效, 短信铃声, 关机闹钟 14
硬件配置 容量, 内置, 空间, 储存量, 内存, 处理器, 电池, 硬件, 外置, 存储量, 存储容量,
均衡器, 电池容量, 储存, 内存容量, 电池电量, 存储空间, 储存卡
性价比 性价比, 价格, 价位, 价钱, 价值, 零售价 6
售后反馈 质量, 客服 2
排名 属性 wsupport
1 功能 0.3337
2 屏幕 0.2628
3 效果 0.2348
4 铃声 0.2324
5 外观 0.2057
6 电话 0.2054
7 短信 0.1887
8 待机 0.1772
9 声音 0.1719
10 电池 0.1685
项的权重支持度 P(查准率) R(查全率) F(综合值)
0.01 71.35% 77.60% 74.34%
0.012 72.08% 77.59% 74.73%
0.013 72.44% 77.59% 74.93%
0.0135 72.30% 77.05% 74.60%
0.014 72.68% 77.04% 74.80%
0.015 73.01% 75.41% 74.19%
0.016 72.82% 73.22% 73.02%
0.018 73.71% 70.49% 72.06%
0.02 74.09% 67.21% 70.48%
性能指标 本文方法 文献[7]
查准率 72.44% 70.8% 70.72% 62.8%
查全率 77.59% 73.3% 68.35% 81.8%
综合值 74.93% 72% 69.51% 71.05%
性能指标 本文方法 文献[12]的方法 文献[4]的方法
查准率 72.44% 63.3% 71.8%
查全率 77.59% 68.9% 76.1%
综合值 74.93% 66% 73.88%
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