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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2018, Vol. 2 Issue (3): 87-97    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2017.1085
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Detecting Emerging Trends of Funds Based on DTM Model and Text Analytics: Case Study of NSF Graphene Field
Xu Lulu, Wang Xiaoyue(), Bai Rujiang, Zhou Yanting
Institute of Scientific & Technical Information, Shandong University of Technology, Zibo 255049, China
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[Objective] This study tries to extract more semantic information from the science and technology literature, aiming to identify emerging trends from the documents of fund projects. [Methods] First, we proposed a new trend detection method based on the DTM model and text analytics. Then, we identified the topic probability distribution of the fund projects and constructed a new theme detection formula based on the text features. Finally, we detected the emerging trends in the field of NSF graphene. [Results] The proposed method identified emerging trends of fund projects and provided information for technology innovation. [Limitations] We only examined the fund project documents from the perspectives of the amount, length, and theme of funding. [Conclusions] The proposed method could effectively identify emerging trends of fund projects.

Key wordsEmerging Trend      Fund Project      DTM Model      Characteristic Analysis      Detection Formula     
Received: 01 November 2017      Published: 03 April 2018
ZTFLH:  G250  

Cite this article:

Xu Lulu,Wang Xiaoyue,Bai Rujiang,Zhou Yanting. Detecting Emerging Trends of Funds Based on DTM Model and Text Analytics: Case Study of NSF Graphene Field. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2018, 2(3): 87-97.

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文本特征 内容 分析 设计指标 实现方式
Title 项目申请名称 该部分为基金项目文本信息, 主要揭示申请项目方法、流程、框架等主题信息, 可通过主题探测模型分析获得。 主题强度 可利用DTM模型进行文本内容主题探测识别
Abstract 摘要信息
StartDate 申请项目的批准日期 该部分为基金项目的批准日期及结项日期, 即为项目执行期限, 资助期限越长表示该基金项目重要性越强。 资助时长 利用基金项目起止日期计算可得
EndDate 申请项目的结项日期
申请项目资助金额 该部分为基金项目的资助金额, 以供研究人员进行科学研究经费开支, 资助金额越大说明基金委员评审专家认为该主题研究意义和价值越大。 资助强度 分析基金项目中资助金额指标可得
主题 t时期 t+1时期 主题特点 主题分类
主题1 低于平均主题水平 高于平均主题水平 该主题研究热度发展迅速、呈上升趋势, 主题资助金额明
主题2 高于平均主题水平 高于平均主题水平 该主题持续研究热度较高、资助金额及科研单位较多、资
主题3 高于平均主题水平 低于平均主题水平 该主题前期发展较好、资助金额及科研单位较多, 但逐渐
衰老, 研究主题存在老化现象
主题4 低于平均主题水平 低于平均主题水平 该主题研究水平持续低于平均值、但主题资助金额有所提
主题类型 阶段 主题特点 指标特点
新兴趋势 潜在阶段 研究热度明显上升、论文数少、被引量少、基金项
新兴趋势 突破阶段 研究热度轻微上升并趋于平稳、论文数较多、基金
学部(Directorate) 机构(Organization) 项目数/项
工程(Engineering) 电子、通信与网络系统 101
土木、机械和制造业创新 94
产业创新与合作 42
新兴前沿办公室 8
工程教育和中心 13
(Computer &
Information Science
& Engineering)
计算和通信基础 9
计算机和网络系统 7
先进基础设施 3
(Mathematical &
Physical Sciences)
材料研究 216
化学 45
物理 14
天文科学 1
数学研究 12
(Biological Sciences)
生物基础设施 5
Award Number Start Date State Award Instrument End Date Awarded Amount Topic
0747684 02/01/2008 MN Standard Grant 01/31/2014 $423,486.00 Topic1
0748910 02/01/2008 CA Continuing Grant 07/31/2013 $511,207.00 Topic8
0756958 08/01/2008 UT Continuing Grant 07/31/2011 $75,000.00 Topic2
0802216 07/01/2008 AZ Standard Grant 09/30/2011 $315,243.00 Topic1
0805220 06/15/2008 OH Continuing Grant 05/31/2011 $422,811.00 Topic5
主题 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Topic0 0.536806 0.385843 0.701674 0.660604 1.065147 1.033578 1.946747 1.308421
Topic1 0.679784 0.818186 0.658238 1.208104 1.047232 1.070715 1.442418 1.041759 1.504981
Topic2 1.121281 0.818186 0.801484 0.699304 0.811001 1.070715 0.96507 1.182918 0.58696
Topic3 0.916347 0.979223 1.070715 1.033578 1.845305 1.218901
Topic4 0.658238 0.787752 0.84818 0.903286 0.979223 0.94795 0.819842
Topic5 0.679784 2.794199 1.407899 0.913776 0.653303 0.84818 1.442418 0.970248 0.952771
Topic6 1.373507 2.794199 1.201312 1.308421 0.750168 0.84818 0.710484 0.755196 0.674185
Topic7 0.916347 0.653303 0.703973 1.033578 1.493767 1.208104
Topic8 1.373507 2.794199 1.201312 1.308421 1.845305 2.767026 1.507944 1.041759 2.190124
Topic9 1.121281 1.116123 1.201312 1.208104 1.918824 0.84818 0.710484 0.755196 0.548143
主题 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
Topic0 -0.46319 -0.61416 -0.29833 -0.3394 0.06515 0.03358 0.94675 0.30842
Topic1 -0.32022 -0.18181 -0.34176 0.2081 0.04723 0.07071 0.44242 0.04176 0.50498
Topic2 0.121281 -0.18181 -0.19852 -0.3007 -0.189 0.07071 -0.03493 0.18292 -0.41304
Topic3 -0.08365 -0.02078 0.07071 0.03358 0.8453 0.2189
Topic4 -0.34176 -0.21225 -0.15182 -0.09671 -0.02078 -0.05205 -0.18016
Topic5 -0.32022 1.7942 0.4079 -0.08622 -0.3467 -0.15182 0.44242 -0.02975 -0.04723
Topic6 0.37351 1.7942 0.20131 0.30842 -0.24983 -0.15182 -0.28952 -0.2448 -0.32582
Topic7 -0.08365 -0.3467 -0.29603 0.03358 0.49377 0.2081
Topic8 0.37351 1.7942 0.20131 0.30842 0.8453 1.76703 0.50794 0.04176 1.19012
Topic9 0.12128 0.11612 0.20131 0.2081 0.91882 -0.15182 -0.28952 -0.2448 -0.45186
主题 主题词权重列表
Topic1: detection detection(36)|water(25)|sensor(21)|system(20)|lead(17)
Topic3: energy energy(28)|material(26)|chemistry(23)|program(19)
Topic7: chemistry chemistry(23)|graphene(19)|nanoscale(19)|electrons(18)
|properties (17)|separation(17)|nano(16)|surface(16)
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