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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2020, Vol. 4 Issue (2/3): 60-67    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2019.0677
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Detecting Funding Topics Evolutions with Visualization
Chen Ting1,2,3,Wang Haiming3(),Wang Xiaomei3
1National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
2Department of Library, Information and Archives Management, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190, China
3Institutes of Science and Development, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China
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[Objective] This study tries to detect funding topics and their evolution based on data from NASA’s Small Business Innovation Research Program.[Methods] First, we created funding maps with two-time windows for topics of funding applications. Then, we identified areas with higher number of topics in the map. Finally, we determined the trends by comparing the changes of hotspots from the two maps.[Results] The proposed method identified the disappeared, continuous and emerging funding topics from the maps.[Limitations] The algorithm parameters and results need to be adjusted and evaluated manually.[Conclusions] The proposed method could effectively detect funding toipics and their evolution, which helps scientific management and policy decision making.

Key wordsVisualization      Kernel Density      Funding Focus      Evolution     
Received: 14 June 2019      Published: 26 April 2020
ZTFLH:  P315 G35  
Corresponding Authors: Haiming Wang     E-mail:

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Chen Ting,Wang Haiming,Wang Xiaomei. Detecting Funding Topics Evolutions with Visualization. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2020, 4(2/3): 60-67.

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Procedures for the Discovery of Funding Hotspots
Visual Map of NASA SBIR Awards
Visual Map and the Changes in the Funding Hotspots of NASA SBIR Awards
2000-2008财年 2009-2017财年
簇号 项目数量 研究内容 簇号 项目数量 研究内容
1-1 24 数据挖掘、决策系统软件工具 2-1 105 用于航空航天系统的软件工具开发(人机交互系统、可视化分析工具、无人机系统命令与控制,空管系统规划、运行和控制,决策支持系统等)
1-2 25 用于航空航天系统的软件工具开发(人机交互系统、可视化分析工具、航空管理系统等)
1-3 74 纳米材料、复合材料等多种材料及其航空航天应用 2-2 31 纳米材料、复合材料等多种材料及其航空航天应用
1-5 67 航空器空气动力学算法、建模和仿真工具(声学、气动弹性力学、CFD工具、旋翼机建模、燃烧等) 2-4 31 航空器空气动力学算法、建模和仿真工具(声学、气动弹性、湍流等)
Continuous Funding Hotspot
簇号 项目数量 研究内容
1-4 31 基于MEMS的空间望远镜可变形镜面技术
1-6 58 基于HgCdTe、AlGaN、GaAs等材料的探测及成像半导体光电器件
1-7 29 高性能锂离子电池及其纳米复合电极、电解液材料开发
1-9 28 用于航天器各系统的监视及检测技术
Withered Funding Hotspots (FY 2000 to 2008)
簇号 项目数量 研究内容
2-3 86 用于空间极端环境的电子器件
2-6 71 用于采样返回等太阳系探测任务的新型推进器技术
2-7 56 大型太阳能阵列部署结构
Emerging Funding Hotspots (FY 2009 to 2017)
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