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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (3): 2-11    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2019.1032
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Unified Model for Word Segmentation and POS Tagging of Multi-Domain Pre-Qin Literature
Zhang Qi1,Jiang Chuan2,Ji Youshu2,Feng Minxuan3,Li Bin3,Xu Chao3,Liu Liu2()
1School of Information Management, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
2College of Information Management, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China
3College of Literature, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China
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[Objective] This paper constructs a deep learning model for automatic word segmentation and part-of-speech (POS) tagging of ancient literature, aiming to build an automatic annotation solution for Chinese books from multiple fields. [Methods] We used 25 Pre-Qin literature as training corpus, which covers the Confucian classics, history, philosophy and miscellaneous works. Then, we constructed a unified model with BERT for word segmentation and POS tagging without adding new features. Third, we examined our model with The Records of the Grand Historian, which was not included in the training corpus. Finally, we analyzed the four basic parts constituting historical events (names, locations, time, actions) with statistics and case studies. [Results] The proposed model’s F-score for word segmentation and the POS-tagging reached 95.98% and 88.97%. [Limitations] After analyzing the confusion heat map of POS tagging, it is found that the mislabeling, which is caused by the imbalanced part-of-speech distribution, the similar syntactic features of some parts of speech instances, and the multi-category words, needs further research and resolutions. [Conclusions] Our deep learning model is stable and applicable for word segmentation and POS tagging with Pre-Qin literature.

Key wordsDigital Humanities      Pre-Qin Literature      Ancient Books Intelligent Processing      Word Segmentation      Part-of-Speech Tagging      Deep Learning     
Received: 11 September 2019      Published: 12 April 2021
ZTFLH:  G353  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(71673143);National Social Science Fund of China(15ZDB127)
Corresponding Authors: Liu Liu     E-mail:

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Zhang Qi,Jiang Chuan,Ji Youshu,Feng Minxuan,Li Bin,Xu Chao,Liu Liu. Unified Model for Word Segmentation and POS Tagging of Multi-Domain Pre-Qin Literature. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(3): 2-11.

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一级类 二级类 包含典籍
经部 易经 《周易》
春秋 《谷梁传》《吕氏春秋》《晏子春秋》《左传》
尚书 《尚书》
诗经 《诗经》
论语 《论语》
史部 《国语》
子部 《孟子》《管子》《吴子》《荀子》《老子》《墨子》《韩非子》《孙子兵法》《商君书》《庄子》
集部 《楚辞》
The Basic Information of the Corpus
编号 标记
词性 数量 编号 标记
词性 数量
1 n 普通名词 327 688 11 p 介词 45 213
2 nr 人名 42 437 12 c 连词 65 216
3 ns 地名 21 106 13 u 助词 37 129
4 t 时间名词 9 597 14 d 副词 86 784
5 v 动词 347 331 15 y 语气词 52 983
6 gv 古代动词 1 736 16 s 拟声词 156
7 a 形容词 40 123 17 j 兼词 1 507
8 m 数词 23 508 18 w 标点 350 832
9 q 量词 2 170 19 i 词缀 365
10 r 代词 104 145
The Tag of Part-of-Speech and Word Case Number
A Sample of Corpus Preprocess
模型 参数
GRU Dimension of wordvec=200, hidden layers=512, learning rate=0.001,Batch-size=64,Dropout=1,Clip gradient=5
BERT Learning rate=2.0e-5; max sequence length=256; batch size=64
The Setting of Hyper-Parameters
Precision Recall F值 Precision Recall F值
1 94.97 95.76 95.36 95.76 96.06 95.91
2 95.20 95.31 95.26 95.78 96.14 95.96
3 97.48 97.07 97.27 95.81 96.23 96.02
4 95.32 95.18 95.25 95.74 96.15 95.94
5 95.18 95.75 95.47 95.80 96.17 95.98
6 96.85 96.70 96.77 95.86 96.18 96.02
7 95.21 95.42 95.32 95.89 96.21 96.05
8 95.00 95.74 95.37 95.83 96.22 96.02
9 95.21 95.76 95.48 95.84 96.27 96.05
10 95.04 95.69 95.36 95.69 96.03 95.86
均值 95.55 95.84 95.69 95.80 96.17 95.98
Word Segmentation Result (%)
Accuracy Precision Recall F值 Accuracy Precision Recall F值
1 87.48 88.14 88.81 88.48 88.86 89.41 89.79 89.60
2 87.51 88.49 88.53 88.51 88.93 89.41 89.83 89.62
3 87.22 88.52 88.08 88.30 88.91 89.42 89.87 89.65
4 87.37 88.27 88.50 88.39 88.95 89.45 89.89 89.67
5 87.63 88.45 88.77 88.61 89.07 89.57 90.00 89.78
6 87.26 88.37 88.18 88.28 88.90 89.36 89.77 89.57
7 87.54 88.45 88.58 88.52 89.07 89.63 89.99 89.81
8 87.55 88.26 88.90 88.58 89.05 89.6 89.99 89.79
9 88.31 89.04 89.29 89.17 89.11 89.57 90.04 89.81
10 87.39 88.06 88.79 88.42 88.83 89.37 89.74 89.56
平均值 87.53 88.41 88.64 88.53 88.97 89.48 89.89 89.69
Part of Speech Tagging Result (%)
Precision Recall F值 Precision Recall F值
n 79.08 80.36 79.71 81.35 82.47 81.91
nr 86.56 84.68 85.60 87.73 87.34 87.53
ns 81.01 81.20 81.07 82.79 83.97 83.36
t 85.68 86.75 86.16 87.13 87.17 87.14
v 86.98 88.16 87.56 88.75 89.15 88.95
gv 34.16 6.07 9.62 37.98 17.85 23.80
a 58.47 51.48 54.58 60.71 59.44 60.02
c 91.03 89.58 90.30 90.56 91.45 91.00
d 87.67 86.63 87.12 88.60 88.33 88.46
i 37.28 23.44 27.46 41.93 26.65 31.90
j 71.03 66.24 66.91 73.61 68.32 70.84
m 86.49 89.90 88.14 88.28 91.09 89.66
p 87.97 89.27 88.60 89.59 88.97 89.28
q 72.02 69.28 69.75 73.08 75.12 74.01
r 91.03 94.06 92.52 91.87 94.31 93.07
s 53.51 26.30 33.79 41.01 25.44 30.11
u 93.51 88.97 91.17 93.65 90.18 91.88
w 99.96 99.98 99.97 99.91 99.95 99.93
y 95.66 95.94 95.79 95.99 96.46 96.22
Tagging Results of Each Part of Speech (%)
模型 分词 词性标注
Precision Recall F值 Precision Recall F值
石民等[6] 94.23 94.91 94.57 89.35 89.95 89.65
本文 95.84 96.27 96.05 89.57 90.04 89.81
Comparison with the Existing Unified Word Segmentation and Pos Tagging Model (%)
Confusion Heat Map of POS Tagging
Unified Word Segmentation and POS Tagging Platform for Pre-Qin Literature
序号 人名 地名 动词 时间词
词例 频率 词例 频率 词例 频率 词例 频率
1 孔子 394 2 190 6 553 元年 1 227
2 漢王 221 1 554 5 266 1 073
3 趙王 208 1 453 2 696 五年 221
4 秦王 180 915 使 1 871 六年 221
5 齊王 179 826 1750 四年 221
6 高祖 166 748 1 734 二年 221
7 159 731 1 680 四月 221
8 太史公 149 524 1 323 221
9 單于 146 488 1 294 三年 221
10 張儀 145 458 1 266 三月 221
Four Basic Composition of Events in The Records of the Grand Historian
A Sample of the Relation of Person Entity and Official Position Entity
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