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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2021, Vol. 5 Issue (6): 93-102    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2020.1273
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A Capsule Network Model for Text Classification with Multi-level Feature Extraction
Yu Bengong1,2(),Zhu Xiaojie1,Zhang Ziwei1
1School of Management, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
2Key Laboratory of Process Optimization & Intelligent Decision-making, Ministry of Education, Hefei University of Technology, Hefei 230009, China
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[Objective] This paper proposes a structured method to extract text information hierarchically from bottom to top, aiming to improve the performance of existing shallow text classification models. [Methods] We built a MFE-CapsNet model for text classification based on the acquired global and high-level features. The model extracted context information with bidirectional gated recurrent unit (BiGRU). It also introduced the attention coding hidden layer vector to improve feature extraction of the sequence model. We used the capsule network and dynamic routing to obtain high-level aggregated local information and build the MFE-CapsNet model. We also conducted comparative experiment on the performance of our new model. [Results] The F1 values of the MFE-CapsNet model were 96.21%, 94.17%, and 94.19% on the Chinese datasets from three different fields. Our results were at least 1.28, 1.49, and 0.46 percentage points higher than those of the popular text classification methods. [Limitations] We only conducted experiment on three corpora. [Conclusions] The proposed MFE-CapsNet model could effectively extract semantic features and improve the performance of text classification.

Key wordsText Classification      BiGRU      Attention      Capsule Network     
Received: 21 December 2020      Published: 06 July 2021
ZTFLH:  TP391.1  
Fund:National Natural Science Foundation of China(71671057);Open Project of the Key Laboratory of Process Optimization & Intelligent Decision-making, Ministry of Education
Corresponding Authors: Yu Bengong     E-mail:

Cite this article:

Yu Bengong,Zhu Xiaojie,Zhang Ziwei. A Capsule Network Model for Text Classification with Multi-level Feature Extraction. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2021, 5(6): 93-102.

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Model Frame Diagram
Global Feature Acquisition Model
Flow Chart of Dynamic Routing Algorithm
数据集 标签 样本量
汽车评论 正向 14 513
负向 14 482
电信投诉 业务规则 4 171
运营管理 4 304
宣传推广 4 977
通讯问题 9 243
头条新闻 文化 1 060
娱乐 1 568
体育 1 540
财经 1 093
房产 700
汽车 1 433
Statistics of Experimental Data
实验参数 参数值
词嵌入维度 300
GRU隐藏单元 128
胶囊数量 10
胶囊维度 16
路由迭代次数 5
优化器 Adam
batch size 64
epoch 20
dropout 0.25
Experimental Parameter Settings
数据集 模型 P R F1
汽车评论 Transformer 90.89 90.88 90.88
TextRNN 91.40 91.37 91.28
GCN 93.25 93.27 93.25
G-Caps 93.81 93.78 93.78
TextRCNN 94.96 94.92 94.93
MFE-CapsNet 96.24 96.22 96.21
电信投诉 Transformer 88.60 88.92 88.61
TextRNN 90.91 90.90 90.05
GCN 91.76 91.47 91.41
G-Caps 92.95 92.29 92.49
TextRCNN 93.98 92.53 92.68
MFE-CapsNet 94.47 94.02 94.17
头条新闻 Transformer 85.99 83.29 83.79
TextRNN 89.71 89.03 89.14
GCN 92.07 92.02 92.02
G-Caps 93.21 92.67 92.83
TextRCNN 93.57 93.97 93.73
MFE-CapsNet 94.42 94.02 94.19
Experimental Results
数据集模型 汽车评论 电信投诉 头条新闻
BiGRU-CapsNet 94.59 94.67 94.39
MFE-CapsNet 96.22 95.05 94.46
Accuracy of BiGRU-CapsNet and MFE-CapsNet
The Influence of Routing Iteration Times on F1 Value
函数数据集 汽车评论 电信投诉 头条新闻
squash1x 95.57 92.76 92.31
squash2x 96.22 95.05 94.46
The Influence of Squeeze Function on Accuracy
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