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Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery  2022, Vol. 6 Issue (4): 108-119    DOI: 10.11925/infotech.2096-3467.2021.0880
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Profiling Big Data Users with Qualitative and Quantitative Fusion Methods
Wu Wenhan()
Department of Library Information and Archives, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, China
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[Objective] This research designed a new model of profiling big data users’ portraits, aiming to address the fusion issue facing qualitative and quantitative methods. [Methods] We combined qualitative and quantitative methods to design the new model, which has a user value map based on sociological and psychological theories. Then, we used the Look-alike algorithm to build a map data label system, and used the K-Means clustering algorithm to processs the data. Finally, we interpret the clustered data. [Results] We examined our model with 200 million data points, and successfully divided young users into 20 groups. The total amount of data reached 17 million with 606 labels, which are better than the survey data. [Limitations] More research is needed to extract more original data, improve the subjective control of the user value map, as well as conduct heterogeneous data profiling. [Conclusions] The proposed model is of significance for related studies.

Key wordsBig Data      User Portrait      Empirical Research      Fusion Method     
Received: 20 August 2021      Published: 31 December 2021
ZTFLH:  G202  
Corresponding Authors: Wu Wenhan,ORCID:0000-0003-4432-6478     E-mail:

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Wu Wenhan. Profiling Big Data Users with Qualitative and Quantitative Fusion Methods. Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery, 2022, 6(4): 108-119.

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Full View of Fusion Model Design
类别 标签属性 名称 工作日 假期
工作时段8-18点 休闲时段18-24点 睡眠时段0-8点 生活时段8-24点 睡眠时段0-8点
POI POI搜索 咖啡厅(POI编码:000001) act_85-00_0_8_18 act_85-00_0_18_24 act_85-00_0_0_8 act_85-00_1_8_24 act_85-00_1_0_8
POI POI到达 咖啡厅 arr_85-00_0_8_18 arr_85-00_0_18_24 arr_85-00_0_0_8 arr_85-00_1_8_24 arr_85-00_1_0_8
APP APP使用 拍照摄影(大类编码:000002) app_85-00_0_8_18 app_85-00_0_18_24 app_85-00_0_0_8 app_85-00_1_8_24 app_85-00_1_0_8
Basic Information of Data and Labels
User Value Map

外显 内敛
群体价值观 服饰消费 购置奢侈品牌(Prada、LV、Hermes等) 热爱钻研 去科技展;购置VR眼镜;长时间使用极客类APP(每日超过两小时)
内容消费 美图和自拍APP深度用户 独自享用 垂钓园一个月两次以上;周末使用外卖软件(每周超过两次);网购泡面和速食火锅
娱乐场所 出入特定娱乐场所(酒吧、马术俱乐部);
自学自乐 足不出户的教育APP深度用户(腾讯课堂、网易公开课等)


求新 求稳
个体价值观 小众追求 去小众国家旅游(摩洛哥、捷克等) 不加班 工作日6点下班,双休日不去公司加班
线下活动 经常出差(每月1~2次);周末加班;高频
线下活动 单一城市;出行旅游城市
信息搜集 财经类APP重度用户(每日超过两小时) 两点一线 周末总是长时间待在家里或者去购物中心消磨时光
Seed Group Core Distinguishing Labels
维度 正负分类 种子人群数量 交集数 AUC
群体价值观 外显 476 843 1 403 0.95
内敛 460 606
个体价值观 求新 301 826 7 0.83
求稳 315 418
Seed Group Selection and Results Evaluation
Classification and Composition of Label System
Overview of 20 Groups of People
K值类别 80后 85后 90后 95后
14(0.951 4) 14(0.970 7) 13(0.960 5) 10(0.903 9)
15(0.964 2) 15(0.979 3) 14(0.960 7) 11(0.919 6)
16(0.974 8) 16(0.991 4) 15(0.977 6) 12(0.938 9)
17(0.990 5) 17(0.998 9) 16(0.994 7) 13(0.970 6)
18(1.000 0) 18(1.000 0) 17(1.000 0) 14(1.000 0)
14(1.000 0) 14(0.821 9) 13(0.744 9) 10(1.000 0)
15(0.773 9) 15(1.000 0) 14(0.847 7) 11(0.856 3)
16(0.802 3) 16(0.948 6) 15(1.000 0) 12(0.844 8)
17(0.958 4) 17(0.712 3) 16(0.906 2) 13(0.918 8)
18(0.727 9) 18(0.900 7) 17(0.995 5) 14(0.957 2)
Results of Different Parameters for 4 Groups
关键指标 基于定性定量融合方法
总数据量/×103 178 987(输出结果) 12
划分群体数 20 18
标签/问题数 617 76
其中:基础信息 11 19
其中:偏好信息 606 57
解析维度大类 3 3
Horizontal Comparison of Research Results
对比维度 基于定性定量融合方法
数据类型 静态数据结合动态位置 静态数据
数据形成 用户行为数据化 研究量化
关键技术 研究过程和算法设计 调查问卷和访谈
研究耗时 耗时相对较长(可分摊) 耗时较长,主要在寻找
研究视角 用户客观数据为主 用户主观回答
呈现方式 动态图形为主 表格数据为主
Methodological Comparison
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